I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 44: Trash Snacks (2)

Chapter 44: Trash Snacks (2)

Yes. The housekeeper felt that the people in the Jingting Hou's Mansion were a little out of touch. Which family gave gifts to people with these small snacks? If you met a narrow-minded family, you should think that they were looking down on people, and they didn't even need a plate of snacks. get up.

The taste of the dim sum this time is the same as last time, but probably because no one is obviously reluctant to look at her pretending to be generous, Rong Xia feels that it is not as delicious as last time. After eating two pieces, Rong Xia put down her chopsticks, turned her head and continued to read.

The next morning, Ban Heng woke up early. He collected things here and there, and found some silver and small things that were valuable but didn't take up space and put them into the camouflaged sandbags. Thanks to his sister's daily tossing recently, he felt that he could finally carry these two sandbags up the mountain in one go.

Carrying sandbags once now can save a lot of sandbags in the future, he can hold on!

Princess, the prince came to ask you several times this morning if you got up. Ruyi waited on Banhua to wash up, and couldn't help but said, Do you want me to send someone to tell the prince right now?

No need, Ban Hua wiped his hands, It's time for him to sharpen his temper.

Yes. Ruyi replied with a smile, and asked the other maids to bring out the water, What kind of hair do you wear today?

I'm going out today, and I'm going to stay in Biezhuang with my father tonight. You and Jixiang will help me clean up. Banhua sat in front of the bronze mirror and looked at his face in the mirror. In the golden autumn season, it is best to paint the flowers on the forehead in bright red.

After lunch, Ban Huai took Ban Heng and Ban Hua out of the house on the grounds of taking their children to play in the countryside.

Banhua was riding on a horse, and when passing by a clothing store, he ran into a man who walked out of the store.

This man is very outstanding, with a long body and a jade body, with brocade clothes on his body, and his black hair tied with a jade crown, he is dignified and energetic. The fly in the ointment is that the man is wearing a silver mask, which just covers half of his left face.

Seeing Banhua, the man stopped in his tracks, with hesitation, guilt, and evasion on his face.

A standout, masked man who always stood out in a crowd. He saw Ban Hua, and Ban Hua naturally saw him too.

The two looked at each other, but had nothing to say.

They were an unmarried couple who were about to get married two years ago, but Xie Qilin escaped marriage for a woman from Fireworks and Willow Lane, and made her suffer from the ridicule of the world. This was the greatest shame in Ban Hua's life.

Oh, how did she scold at that time?

She said: She is so beautiful, is this man blind to elope with a so-called head of court?

It seems that she was right when she scolded her two years ago. This man was indeed blind.

Drive! Ban Hua rode on the horse, looked down at the man, and rode away without hesitation.

So affectionate at the beginning, why did you abandon that poor prostitute for the sake of glory and wealth in the end? Because you can't bear the scolding of the world, can't bear the extravagant life without hordes of servants? Poor that oiran, she thought she had found a lifelong support, but what she found was nothing but an irresponsible trash snack.

So for most men in the world, he can be the most heroic hero in the world, but he is only a hero in the past.

Xie Qilin stood there in a daze, looking at the woman in purple on the white horse, stroked the silver mask on his cheek, and closed his eyes.

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