I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 416 Extra Four (2)

Chapter 416 Extra Story 4 (2)

Guest officer, please go this way. The waiter led a man in a green shirt to go up, and the man stopped when he saw Banhua.

Sensing that eyes were on her, Ban Hua looked back, and realized that the man not far away looked familiar. After thinking for a moment, she said, Yan Zhen?

Ten years ago, Yan Zhen was still a white-faced and beardless young man. Now he has a beard and fine lines around his eyes. She almost didn't recognize him. Back then, she seemed to have heard someone around her mention that Yan Zhen had gone to another place to work. Since then, she has never heard of him again.

I've seen Mrs. Huang. Yan Zhen was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward to salute Ban Hua respectfully.

I haven't seen her in ten years, and the woman in front of me seems to be treated favorably by time, and she is still as smart and charming as before. The moment she saw her, Yan Zhen remembered the woman in red on horseback back then. It was so beautiful that even breathing heavily felt like a blasphemy to her.

Inexplicably, there was an additional title of Mrs. Huang. Ban Hua couldn't help but chuckle, and pointed to the table next to him, Sit down.

Mrs. Xie. Laughter and applause came from downstairs. It was obviously a very lively atmosphere, but Yan Zhen felt that it was unreasonably quiet at the moment. He carefully sat on half of his butt next to the chair, and obediently lowered his head, not daring to look at Ban Hua's face.

When it comes to His Majesty who is wise and mighty, we have to mention our Queen Empress. Your Majesty is Ziwei Xingjun who came down to earth, and Empress is the reincarnation of Nine Heavens Phoenix. Some experts once said that Empress and Your Majesty are a pair in the sky...

Pfft, Ban Hua couldn't help laughing anymore, and said to the subordinates beside him, This storyteller is a talent, and Ziwei Xingjun's wife is actually Nine Heavens Phoenix, such a good brain, stay here and bury him. Check it out. Clear his identity, if there is no problem, bring him back and let him and His Majesty...

She paused, curled her lips, and didn't say any more.

You don't need to take it back, I've already heard it, Rong Xia strode over and sat down beside Ban Hua, Have you missed me?

Ban Hua rolled his eyes, unwilling to talk to him.

Wei Chen has met Mr. Huang. Yan Zhen dared not reveal Rong Xia's identity outside, and the moment Rong Xia appeared, she hastily stood up and saluted.

Yan Zhongzhen? Rong Xia glanced at Yan Zhen, then turned to look at Ban Hua, What a coincidence.

Ban Hua lowered his head to drink his tea and ignored him.

Yan Zhen stood with her hands bent, no different from those dull and honest officials in the court. Ten years ago, Yan Zhen had the guts to confess to the girl he liked, would impulsively protest his parents with a hunger strike, and would even run to the door of the girl's house without any scruples; Courage and absurdity, in his thirties, like everyone else in the officialdom, he knows what to do and what not to do.

When you are young, there is no distinction between the serious and the courageous. When you are a person, when you think back to the beginning, you don't know whether to laugh at yourself or sigh.

He stood aside, watching His Majesty coaxing the Queen with soft words, and finally the Queen finally gave His Majesty a look, and His Majesty was overjoyed. He grabbed the Queen's back and made a bunch of promises. His posture was as low as pursuing his beloved Young guy with woman.

Your Majesty has been married to your empress for more than ten years, how can you still coax your empress like this?

He stood quietly on the side, as if he was a table and a chair in the tea house, until the emperor got up and was about to return to the palace, he bowed and saluted: Respectfully send off the prince and madam.

Ban Hua wanted to look back at him, but Rong Xia turned around, just covering her view.

We're going back, okay?

She poked Rong Xia's waist and snorted, but when Rong Xia took her hand, she did not refuse.

Yan Zhen bowed and sent the two downstairs. He didn't dare to raise his head to take a closer look until the emperor and empress got into the carriage.

Then he bowed again and stood with his head bowed, bowing to the carriage.

My lady, please go slowly.

The past, the past, the past.

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