I Am This Type of Woman

Chapter 21 Hunting Ground (1)

Chapter 21 Hunting Ground (1)

Ban Heng had known for a long time that his sister had prepared a lot of things for this autumn hunting, such as crowns, riding boots, etc. He had never understood why his sister could still make a bunch of things if she was just going hunting. Here comes a flower.

But seeing her sister's fiery red dress, Ban Heng puffed out his chest proudly, looking at the entire capital, only her sister could hold back such a gorgeous red. Having such a beautiful sister made him develop a good habit since he was a child, that is to regard beauty as a cloud, anyway, he is not as beautiful as his sister.

The siblings walked to the main courtyard, where Yin was waiting for them, seeing them coming out, she gave the siblings the lucky bag she begged for a few days ago: Swords have no eyes, you two should be careful.

Don't worry, mother, I will take good care of Brother Heng. Banhua took the lucky bag, hung it around his neck, and stuffed it carefully into his clothes, Are you really not going?

You guys go, I don't like horseback riding and archery. If I go, I can only sit in the tent. It's not as comfortable as someone waiting for you in the Hou's mansion. Yin smiled and touched Banhua's head. Gold Leaf Crown, This is beautiful, just for you.

Banhua smiled at Yin, and saluted her like a man, Mother, when I come back from hunting some good leather, I will use it as a cushion for you.

Just as winter is coming, I still think the cushions at home are not soft enough, Yin said with a smile, Hurry up and go out, or it will be late.

The siblings bid farewell to their mother and went out with Ban Huai.

It is also interesting to say that although Ban Huai is a great general, he is not good at riding and archery. He usually trots on horseback, but it is difficult for him to draw a bow and shoot an arrow. Fortunately, he can think about it, no matter what others say about him as a general and humiliating family, he will not show off because of it, and he doesn't know which one to follow with such a good attitude.

There is a large royal hunting ground in the western suburbs of the capital, and there are all kinds of animals in it. Even the prey that should not grow in the capital, they will obediently appear on the hunting ground when hunting in the holy city.

This year's weather is good, the grass is fertile and the horses are strong. It must be a bumper harvest. Emperor Yunqing turned his head and said to his two sons who followed behind him, I don't know how much the grain price is this year?

The prince's cheeks were flushed. He didn't know the price of food. Recently, a concubine in the East Palace became pregnant. He was married and childless for several years. He was so happy that he didn't know how to care about it.

Father, if you ask your son such a question, you might as well ask those ministers. The second prince was very bachelor, and said with a strange air, Even the elder brother doesn't know the things, and the son doesn't even know.

Ever since the emperor asked him to marry a girl from Uncle Zhongping's family, there has been a rift between him and the prince, and he even messed around in front of the emperor.

When Emperor Yunqing saw these two sons, one mediocre and the other disobedient, he felt that if he looked at them twice more, he would kick them off the horse.

Junpo, tell me. The two biological sons were worried, and the emperor could only find a little psychological balance in his favorite courtiers.

Your Majesty, the current grain price in the capital is six cents a liter for polished rice and four cents a liter for brown rice. Rong Xia drove his horse forward a few steps, the price is cheaper than the previous two months.

Well, Emperor Yunqing nodded in satisfaction, I am very relieved to have a minister like a king.

Hearing this, the prince's face blushed to the point of bleeding, but the second prince gave Rong Xia a displeased look. It's a pity that Rong Xia didn't even look at him, so he became even more angry.

Just at this moment, the people from Zhongpingbo's mansion arrived. The second prince glanced at Xie Wanyu who was riding on horseback, and thought with some annoyance that such a mediocre woman would marry him as a princess, which officially made people feel uncomfortable. happy.

Xie Wanyu didn't know that her future husband had already annoyed her in her heart, remembering that she would meet the second prince on the hunting ground today, she didn't sleep well all night, relying on thick makeup to suppress the tiredness on her face. If she could look up at the second prince's expression at this moment, she would know that this man who was about to spend her life with her might not be her beloved.

Sister Xie, Shi Feixian wore a plain white riding outfit and a gauze hat on his head, and when he got closer to Xie Wanyu, he lifted the gauze curtain on the hat to reveal her cheeks, You are actually one step ahead of me.

Xie Wanyu saluted his father Uncle Zhongping, then drove his horse to Shi Feixian, smiled at her and said, I'm still worried that you won't come today.

Shi Feixian looked in the direction where Rong Xia was. Rong Xia was talking to His Majesty and didn't notice her coming. She was a little disappointed, turned her head and said to Xie Wan, The second prince is really handsome.

You're here again! Xie Wanyu blushed, I'll ignore you if you make trouble again.

Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, Shi Feixian kept paying attention to Rong Xia from the corner of his eyes, but Rong Xia was talking to other ministers besides talking to His Majesty, and he didn't even look this way from the beginning to the end.

Da da da.

A sound of hoofbeats came from behind, Shi Feixian looked back, only to see a Saixue horse galloping towards this side with a woman in red on its back, although the woman was still some distance away from her, but Shi Feixian told her intuitively, This woman must be able to attract the attention of many people in the audience.

As the horse got closer, Shi Feixian recognized who it was.

Banhua, it turned out to be her, it really was her.

She looked at the beautiful and delicate golden leaf crown in Ban Hua's hair, and turned her head to look at Rong Xia in a strange way.

This glance made her heart ache like being pricked by a needle.

Hey, the girl from the Ban's family is here. The emperor heard the sound of the horse's hooves, wondering who was galloping the horse, looked up, and the smile on his face suddenly became stronger, I knew it, except for this girl , Few people dare to do this in front of me.

Rong Xia followed Emperor Yunqing's gaze and looked over.

White horses and red clothes, red faces and golden crowns, on a piece of golden land, look extraordinarily dazzling.

Drive! Seeing the emperor and his party, Ban Hua whipped the horse, speeded up and came in front of the emperor, turned over and jumped off the horse, bowed his hands to the emperor and said: My daughter has seen your majesty.

Get up, get up, Emperor Yun Qing smiled and glanced behind her, Where are your father and your brother?

They are not as good at riding as I am. I was anxious to see His Majesty, so I came here first. Ban Hua took a step forward with a smile, I haven't seen you for a few days, and Your Majesty looks quite heroic.

You girl is used to talking nonsense, Emperor Yun Qing looked at the lively young girl in front of him, with an even bigger smile on his face, I'm getting old, and I can't compare to you young people.

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