Shen Mingke once saw a post on Zhihu, which said: What does human flesh taste like?

He had seen a comment in the comment section below.

When she thought of this, Shen Mingke was shocked and felt his stomach churn. He glanced at Zheng Minghui, who was stunned for a while and then continued to eat meat.

But I’m afraid that I don’t know enough about meat. What if I make a wrong judgment?

Just when Shen Mingke's face was tangled, the woman also saw his expression, and her eyes became slightly panicked. She quickly said: "Are you not used to eating?"

"My family used to run a slaughterhouse. I stored a lot of meat during the black rain. After it was stored for a long time, it became a bit moldy! Just make do with it and eat it."

"Oh, okay, okay!"

The two hurriedly said that Zheng Minghui didn't notice anything, and Shen Mingke breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't what he was thinking.

Although the darkness of the apocalypse is coming, his heart has not yet darkened to the point where he can eat human flesh without changing his expression.

The couple looked at each other, and the husband nodded, with a flash of appreciation in his wife's eyes.

Zheng Minghui swallowed the chewed meat in his mouth and was about to speak to the man, but the man spoke first: "I know the two brothers are very curious about the situation outside."

"I don't know what happened to those monsters recently. They all become like this. They like to come out at night."

Zheng Minghui looked at the man curiously. The man took a sip of wine and continued: "Our place has become a little better. We don't know when the safe zone will come to clean up these monsters. We don't dare to go out at all! These monsters are now They usually wander around at night and hide in sewers and dark places during the day. When this happened, many people went down there to look for food, but none of them came back!"

"Is there anyone else alive here?" Shen Mingke asked doubtfully.

"There are so many, come on, look at that building over there. It's basically full of people. There's a boss inside who bullies men and women every day. We don't dare to go there! Just a few days ago, my son I just went there to get something to eat, but... I didn't expect that they threw my son down to feed the zombies, ugh..."

At this moment, the woman replied to Shen Mingke's words and burst into tears when she talked about her son, while the man also fell silent.

"This bunch of bitches!" Zheng Minghui took a sip of beer and slammed the table angrily, as if he was apologizing for what happened to the woman's son!

As for what he was thinking, only he knew.

The man took a sip of wine, as if missing his son, but Shen Mingke narrowed his eyes. What this woman said was full of loopholes!

Didn’t you say you saved a lot of meat? Then why did your son go out to find food? Isn't this courting death?

He thought this in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

At this time, the man's voice sounded again: "The zombies here now are different from the zombies before. I don't know why they became like this. They are much more powerful than the zombies before! Come on, look, we don't dare to go out at night." !”

As he said that, the man picked up a flashlight from the refrigerator, pulled Shen Mingke and the two of them towards the window.

"You...what are you doing? Aren't you afraid of attracting zombies?"

Seeing him turn on the flashlight, Zheng Minghui was shocked for a moment. According to his knowledge, zombies at night are particularly sensitive to light sources. If they are not careful, they will attract a large group of them, and they are as powerful as dogs. The sense of smell can distinguish the difference between the same kind and human beings!

The man smiled mysteriously at him, and then said: "It's okay, these zombies are different, so we call them night demons!"

As he said that, he took the flashlight with the light on and shined it towards the streets of the community below.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, the two of them bravely walked up to the man and looked up. They saw the light of the flashlight illuminating the zombie wandering with red muscle tissue on its head.

The skin on their bodies seemed to have been peeled off by something, and the internal organs inside were clearly visible. Every step they took would leave blood-red footprints on the ground. The light from the flashlight did not make them feel that anything was wrong, and they still remained one by one. It moved around unconsciously, making terrifying "gurgling" roars from time to time.

"What's happening here?"

"It's been several days. Remember, you must not go out at night!"

The man also spoke words mixed with deep fear.

"Eat something, stop looking!" the woman said.

The three people came back and sat at the table and continued to drink. The building in the distance gradually lit up with candlelight, attracting their attention.

This is something the two of them have never seen since the end of the world. Only since this disaster, zombies have an inexplicable obsession with light at night. Once they see any light, they will swarm them. This is how to survive in the end of the world. A bit of common sense learned by the reader.

At night, no matter what, you must not turn on the lights, otherwise, otherwise, a monster will come to you and tear you apart!

And on the street not far from them, night demons were crowded together, surrounding two strange figures, one tall and one low, the lower one was two meters high, wearing this brand new black windbreaker. The tall one was nearly four meters tall, wrapped in a blood-stained curtain. If you looked carefully, you could see a baby girl riding on its thick neck.

Tang Ye was wearing a gray trench coat that was torn by bullets when he attacked the safe area. He changed it out yesterday and chose the largest black trench coat to put on!

Tang Ye didn't know the name of the child he picked up from a beastly couple in the hospital, but he named her Little Girl for convenience.

At this time, the little girl was riding on Ah Fu's neck and smiling happily. She was not afraid at all of the strange zombies surrounding her. She would also use Tang Ye to give her a balalala little devil fairy to play with from time to time. Tang Ye's hair.

It has been several days since he broke through the safe zone. He had brought many cans of milk powder to the little girl before, but the little guy didn't know if he was the reincarnation of Zhu Bajie, so she squandered all the cans of milk powder in just a few seconds!

One time when Tang Ye went out to find something for her to swallow, he even found that she was eating milk powder directly. Just yesterday, she had already eaten the few cans of milk powder. In order to find milk powder for her, Tang Ye went to the Most of the baby product stores have not been found. Even if one is finally found, the contents have long been taken away by those damn survivors.

In the end, he could only find Ah Fu and his little girl to come to the commercial district in the east of the city.

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