I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 96: Only Her (2)

Chapter 96: Only Her (2)

The footsteps stopped in front of him, and he could clearly see the peony pattern on her skirt. The peonies were beautifully embroidered, as if real peonies were blooming on her skirt, so red that it pierced into his heart. He heard the sound of the wind blowing, the sound of snowflakes falling, and the beating of his own heart.

Master Shi.

He raised his head, his gaze avoided her lips, and landed on the flower tinsel on her forehead. The red lotus is like fire. I don't know whether it is because the skin is white that makes the lotus so red, or because the lotus is so red that makes the skin so fair.

I have met Princess Fule. His voice was very calm, like snow on the ground, without any waves.

Are you promoted? Ban Hua remembered that Shi Jin was Wei Wei Siqing at first, but now he was wearing silver armor, which seemed to be his promotion.

Thanks to the great love of the emperor, I now take the post of deputy commander of the imperial guards.

Ban Hua blinked, and calculated in his mind how many ranks the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard was. She glanced at Shi Jin, who was tall and straight, with a pretty face, and with this silver armor, she looked so good, she couldn't help but take another look.

Princess, Shi Jin saw that she was standing outside the hall and did not go in. He thought she was nervous, so he whispered, The eldest princess, Lord Hou, Mrs. Hou, and the prince have all arrived. After thinking for a while, he added, The hour is coming.

Chaozhong Xungui had almost arrived, and she arrived a little late.

Thank you. Ban Hua knew that he was reminding himself, and blessed him, It's very cold outside the hall, Lord Shi, please pay attention.

Shi Jin silently cupped his fists at Ban Hua, and he raised his head only after Ban Hua walked away, and all he saw was the skirt swinging past the palace gate.

The peonies are in full bloom, just like... the way she just laughed.

Why hasn't your sister come yet? Ban Huai whispered to Ban Heng, Didn't you enter the palace together?

The one who picked up my sister just now was the nanny in the Queen's Palace. She should be fine. Ban Heng looked at the entrance of the palace, and said helplessly, It's no wonder she can walk fast in such a complicated palace dress today.

Here we come. Ban Huai looked at his daughter who appeared at the gate of the hall, and thought with a smile, she is indeed his daughter, she is so beautiful.

As a father, Ban Huai felt that his daughter was invincible and beautiful in the world, and no other girl could match his own daughter, even the royal princess was not enough in front of his daughter.

Since he was a child, he loved to tell Banhua that his daughter is so beautiful and cute, and no one in the capital can match her. So much so that when Banhua grew up, he was also so... Fascinated and confident.

Ban Heng always felt that his sister's narcissism was caused by his father.

Hibiscus is not as good as beauty makeup, and the fragrance of pearls and emeralds comes from the water palace...

Rong Xia heard a young man beside him suddenly start reciting poems, still the same... undisguised poems, looked at this young man with a smile on his face, but saw him staring blankly at the door, as if confused mind,

He looked towards the door curiously, and saw the gorgeously dressed woman at the gate of the palace.

Red jade beads, beautiful clothes, and Qianqian make small steps.

The smile on Rong Xia's face became a little dazed. He looked at this woman walking slowly towards the palace, and was amazed by the beauty of red and white in his mind.

He had imagined how this set of blood jade jewelry would look like worn by others countless times, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of any face in the world that could match this set of blood jade jewelry.

It turned out that it was her. Only she is worthy of such gorgeous and flamboyant jewelry.

Rong Xia felt that there seemed to be something filling in her heart, like something that she wanted but never got when she was a child, and finally got it one day, and then found that this thing is even more beautiful than she imagined.

The voices in the hall became louder, and even the young master who lost his composure and read out a poem that seemed too frivolous just now, he didn't seem to see the woman who walked in from the gate of the palace, and used his posture of drinking to cover up his gaffe just now.

They didn't look at her with their eyes, but they looked at her countless times in their hearts.

Rong Xia picked up the wine glass, respected Ban Hua from a distance, and drank it with her head raised.

Ban Hua stopped and smiled at him.

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