"You are the king of zombies~ Oh @\u0026%~ So you are the king of zombies~"

Tang Ye felt that Brood Huihui nodded his head in confusion. As Tang Ye communicated more and more with Brood, the information transmitted from Brood was no longer as intermittent as before, and began to become smoother. The information that came over lacked some other emotions mixed with it.

"Well, that's it, so just call me Corpse King."

"Okay then, Corpse King... why are you here? You destroyed my body \u0026 it makes me feel very uncomfortable."

Sensing the meaning of its message, Tang Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Oh no, I don't mean any harm, I just want to find where your brain is."

The Brood was confused and said dully: "What is a brain?"

"It's your consciousness. You can talk to me now because of your brain. Without your brain, you would be dead."

"So...% that's it. My dear Corpse King is looking for me~ What's the brain doing?"

"I want to see if you are my kind."


"Because having a brain means that you are my kind. They are all zombies, but not every creature with a brain is a zombie. We zombies can eat people. We are ugly, just like them outside. There is also a creature called Humans, they have brains too, but not like us."

"Huh?" Brood was confused, and the information sent to Tang Ye was full of question marks.

"like this."

As Tang Ye spoke, he revitalized the flesh and blood molecules on his body, and a blood energy unique to living creatures rose into the sky. He asked, "Can you see me?"


The Brood sends out a "Zizzizi" message stream

"Do you feel my breath? What does it feel like."

“Very $ @% delicious.”

Tang Ye smiled and took back the blood in his body, turning into the aura of a zombie.

"It just smelled like humans. When we zombies see them, we will want to eat them. This is human beings."

"So these are human beings. Are we... going to eat them?"

"We don't necessarily have to eat, but we are zombies. Zombies want to eat humans. When we meet humans, we will have the desire to eat. If not, they are our kind. Humans look similar to us, but there are essential differences. .”


The information sent by the Brood is unclear, although judging from the consciousness it expresses, the Brood has some intelligence, and is comparable to the intelligence of an eleven or twelve-year-old human being.

"Well, what we want to eat is... @(human beings?" Then...the ones we don't want to eat are humans...ah~"

"Right, that is it."

"I am a zombie... I want to eat people~ @, humans and zombies are the same... but they all have brains... I also have a brain, because~ I can talk to the zombie king, so I am a zombie @% \u0026…”

"Well, zombies will die if they don't have brains."

"Hmm, then what are you doing with my brain?"

"I want to see if you can be controlled by me."

"What is control?" The Brood is a little confused and doesn't know what control means.

"Just to see if you will listen to me."


"You just do whatever I tell you to do."

"That's it..." Brood was thoughtful.

"So, where is your head?"

"I don't know where my head is, but I have my...a place..."

"What?" Tang Ye asked quickly.

"It's down there, deep, deep%."

"How to get down."

As soon as he finished asking this question, Tang Ye felt something attracting him, just diagonally below. Tang Ye was stunned and glanced at Ah Fu. Ah Fu quickly said: "Boss, I feel it, there seems to be something." Smash it down."

"Is it the head of the Brood?"

"How to get down?" Liang Hanyang stared at the wall in front of him in a daze.

The mother's nest should be guiding Tang Ye, but what it guided was a line, ignoring the terrain, and Tang Ye sensed that the direction it guided was diagonally below the wall at the end of the corridor in front of him. Tang Ye had no ability to penetrate walls, so it was impossible. Wear it before.

Ah Fu looked at Tang Ye and said in a buzzing voice: "Boss, what should I do?"

Tang Ye thought for a moment, and then said silently: "dig it down."

"Oh." Ah Fu didn't say much. The next second, wisps of black mist were emitted from his body. The black mist condensed between his hands. After a while, a four-meter-long black euphorbia appeared. Appeared in the hands of Afu.


Ah Fu roared angrily and struck down with a halberd. The flesh and blood exploded on the spot where it hit, and the black blood exploded like a boulder falling into a lake!


Tang Ye felt a message sent to him by the mother's nest. It said that he was very unhappy, but seemed helpless.

Tang Ye didn't care so much and let Ah Fu keep smashing him all the way.

As time passed, Ah Fu broke through the flesh and blood ground below, revealing the lower layer of the nest, and then jumped down to find the place guided by the nest and continued digging underneath.

It seems that Tang Ye allowed Ah Fu to continue destroying his body, which made the mother nest very unhappy. After Ah Fu broke through three layers in a row, the mother nest stopped guiding, and Tang Ye's corpses no longer sensed that mysterious place.

"what are you doing?"

"King of Corpses... please don't destroy my body. I... have no ill intentions."

"I know you didn't..." Suddenly Tang Ye thought of something. Zombies are cruel by nature. The higher the level of zombies, the less they can stand the provocation of others. They are all the kind that I won't be polite to if you mess with me.

Even if Tang Ye beats up a fifth-level zombie without controlling other zombies, that zombie won't care whether your level is higher than his, he will just roll up his sleeves and do it!

Even if you die, you won't flinch.

And this mother nest is so big, more than ten times larger than Water Guanyin. Even before the end of the world, no creature could have evolved to such an exaggerated level, so its level is definitely not low. Except for Tang Ye, there is no way to get it from it. Feel the concrete strength.

But it is estimated that the level will not be lower than his own. If it is level three or above, then a zombie must have at least the intelligence of a beast, and what the Brood shows to him is not only the intelligence of a beast, it is already comparable to that of a primary school student.

From this point of view, the level of the Brood Nest must not be low. Since the level is not low, why don't you resist when you feel that Tang Ye and his party are attacking you?

"Won't you resist?" Tang Ye flashed a strange light.

"Resist?" Brood was a little confused.

"You have no means of attack?"

"have no idea."

Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief and stopped talking about the issue. Instead, he said, "Don't stop, keep telling us where your head is."

The mother's nest hesitated for a while, and Tang Ye felt its emotions fluctuate violently, as if it was thinking. After half a minute, it said: "Okay..."

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