I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 93 Red Plum in Snow (1)

Chapter 93 Red Plum in Snow (1)

Ban Heng looked at the door, why did Cheng Anbo mansion send people over at this time? The fact that the Yan family boss came to their house to make an apology, probably spread all over the capital. Cheng Anbo sent someone over at this time, isn't it afraid that the Yan family will think that he came to see a joke on purpose?

Du Jiu followed the steward all the way into the main hall, he didn't seem to expect that Yan Ming was there, after showing the ceremony to the Ban family, he gave Yan Ming a big gift.

Du Jiu is the guard next to Rong Xia, so anyone in the capital who is familiar with Rong Xia knows Du Jiu. When Yan Ming saw Du Jiu, he was more surprised than the Ban family, but the first thing he thought of was not that Rong Xia came to see the Yan family's jokes, but was surprised that Rong Xia had a relationship with the Ban family.

Guard Du, please sit down. Ban Heng glanced at the two boxes in Du Jiu's hands. The boxes were neither big nor small, and looked like they were used to hold books, pens, ink, paper and inkstones.

In the morning, his sister gave Cheng Amber a gift in his name, shouldn't she be returning the gift now? I just delivered it in the morning, and now I'm returning the gift, isn't it a little rushed?

Thinking that there might be pens, inks, papers and inkstones inside, Ban Heng lost interest in an instant. Except for his grandmother and mother who communicated poetry, no one in his family was good at reading and writing.

I don't dare, Du Jiu saw that Yan Ming, the son of the prime minister, was standing, and he, a small guard, would naturally not sit down. The gift of thanks from the son is too expensive, and the uncle is both happy and uneasy. Thank you very much. The son cut off his love. This is a small gift prepared by the uncle for the son, please don't dislike it.

Uncle Rong is too polite, it's just a worthless gadget, why give him a gift in return? Ban Heng waved his hand, and said nonchalantly, It's too much for Uncle Rong to be like this.

Du Jiu's hand holding the box trembled, a worthless gadget?

That's Watching the Moon in the Cold Mountain, and it's an authentic work!

Whose cheap gadget is so precious? ! Ever since she was adopted by the Rong family, Du Jiu has been by Rong Xia's side. She thinks she has seen a lot of good things, but she has never seen someone as informal as the Ban family.

If the son doesn't accept it, it will be the birth share, Du Jiu said with a smile, My uncle loves the paintings sent by the son, and bluntly speaking, they are good things that can't be exchanged for a thousand dollars.

Cough, be polite, Ban Heng squinted at Ban Hua, what did his sister give Rong Xia in his name?

Ban Hua ignored Ban Heng, and instead asked the housekeeper to accept the gift from Du Jiu.

Seeing this, Du Jiu felt more and more that the picture was sent by Princess Ban specially.

After Du Jiu returned the gift, he left immediately. In Yan Ming's view, Du Jiu was really just here to return the gift, and the personal relationship between the two families didn't seem to be particularly good.

Why did the Ban family give Rong Xia a thank you gift?

Yan Ming remembered the words that Rong Xia praised Ban Hua in front of many scholars a few days ago. It was because of Rong Xia's words that the Yan family's reputation was completely ruined. At first he was very angry about this, but in just a few days, his father was seriously ill at home and his position was promoted, he suddenly understood. Rong Xia is not speaking for the Ban family, but for His Majesty. His Majesty has suspected their family.

If not, why is there so much movement in the court in recent days? Many officials who have good relations with the Yan family have been relegated to a place of bitter cold, and even several officials who supported the prince were also punished.

Their family has been secretly supporting the prince behind his back, even the Shi family doesn't know, why would the emperor know about it?

The most frightening thing was that Rong Xia probably also knew about their family's secret support for the prince, so at this time, she would rather offend their family than stand up to protect the reputation of Princess Ban.

It's ridiculous that everyone in the world thinks that Rong Xia is an upright gentleman, but in his bones, he is just a villain.

Master Xiao Yan, Ban Hua looked at Yan Ming, I've heard your apology, please go back.

The corner of Yan Ming's mouth twitched, looking at this glamorous woman, thinking of his younger brother who was sick in bed, he bowed deeply to her: I will take my leave.

Walk slowly.

Walking out of Jingting Hou's mansion, Yan Ming rode on a horse, looked at the people coming and going, and felt a little panic in his heart. What should the Yan family do in the future, which has been suspected by His Majesty?

After walking for a while, he met Chen Jiada Lang unexpectedly. This person was his eldest brother a few days ago, but now the two families have changed from in-laws to enemies. The way the eldest brother looks at him is like looking at the most hateful person in the world.


Master Yan, please don't gossip about relatives. The Chen family is a small family, and I can't afford you to be a big brother. Mr. Chen's face was very ugly, he didn't even want to say a word to Yan Ming, he turned around and was about to leave.

Brother Chen, sister Ling...how is your health? Yan Ming couldn't help asking when thinking of Mrs. Chen.

Heh, Chen Jiadalang sneered, what does it have to do with you?

Yan Ming stared blankly at the back of Mr. Chen's family, and felt that the world was so big that there was nothing he felt relaxed about.

Ban Heng put the two boxes sent by Cheng Amber in front of Banhua. One box contained an inkstone, and the other box was filled with local blood jade jewelry. I don't know where these blood jades were found, but there is no trace of impurities, they are as gorgeous as bright red blood, and they are so coquettishly beautiful.

Cheng Amber... is quite generous. He thought for a long time, and he could only use this word to describe it, because this box of blood jade is a good thing that money can't buy, and the workmanship is very fine, unlike folks. thing.

It's so beautiful. Banhua took out a bracelet and put it on. The bright red blood jade made her hands whiter and more moist.

Ban Heng fiddled with the Fang inkstone in distaste, This Fang inkstone was just made up by him.

Both of them gave things in his name, but they ended up giving him an inkstone. He doesn't like writing, so why give him this thing?

As the eldest son of the Hou family, Ban Heng felt that his dignity had been challenged.

So angry, but he didn't dare to complain yet.

Didn't you want to buy some invincible generalissimo last time? Ban Hua was in a very good mood after getting such beautiful jewelry, so he gave Ban Heng five hundred taels of silver to buy his favorite generalissimo.

The invincible generalissimo, a big rooster with very powerful fighting power.

Ban Heng immediately became happy, and he didn't care about the Fang Yantai. When he caught her sister, he boasted that this place was beautiful, and that place was beautiful, so that Ban Hua finally gave him an extra one hundred taels.

As for the inkstone that was ignored by the Ban family siblings, the asking price was at least 800 taels outside, but it was a pity that it met the two siblings who didn't know what to buy, so it could only become worthless.

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