I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 77: A Good Book Matches a Talented Scholar (1)

Chapter 77: A Good Book Matches a Talented Scholar (1)

Miss Shi was joking, Rong Xia said with a smile on her face, Fame festivals are so important, how could Rong be so careless. I am not alone with the Princess, and I am accompanied by the eldest son, please don't misunderstand me, Miss Shi.

Shi Feixian forced a smile and said, It's my fault.

Ban Hua turned around and was about to leave. When she turned her head and saw Shi Feixian's face froze with a smile, she couldn't help but glance at Rong Xia, and found that Rong Xia was looking at her. She raised her eyebrows and stretched out a tender and fair index finger Point to the door, go?

Farewell. Rong Xia said goodbye to the Shi family brothers and sisters with a smile.

Princess, Yan Zhen ran out of the pavilion. He casually cupped his hands at the brothers and sisters of the Shi family, and then chased after Rong Xia and Ban Hua in the direction where Rong Xia and Ban Hua left. , I don’t read books anymore, I don’t want rules, I just want the woman I’m infatuated with to look at him more.

Shi Feixian watched Yan Zhen throw his face away to chase a woman with cold eyes, and said coldly: What kind of scholar, what kind of gentleman, is just a vulgar thing who can't walk when he sees a beauty.

You say Yan Zhen or Rong Xia? Shi Jin glanced at his younger sister, As a noble girl, you have lost your sense of proportion in front of Rong Xia.

What kind of person is he? He can be compared with Uncle Rong, Shi Feixian looked a bit unattractive after being exposed by his brother, but he seemed relieved in his heart. At least she didn't have to deliberately hide it in front of her brother, Rong Isn't Uncle a very good marriage partner?

He's not suitable for you, Shi Jin wanted to say, Rong Xia didn't see her at all, but seeing the friendship in his sister's eyes, Shi Jin's heart softened again, Sister, you deserve a better man.

A better man? Shi Feixian sneered when he heard this, Only my elder brother and Uncle Rong can be called young talents, and everyone else is just vulgar. Man, who do you think I can marry?

The most ridiculous thing is that in order to make Zuo Xiang completely support the prince, the family deliberately asked her to marry Yan Zhen, but they didn't expect that they would actually fall in love with a woman who had retired three times. She didn't understand what was so good about Ban Hua that he could fascinate the young master of Yan Zuoxiang's family like this.

I should be glad that no one in the whole capital knows that our family intends to marry the Yan family? Shi Feixian felt very embarrassed when he thought that the man he was almost going to marry would pursue other women, Anyway, I was born to marry the Yan family. Eldest sister sacrificed.

If the eldest sister can't give birth to a son in the future, will I still have to be the concubine of the prince and help the eldest sister have a child? Shi Feixian has always had a knot in his heart, that is, the whole family always revolves around the eldest sister who is the princess, and everything It's the prince, the princess, what is her second daughter?

She is more talented and prettier than her elder sister, if it wasn't because she was born a few years later than her, how could she not even be able to make decisions about her own marriage because of her elder sister.

Feixian! Shi Jin heard Shi Feixian's words getting more and more outrageous, and said with a downcast face, It's not easy for eldest sister to marry into the East Palace. If our own family members say such things, how can eldest sister deal with herself?

It's not easy for her, should I sacrifice for her honorable life? Shi Feixian's eyes turned red, I'm also a daughter of the Shi family!

Seeing his sister like this, Shi Jin sighed in a low voice, and gently advised: Don't worry, I won't let you marry Yan Zhen.

I only have Princess Fule, who is as beautiful as a fairy, in my heart now, and even if you are willing to marry, I am not willing to marry, Shi Feixian said angrily, I don't have a beautiful face that can overwhelm the country and the city.

Nonsense, Shi Jin reached out and patted her head, Our Feixian is the number one beauty in the capital, and the men who want to marry you can line up from the top to the bottom of the city. A nerd like Yan Zhen, how could he know anything? A real beauty.

Brother, who is more beautiful between me and Princess Fule? Shi Feixian looked at Shi Jin, Huh?

In my brother's heart, you are naturally the most beautiful. Shi Jin patted her on the shoulder, turned around and said, Let's go, don't make other guests wait too long.

Shi Feixian smiled sweetly at him, and then said: I'm sorry, brother, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you just now.

I'm your big brother, you don't have to tell me you're sorry. Shi Jin gently touched the top of his sister's hair, blinked, and hid the last trace of disappointment in his eyes without a trace.

It can be regarded as coming out, Ban Heng walked out of the gate of Biezhuang, glanced at the servants who nodded and bowed to him, and said to the servant, Go, I am happy today, young master, and reward them with a handful of silver coins.

Yes. I know that my elder son has the habit of rewarding silver when he is happy, so the servants who serve him will always carry some broken silver and copper plates with them. If the elder son says rewards, the servants will grab them out. , these young servants who served close to them got a name in the mansion: Boy of Good Fortune.

In fact, the girls around the princess also had the name of a good fortune virgin, but the whole family knew that the princess was very favored, and no one dared to call the people around the princess that way, for fear of being punished.

What's so happy about it? Ban Hua lifted the hem of her skirt and stepped on a stool to get into the carriage. When she saw her younger brother throwing money to reward the servants, she stopped curiously and looked back at Ban Heng.

It's okay. Ban Heng approached Ban Hua with a smile, and whispered, Seeing those nerds who claim to be honest and gentlemen peek at you from time to time, I feel relieved.

Am I an item? Let them look at it to relieve their anger. Ban Hua stretched out his finger and flicked his forehead. Okay, go and tell Uncle Rong that I'm in the carriage.

Be careful, Ban Heng held up Ban Hua's skirt carefully, and muttered, This dress looks good, but it's too troublesome to walk, you women just like to toss.

Although he has seen his sister struggle for beauty countless times, he still complains countless times.

What do you know? Ban Hua climbed into the carriage, flicked her skirt, and said with a smile, As long as it's beautiful, it's worth it.

Ban Heng obediently put down the curtain for Banhua, turned around and jumped off the carriage, and said to Rong Xia, Uncle Rong, please.

Please. Rong Xia glanced at the tightly covered carriage, climbed onto the horse's back, pulled the horse's rein, and the horse turned around.

Ban Shizi, Yan Zhen trotted out, followed by a bunch of servants, please wait a moment.

Ban Heng frowned after seeing the person coming, and wanted to pretend he didn't hear and continue walking, but Yan Zhen was so persistent that he chased his horse, even if he wanted to pretend he didn't see it.

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