Chapter 84

Princess Ban is in line with those stunning women in the poems. She has noble status, beautiful appearance, gorgeous clothes, and graceful figure. Aside from her personality, she is the exquisite and unparalleled fairy concubine in the poems.

When the uncle saw this, wouldn't he be hooked?

Not to mention uncle, I'm afraid that many men in the capital have been amazed by Princess Ban, otherwise why would there be so many women who don't like Princess Ban?

As women, how many people like their husbands or sweethearts being seduced by other women? Maybe they knew in their hearts that it was the lecherous man who was wrong, but they cared about this man so much, and the only thing they hated was the woman who seduced them away.

It's better to ask someone to make peace again. Yan Ming really couldn't bear his younger brother's appearance, It is possible for the Ban family to change their mind.

No one is allowed to go! Yan Hui walked in from the outside, looking at the youngest son on the bed with hatred, You don't think the Yan family is shameful enough, do you?

Shame, shame, you only think about shame, what about the child?! Mrs. Yan finally couldn't hold back her emotions, Do you want to watch him die?

He doesn't live up to it, so who can blame him? Yan Hui was angry and worried, his mouth full of bitterness, The Ban family doesn't want to marry their daughter to us at all, so we begged at the door right now, what's the difference from forcing us to death.

So what if I force you to die? Mrs. Yan wiped her eyes and said sharply, I just beg and ask the Ban family to marry their daughter. If the master stops me, I will die in front of you.

You, you! Yan Hui clutched his chest, his face pale with anger, If you dare to come out of this door today, I will divorce you!

Father! Yan Ming supported Yan Hui, and hurriedly persuaded him, Sit down first, don't get too angry.

Mrs. Chen also went to persuade her mother-in-law, but Mrs. Yan pushed her away. She couldn't dodge in time and was bumped into the bonsai next to her.

Grandma! Chen's maid was so frightened that she stepped forward to help her up.

I'm fine. Mrs. Chen stroked her aching belly, looked at Mrs. Yan's furious back, turned her head to look at her husband who was sitting beside her father-in-law, and said in a calm to indifferent tone, Go call the doctor.

Grandma, what's the matter with you? The servant girl's face changed with fright. Grandma's menstruation has been late for more than ten days, could it be...

It's nothing serious, maybe it's a miscarriage, Chen felt something flow out of her lower abdomen.

Hearing the screams from the maidservants around her, Chen felt a sense of relief. Seeing her husband walking towards her in a hurry, she raised her hand little by little, and hit the man's face with all her strength. .


A crisp slap sounded, and Chen's blood-stained lower skirt exuded a strong fishy smell.

When the members of the Ban family heard that the servants reported that Mrs. Zuo Xiang had arrived, they didn't have the slightest surprise on their faces.

Ban Heng turned his head to look at his elder sister, who was holding a snow-white fine porcelain teacup in her hand, which was dyed Danko, and she looked amazingly beautiful. Mrs. Zuo Xiang's arrival didn't seem to affect her, she even ate a piece of snack with great interest.

Yin sneered: His family raises a worthless guy, and he wants my precious daughter to marry him. What kind of thing is their family?

I'll ask someone to drive her away, so as not to cause trouble. Ban Huai slapped the table and was about to call his servants in.

What are you panicking? The old woman sitting at the top finally spoke. She picked up the teacup and gently scratched the teacup with the lid. get married.

The eldest princess put the teacup on the table lightly, and the teacup made a clicking sound.

Her words were like a pinnacle of calming the sea, making everyone in the Ban family quiet down.

Huanhua is my granddaughter, with half of the royal blood flowing through her body, and the Yan family is not worthy of her. The eldest princess looked pale, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a silk handkerchief, What does the Yan family have to do with us? .”

If you want to die, die farther away, don't obstruct Ben Gong's eyes.

In the cold voice of the Eldest Princess, there was a cold killing intent.

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