I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 798 Extinction Plan 2

In the battlefield, the neighborhoods that were originally well preserved and still prosperous in the apocalypse have turned into ruins at this moment. There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere as far as the eye can see. The deafening sound of artillery fire is accompanied by the dazzling firelight. Those who are intact The buildings are collapsing, and the war is starting to burn, getting more and more intense!

The engines of the heavily armored Death Tanks were roaring, and their thick tracks were running, driving their huge bodies over the ruins. Facing the resistance of the soldiers at the high-ear tube entrance in front, they seemed to have entered an uninhabited land and slaughtered wantonly!

Fighters in the sky roared past. Just like their name, they came and went without a trace, appearing and disappearing, but every time they appeared, the shells fired could bring destruction to the resisting soldiers below. Sex blow!

Ghost claws! Weapons in the hands of ghosts!

The Peace Society's offensive came with such ferocity that even though the resisting soldiers were well prepared, they were still hit in the head, unable to distinguish the north, south, east, and west.

In order to resist the Peace Conference, the rebel soldiers who were dispersed at the Gaol Control Gate brought out all their information. Various tanks, armored vehicles, and aerial combat weapons were sent to the battlefield. But the more they did this, the greater the losses they caused.

The war was still going on. The soldiers who resisted the Peace Society at the Gorge Control Gate watched their own tanks being blown into a pile of scrap metal by the heavily armored Reaper tanks at a terrifying speed. Their morale was severely damaged. Some tanks and armored vehicles Even after they were sent to the battlefield, they were bombarded within a minute. In addition, the comrades around them fell one after another. Under such a blow, Gao Er's resistance soldiers had already deserted.

As time passed, more and more soldiers threw away their guns, took off their exoskeleton suits, took off their military uniforms, and joined the deserters.

"Report, twenty more people are missing!"

At the back end of the war, the commander of the Gaoer Resistance Army listened to the news of soldiers escaping from the battlefield. His hands were shaking with anger. The teacup on the table was twisted, and five fingers could be faintly seen. It can be imagined. , this iron tea cup helped the commander vent his anger before.

"Trash! They are all a bunch of trash! The deputy regiment...the team leader has ordered me to stop the peace meeting! As long as we can hold on until reinforcements arrive, we can breathe a sigh of relief!"

The commander shouted with a ferocious expression. The reason why he or the soldiers below could survive until now was entirely because of the reinforcements Xu Hui said. Under his deception, the soldiers below also believed that they were the only ones who could survive this period of time. The reinforcements Will definitely arrive.

But what they didn't know was that there were actually no reinforcements at all. It was just Xu Hui who said it casually to make them cannon fodder. However, Xu Hui at the time believed that other people like him would definitely react when they knew that they were being attacked by the Peace Society. Send troops to support.

But people are selfish after all. In the end, no one was willing to help Xu Hui, and Xu Hui also knew how bad it would be to tell the truth, so he continued to hide it.

The commander wanted to say something more, but suddenly his peripheral vision glanced at a place, and all his attention was attracted in an instant!

I don't know when a huge group of fighter jets appeared on the horizon, accompanied by a huge roar. However, the distance was too far, and the commander couldn't see clearly what group of aircraft belonged to which force.

But as soon as the aircraft group approached, his expression suddenly changed. It was clearly a mixed group of aircraft, composed of Gao Feng-17 from the Jinhai Joint Command Area and Fu Hui's Ghost Claw.

But the most frightening thing is that there are a lot of strange things mixed in this fleet.

But anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that it is the Corpse Sculpture Knight of the Peace Society’s Necronomicon Knights!

"Quick! Quick! Anti-aircraft guns!"

Seeing this scene, the commander jumped up in shock and shouted. The faces of the soldiers in front also changed. The logistics department hurriedly turned on the air defense system. For a moment, the air defense gun muzzles in various places in the military region began to turn and point. The fleet in the sky!

Boom boom boom!

The anti-aircraft guns were unleashed wildly, drawing countless trajectories in the air, all flying towards the Peace Conference aircraft fleet. The aircraft fleet also reacted and dispersed at the same time, moving wildly to avoid the roaring anti-aircraft bombs.

On the other side of the battlefield, Wu Zhanping looked at the anti-aircraft missiles rising into the sky with a sneer.

"Still stubbornly resisting."

With a low shout, he raised his hand and waved forward, and hundreds of five- to six-meter-tall Iron Bone-K11 mechas behind him suddenly flashed red and moved forward with mechanized steps.

After taking a few steps, the turbine drive on the back of the mecha started, spraying out two blue flames. The mecha's speed accelerated in an instant, flying almost close to the ground, and rushed in front of the rebels with a "swish".

Zheng! Zheng!

A dense roar sounded, and chain swords were stretched out from the two arms of the mecha that had rushed in front of the resistance. The armor on the chest opened one after another under the control of the system. The muzzles of the cannon and machine guns hidden inside were like peacocks opening. Revealed like a screen!

"No! It's a mecha! Run away!"

Seeing this, the resistance army's legs were a little weak. This Iron Bone-K11 mecha can be specially designed to target high-level zombies. Even one of the fourth-level new humans can't handle it. So many mechas are equivalent to the same number of Fourth-level new human beings.

Are these killing machines overqualified to deal with them?

This is a machine used to kill zombies, especially the absolute power zombies with amazing defenses. Mechas are effective against them, but using them to deal with people? These rebel soldiers could no longer imagine what the consequences would be like if the ammunition fired from the mecha hit them.

But there was no time for them to think too much, the soldiers of the Peace Society had already launched an offensive!

Cooperating with the fleet of aircraft in the sky and the corpse knights of the Necromancer Knights, I saw the bodies of each mecha begin to lean back, and the densely packed muzzles on their chests emitted a frightening cold light!

At this moment, people seemed to have an illusion that time seemed to pause. Then, the chests of those mechas began to explode, and dense firepower soared into the sky, hitting the ground head-to-head!


In an instant, the battlefield was everywhere, and the screams of the resistance soldiers were intertwined with each other. For a moment, it felt like hell.

In defiance of the general headquarters of the soldiers, cold sweat broke out on Xu Hui's forehead, and his calves were vaguely unresponsive.

He was afraid, and he never thought that Heping would go to such great lengths to deal with him! In terms of numbers, they can't compare, and in terms of equipment, they can't compare. Moreover, this war is fought in the living area of ​​​​the United Unified District, and there is no geographical advantage at all!

He will lose this battle! Very likely to lose his life!

Thinking of this, Xu Hui was shaken and his eyes averted. No one came to help him at this time. He suddenly remembered what the two soldiers said before.

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