I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 979 The sudden death of Lao Cheng

After waiting for half an hour, the tall soldier named Lao Bai felt that the urge to urinate was getting stronger and stronger. He looked in the direction of the toilet from time to time, but he could not see the soldier every time.

"Fuck, let's fall into the pit and you won't come out yet!"

He couldn't help but make a sound and tried to keep himself normal, but a normal person would go to the toilet for half an hour?

Apart from falling into a latrine or skipping work, the former is just because he is unhappy, but a normal person will not fall into a latrine, and there is no need to skip work if he falls into a latrine. Even if he is ashamed, he should say something. , the consequences of skipping work are very serious.

Everyone in the Peace Society knows the consequences of deserting work. Although it will not lead to death, the body is always in a state of fatigue and has slowed down in perception. Even new humans cannot sustain it for too long.

If you have to leave during your duty, you only need to report it. It is not that difficult. Most people will allow you to leave. Therefore, as long as people are not stupid, they will basically not do such stupid things.

Unless, of course, there is something shameful but very urgent.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the tall soldier Lao Bai's initially swollen bladder developed to the point where it seemed like it was going to explode. He couldn't wait any longer and just wanted to run to the toilet and ejaculate for thousands of miles. That feeling was so light. I felt refreshed just thinking about it in my mind, but the soldier who went to the toilet never came back.

"Mad, I can't wait any longer."

Feeling that he had reached his limit, he twisted his body and turned to the two soldiers outside the door.

"Oh brother."

These two soldiers were not in the same area as him, so Lao Bai didn't know each other, so he could only call them brothers to show their closeness.

"What's wrong?"

The two soldiers guarding the door turned around.

"Please take a look at it for me. I'm going to use the toilet."

"The one just now didn't come back?"

"That's right. I've been waiting for a long time, and now I feel urgent to urinate. I can't wait any longer."

"Okay, okay, you go ahead. We'll keep an eye on it for you. You can also take a look at the one you just went to. He didn't come back for a long time."

"Okay, thank you very much, Brother Guo!"

"It's okay, let's go."

Lao Bai nodded, and ran towards the toilet like a gust of wind. With his speed, he quickly ran to the toilet, entered it, and soon there was a column of liquid hitting the ceramics. " With a "sizzling" sound, orange-yellow urine flowed into the urinal wantonly, and his bladder became particularly relaxed as the last drop of urine was released. Lao Bai couldn't help but shudder.

Having solved his three urgent problems, Lao Bai was not in a hurry to go out. After putting on his pants, he started searching in the toilet.

"Hey, Lao Cheng, you've fallen into a trap for me and you still haven't come out."

After shouting, the toilet was empty, with only his own faint echo responding to Lao Bai. It seemed that he was the only one in the toilet.

"Damn it, you really skipped work." Lao Bai couldn't believe it. Under his influence, Lao Cheng has always been a very honest person, and his personality is the kind that arouses others' favor, so the other party's The connections are also much better than those in their circle.

Skipping work can happen to anyone and will not happen to others.

"Lao Cheng? Lao Cheng! Come out, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for so long, are you really skipping work?"

After thinking about it, Lao Bai became more and more certain that he would not skip work easily. All the doors in the men's toilet were closed, and the lights on the ceiling were very bright, but for some reason it brought a different kind of weirdness.

Soon, Lao Bai knew why it was strange. He was also a warrior who had been pulled out of the gate of hell countless times. He was also unusually sensitive to death. In the air here, he seemed to smell a breath of death.

I walked to the first toilet room and opened the door casually. There was no one inside. There was also no one in the second toilet. After opening one room after another, finally at the third to last room, Lao Bai opened the door. Pushing away, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, but it also shocked Lao Bai!

In the third toilet cubicle from the bottom, a person was sitting on the ground. There was no trace of going to the toilet on his body, and his clothes were all neat. This person was the Lao Cheng mentioned by Lao Bai, who was half an hour ago. The soldier going to the toilet.

His eyes were wide open, and there was no emotion in them. He was looking straight at the cubicle door. When Lao Bai opened the cubicle door, his eyes happened to meet his eyes.

"Old Cheng, are you okay? No..." After recovering, Lao Bai started to speak but before he could utter a few words, he suddenly felt something was wrong. At this moment, there was no color that a living person should have in Lao Cheng's eyes. The slightest mood swing is clearly a dead person!

"Lao Cheng?" He called to the other party uncertainly, but Lao Cheng was as indifferent as a robot that had been unplugged.

After two or three seconds, Lao Bai finally lifted a trembling hand under Lao Cheng's nose to test his breath. But soon, he confirmed that Lao Cheng was dead, inexplicably!

He hurriedly ran out. Not long after, a large group of medical staff in white coats followed Lao Bai in and dragged Lao Cheng's body out of the toilet cubicle. After an inspection, one of them frowned and said : "Dead. The cause of death is unknown. All the indicators on his body are normal."

"It's so strange, Bai Yuan, tell me what the reason is."

"I don't know either..." Lao Bai was also confused. Why did a person who was obviously fine yesterday suddenly die?

He told the medical staff what had just happened, but his explanation not only did not allow people to find the answer, but instead made people more confused.

Since the cause of death was really strange, and he died in the Peace Society building, many senior leaders of the Peace Society were here. After learning the news, they all rushed over with curiosity or suspicion. After a while, Some big shots came here, and Tang Ye was also alarmed.

"How did he die?" Tang Ye, who had just gone up not long ago, appeared again on the first floor. He was still there, wondering who the person who died suddenly was, until someone led him to the entrance of the toilet and saw the dead person. Old Cheng.

"Marshal, that's him. He died suddenly. We checked and found that there were no sudden fatal injuries or toxins lurking in his body." The medical staff leading Tang Ye paused, pointed at Lao Cheng's expression, and continued. : "The eyes were wide open, but otherwise normal. It didn't look like he was frightened to death when he saw something. It was as if he suddenly stopped breathing while doing something."

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