I am Vardy

Chapter 20 The Beautiful Reporter

At the gate of the base, Vardy felt that it was impossible or missed, because at this time there were already several reporters squatting here. Although Everton is not a wealthy team, it is still a Premier League team and has received a lot of attention.

Every player will be chased and intercepted by reporters, hoping to get some valuable news or information from them. Vardy watched this scene not far away with great interest, wondering if he would have the same treatment Woolen cloth?

The players have reporters who are familiar with each other, and they may stop to chat for a few words and make some harmless jokes. As for the reporters who are not familiar with each other, they don't have such a good attitude and just laugh it off.

However, Vardy saw a strange phenomenon. Among the big bearded men, there was unexpectedly a young and beautiful figure with light yellow hair, a slender figure, a well-proportioned plump figure, and a beautiful appearance. It can be said to be a beautiful landscape, and it really doesn't fit in with the reporter group.

But this big beauty is a reporter, because she is chasing after Gravesen to ask questions, but the Norwegian obviously did not favor her because she is a beauty, and walked into the training ground with a smile and waved his hands.

Immediately, Vardy gave a thumbs up to Gravesen's back, sitting still, a real man!

Such a beautiful girl could refuse, and Vardy felt that he should refresh Gravesen's image in his heart.

But what happened next made Vardy dumbfounded. Almost every reporter waiting here has gained something. Only this beautiful reporter has no Everton player to accept her interview. Vardy can't help but wonder, Could it be that there are problems with the orientation of these new teammates?

In fact, Vardy was wrong. It wasn't that there was a problem with their orientation, but that they didn't want to have anything to do with female reporters, especially beautiful ones.

If you are not able to withstand the temptation, be fascinated, and say something that should not be said, then the unlucky player is definitely the player.

So no matter how greedy everyone is, they can only say sorry to the beautiful reporter.

Vardy didn't know this, so he felt terrified, and now he was worried that his pink daisy would be in danger!

When he walked through the gate of the training base, he happened to hear a few veteran journalists laughing at this beautiful reporter.

Girls shouldn't be journalists who come out to show their faces. Even if you stand here for a day, no one will accept your interview. Even if you are a reporter from the Echo, it is useless!

Annie really wanted to take off her high heels now, and nailed them fiercely on the face of the guy in front of her who was talking yin and yang. The slightly undulating chest because of anger was showing a deadly temptation.

She is an intern reporter for the Liverpool Echo. She came to the newspaper as an intern after graduation. She was not supposed to come to Everton to interview, but because the reporter responsible for Everton news was on vacation, she came out to replace her for a while. .

Originally, I thought that being a girl had an unparalleled innate advantage, and collecting news was not easy, but I never thought that I would encounter such a big setback because of a bad start.

One player after another scans themselves with naked eyes, as if they want to eat themselves, but they all refuse to accept her interview without exception, which makes Annie feel extremely depressed.

When Vardy walked into the stadium, the reporters all noticed, but no one cared, who knows what this obviously underage guy is doing, even if he is a player, they don't care, no one cares about this unknown guy.

But Annie felt that this was an opportunity. Ordinary people would not rush to the Everton training base so swaggeringly. There was only one possibility, and that was that this young player was an Everton player and a first-team player.

Thinking of this,

Annie, who had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, stepped forward and stopped Vardy.

Our big beauty is really desperate to go to the doctor. She actually goes to interview such a little guy. It's really hungry. If you really can't stand it, my brothers can satisfy you. I promise to make you want to die!

Yeah, the little guy can't do it, he has no experience!

Do you think this kid is an Everton player? What a big joke! Even if he is a player? Do you know who he is?


Those bastards laughed from behind, Annie gritted her teeth, but she was firm in her opinion.

Hello, I'm Annie, a reporter from the Echo. Are you an Everton player? Can you accept my interview?

Looking at the stubborn and pleading eyes of the girl in front of him, Vardy felt that he couldn't harden his heart no matter what.

I'm an Everton player. My name is Jamie Vardy. I can accept your interview, but not now. I'm going to be late for training. If you don't mind, we can make another appointment! Vardy smiled warmly the way.

That's really great. I'll wait for you here when your training is over. I can treat you to dinner tonight, okay? Annie was very excited. She didn't have much hope at first, but she didn't expect Vardy to really Everton player, and has also agreed to be interviewed himself.

Vardy nodded, turned around and waved his hands, and walked into the dressing room, leaving Anne alone at the door excitedly.

The reporters who were watching the joke not far away were a little dumbfounded. Although Vardy and Annie spoke in a low voice, they still heard them clearly.

That little guy is Vardy who was loaned from Manchester United by Everton, right? Why does it look so small?

This beautiful girl is really lucky. He actually bumped into one of them. Look at the way that guy is showing his soul in front of girls. I think the beautiful girl must sell her lust at night!

It doesn't matter. Such a young guy doesn't even have any hair. He is probably playing a soy sauce role in Everton. What news can there be? Don't sacrifice your appearance and find that you don't get anything. That would be ridiculous. !


Annie looked at these colleagues who were making shameful sarcastic remarks, showing angry eyes, but then disappeared.

Just make it public, and when I get the news, let's see what kind of face you will have!

Annie said bitterly in her heart.

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