Chapter 75

Ban Hua turned her head in a daze, and looked at the man under the corridor.

There are bandits and gentlemen, who are as sharp as cutting, and as sharp as grinding.

There are bandits and gentlemen who are full of ears and are as good as stars.

There are bandit gentlemen, such as gold and tin, such as jade and jade.

Ban Hua, who never liked reading, actually flashed these three sentences in her mind. She couldn't remember the source or who the author was, but these three sentences suddenly came out of her mind when she saw Rong Xia .

She smiled and tilted her head. It seemed that she could read a line or two of poems, but she didn't find a suitable environment for her to read poems.

At present, anyone can become a talented person who has read a lot of books, such as... her.

Seeing that Ban Hua noticed her, Rong Xia straightened her body, straightened her robes, and walked in front of Ban Hua and Yan Zhen: Are you two planning to go back?

Yan Zhen didn't expect that he would deliberately pick someone else to recite poems and paint paintings, and when he was riding and playing ball, he would come to talk to the class princess, and someone would come to disturb them. He saw Rong Xia walking straight towards this side, and he was stunned for a long time before he realized to greet Rong Xia.

Uncle Rong. Yan Zhen wanted Rong Xia to go away, but he couldn't say that, and he couldn't say it.

Young Master Yan, Rong Xia returned the salute, then turned to Ban Hua and said, Princess, don't you want to continue playing for a while?

Ban Hua shook his head: It's getting late, I should go back.

Yan Zhen glanced at the sky, it was less than an hour past noon, when the sun was the warmest, how could it be that it was not early? He suddenly realized that Princess Fule might feel a little bored, so he hurriedly said, There is a place nearby with a beautiful view. If the princess doesn't mind, I will accompany you for a walk.

Rong Xia felt that today's sun made people feel a little uncomfortable, which made him feel anxious. He put his hands behind his back, and his eyes fell on Ban Hua's skirt. The back of the skirt is embroidered with a peacock tail, reflecting gorgeous brilliance in the sun. Standing in the sun, she really turned into a proud and beautiful peacock, her whole body glowing.

I don't think there's any need for it, Banhua straightened the dress on her body, and said with a smile, The clothes I'm wearing today shouldn't go too far.

Yan Zhen stared blankly at the smiling Ban Hua, and was stunned: You, you are so beautiful.

Thank you. Ban Hua helped the hairpin on his temples, and accepted the compliment without humility.

I, that... Yan Zhen's face was blushing suddenly, I didn't lie.

Well, no woman would hate others to praise her beauty, Ban Hua smiled at Yan Zhen, Young Master Yan, do you have anything else to say to me?

I... Yan Zhen turned to look at Rong Xia, and bowed to him, Uncle Rong, I have something to say to the princess.

Could you please go a little further away?

Sorry, Rong Xia smiled at Yan Zhen, and said to Ban Hua, Princess, I'm not far away.

Ban Hua responded with a big smile on his face. Did Rong Xia specifically explain it because she was worried that something would happen to her and Yan Zhen when they were together in private?

It was true what was said outside, Mr. Rong is a rare gentleman.

Ban Hua didn't let the servant girl who was accompanying her back down, and after Rong Xia walked away, she asked, Mr. Yan, please tell me.

Princess, the last time I left the royal hunting ground, I will never forget the beauty of the princess, Mr. Yan bowed to Banhua, I don't know what Mrs. Zhou said a few days ago, what is the county's plan?

Ban Hua moved a step to the side, avoiding Yan Zhen's salute: Young master Yan, your words are a bit abrupt. This is really a fool who reads and reads, who would suddenly run in front of a person of the opposite sex and say, last time I After seeing you, I want to marry you. Will you marry me?

I also know that this statement is very offensive, Yan Zhen smiled wryly, It's just that I don't know where it came from, and I will remember it in my heart and never forget it.

If I can ask to marry the princess, I will treat the princess well, and I will not accept a concubine as a roommate, and I will never treat the princess poorly for the rest of my life. Mr. Yan still insists on having a couple for life, Please consider the princess.

This confession was already very bold. With the Yan family's family education, if they knew that their son had said such explicit things to the girl, they might force Yan Zhen to kneel down on the ancestral tablet. He knew that this was too absurd, but he was afraid in his heart, afraid that if he didn't express his feelings today, Princess Fuller would not look at him more, and the Ban family would not consider the marriage of the two families.

After listening to Yan Zhen's words, Banhua inexplicably remembered the story that Uncle Rong told her when he sent her back to the mansion a few days ago. When the scholar asked to marry Miss Qianjin, he also said that he would treat this lady kindly for the rest of his life, but this Because the young lady could not give birth to a son, she was finally tortured to death by her mother-in-law. The scholar married the daughter of a high official, and the mother-in-law sealed the imperial order.

It can be seen that a man's oath cannot be done accurately.

I don't understand Mr. Yan's words, Ban Hua held the hand of the servant girl Ruyi, and walked slowly towards a gazebo, which was closer to where Rong Xia was standing. Can I stay with you forever?

Princess, you may not know that when you appear in the hunting ground wearing a red dress and riding a horse, the entire hunting ground will be overshadowed by your appearance. If you can get the princess to marry you, you will die with no regrets. Following behind Ban Hua, she continued to speak her heart.

You are all dead, what am I going to marry you for, be a widow?

Banhua lifted the jeweled embroidered shoes and stepped on the white marble steps, walked to the pavilion and sat down, resting his chin on one hand, looked at Rong Xia at the corner of the nine-curved corridor, and Rong Xia cupped his hands at her from a distance. Ban Hua looked away with a smile, turned around and saw Yan Zhen still looking at her with burning eyes, and said, If Lingtang doesn't like me and insists on letting you take a concubine, what will you do?

Mother wouldn't do that, Yan Zhen shook her head, She always loves me.

What if she insists on doing this if I can't have a baby? Banhua asked, Then what should I do then?

Yan Zhen still shook her head: No, she won't.

Ban Hua chuckled, and stopped looking at Yan Zhen: I thought Mr. Yan would say that you will protect me, and you won't let me suffer half a grievance.

Yan Zhen was stunned. He never thought that there would be conflicts between his wife and his mother. The mother is so gentle and generous, and the servants around him are also well-behaved. Serving the master carefully, why would the princess think such an unpleasant situation? What might happen?

Seeing that he didn't seem to have thought about it at all, Ban Hua thought this Yan Zhen was cute, as cute as a child.

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