I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 38 The Wayward Lord Hou (2)

Chapter 38 The Wayward Lord Hou (2)

Not only did Rong Xia not dislike him as an idle marquis, on the contrary, he respected him very much along the way, which made Ban Huai's impression of him change from a very powerful young uncle to a very lovable young man, and finally his favorability reached to the point where this kid is too To my liking, my son is scumbag.

The waiter in Wangyue Tower was also very familiar with Ban Huai, and when he saw him, he warmly invited them to sit upstairs.

When Ban Huai went up the stairs, he said to the waiter leading the way, I remember your wife is about to give birth?

Back to Lord Hou, my wife has already given birth, but it's a pity that she is a girl. The waiter didn't have much joy on his face, Please ask.

Girl is fine too, Ban Huai fumbled in his pocket, and took out two peanut-sized silver gourds and handed them to the waiter, Give this to your girl to press on the pillow, and bless her with a long life, free from illness and disaster.

Master Hou, how dare you ask for...

It's okay, I brought this book as a gift to the younger generation, Ban Huai said, Take it as you like.

Thank you, Lord Marquis! The waiter took the two silver gourds with gratitude on his face.

Rong Xia watched the interaction between Ban Huai and the waiter, and the smile on her face deepened. After the two sat down in the box, Rong Xia said, Master Hou is really kind.

It's not that I'm kind. Ban Huai shook his head and took a sip of tea, If I don't say this, that girl might not live.

For the nobles, raising an extra daughter is not a big deal, but for ordinary people, especially ordinary people who have a daughter after all they want, this daughter is superfluous. In his early years, when he went to the countryside to play leisurely, he once witnessed an old woman throwing her dead granddaughter under the bridge, just to let her be trampled by thousands of people, so that no daughter would dare to be reincarnated into her home.

After this incident, he went back and was so frightened that he fell ill and drank several tranquilizers before recovering.

Rong Xia didn't expect Ban Huai to say such a sentence, and was taken aback for a moment, It can be seen that Lord Hou is still kind-hearted.

Ban Huai waved his hand, not wanting to talk about it any more.

After a while, when the food was served, Ban Huai hadn't had a few sips of wine before he got drunk and chatted some nonsense with Rong Xia. What's rare is that Rong Xia was able to pick up the conversation. Mr. Rong who is all over the world.

The bastards in Uncle Zhongping's mansion want the eldest son to work in the household department. He has a good idea! Ban Huai put the wine bottle on the table heavily, They bully my daughter so much, and they want to pretend that nothing happened. No door! No windows!

Rong Xia recalled the rumors in the capital that Master Banhou loved the eldest daughter the most. After Uncle Zhongping's second son eloped with the fireworks woman, Lord Banhou immediately went to Uncle Zhongping's mansion to divorce the marriage, and even smashed Uncle Zhongping's mansion into a mess. Even the door has been changed. Later, after Xie Qilin got it back, he was beaten countless times. Uncle Zhongping went to report to the imperial court, saying that it was the work of Jingtinghou's family, but unfortunately there was no evidence. Let it go.

The younger generation also thinks that Xie's eldest son is not suitable for the household department. Cheng Amber served Ban Huaiman a drink, Where do you think it would be better for him to work?

It's better to stay at home for such a shitty job! Ban Huai cursed drunkenly, Let him carry his father home and nurse.

Although Ban Huai didn't learn the skills of his military commander father in marching and fighting, he did learn a lot in cursing.

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