I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 640 Three Views Correction Training

The two soldiers blushed and registered everyone's names, then lined up and walked towards the base gate under the leadership of the other soldiers.

But what is strange is that these soldiers are divided into two rows and marching around them. It seems that they are not protecting them, but being on guard. But why should they be on guard?

Everyone lined up to enter the anti-life detector in turn. The red lights that kept coming out meant that no one in Tang Ye's group was infected. Looking at the clean streets in the base and the buildings that were no different from before the apocalypse, humans breathed a sigh of relief. The base is too big, in good order, and has enough resources to keep them alive. Such a place is a paradise for everyone in the speeding party. Along with it, there is also pressure in the heart, and they always feel that there is something wrong with them. standards, and then was turned away.

Still, Chenyang 169 base did not have so many joining standards. People walking on the street were curious when they saw them. After all, they saw many unfamiliar faces.

"Don't run around, we'll take you to get to know the base first."

A soldier waved back a few speedsters who wanted to go to other places to see, and said in a warm voice.

So, a group of people were like a group of primary school students being led by their teacher to visit various features of the base.

"Look, in the agricultural area here, the land grows food for the people in the base to eat. However, we also need staff here. The salary is daily, 0.5 Yajin per day. Maybe you don't know what Yajin is, but don't worry. You will understand later."

A noncommissioned officer pointed to the huge farmland and said. The ears and grains were fluttering in the wind. From time to time, survivors in winter clothes were doing some work on it. I don’t know how big the farmland was. You couldn’t see the edge at a glance. And in the distance, people could see Many iron poles more than ten meters long were standing there, with a big "balloon" on the head, and lights were shining, and people in the distance felt a little warmth.

There are many farmers resting or keeping warm under the iron pole.

According to several soldiers, these iron poles are called "light heaters" and are used to allow plants to photosynthesize and to keep people warm, ensuring that agricultural products can be grown all year round without being affected by winter.

"Also, the front is the work area, where the production, manufacturing and processing of food, weapons, and daily necessities are completed."

"Then for the guards here, if any of you comrades who want to become new humans are interested, you can join the guards. The salary will be relatively high."

As they learned about various tasks, Tang Ye couldn't help but sigh that this base already had a large foundation for social formation. If nothing unexpected happened, such a base might become a place where human civilization could restart.

After visiting a series of features of the base, everyone was almost dumbfounded, with a strong look of madness in their eyes! The society here is almost the same as before the apocalypse. As long as you work, you will have food. How many people dream of it!

That's all they want!

After going around in a circle, everyone returned to the gate of the base. They were not allowed to move freely, and everyone looked at the noncommissioned officer eagerly, waiting for his words, wishing they could find a job now and eat.

However, how can it be so simple?

"Okay everyone, you are all new here. Chenyang 169 Base will welcome you. I know that you are already full of longing for the future, but don't be anxious. Due to some reasons, we need to train you for three months. "

"What? There is still training, three months, what do you want to train for?"

"That's right, I can't bear it for three months."

With one sentence, the crowd instantly exploded. Training? Or three months? Now they don't want to stay here for a second, they just want to make money and live a happy life.

"Brother Nian, what should I do? It's only been three months!"

Chen Zhouquan secretly came to Tang Ye and whispered.

"What's the rush? Let's hear what I have to say first."

Tang Ye was not in a hurry. He looked up at the sergeant on the stone steps. He was looking at everyone with a smile. Apparently this kind of thing had happened many times and he was used to it.

"Okay, okay, everyone, please be quiet for a while and listen to what I have to say."

The soldier pressed his hands, and the people suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at him with unkind expressions, while the soldier explained calmly.

At first, it was said that Chenyang 169 Base was for training, but the black rain of the apocalypse began to move forward. The survivors who had stayed outside for a long time had experienced too much darkness, and their psychology was no longer that of a normal person, and their three views had long been distorted. , more anti-human.

Even if you enter an orderly and maintained survivor base, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen. Because of this, every time a survivor who has been living outside for two years joins, they will be specially psychologically treated. Counseling to correct their distorted views.

According to statistics from professionals, eight out of ten psychologically distorted survivors will not realize that in their subconscious, they will feel that killing is not a big deal. Little do they know that killing is prohibited in Chenyang 169 Base!

Such a view is very dangerous in the base, so there is such a thing as training. Moreover, three months is not a training time, but a rough estimate. On average, survivors with distorted views return to normal within three months, and some Survivors suffering from [War Sequelae] will need more training time!

They probably felt that what the soldiers said made sense, and the people didn't resist too much, so they walked deeper into the base under their leadership.

"Brother Henian, are Aunt Qiongli and the others really here?" Bai Xinran walked next to Tang Ye and asked worriedly.

"I don't know, but the soldiers of the 46th Division came here. Well, don't worry, you will know if you come here to look for them. If not, you can stay here. I will go out and continue to look for them."

Tang Ye was also a little worried, worried about Nannan, and he was also afraid that Qiong Li had not come to the Chen 169 base. He looked at the humanities building in front, and the members of the speeding gang in front were queuing up to enter one by one.

"Your temporary ID tag?"

"Oh, here it is."

After a member of the Speeding Party handed the temporary identity card he had just issued to the soldier at the door, he entered the building out of curiosity. Tang Ye counted dozens of people in front of him, and behind him, there were many soldiers. Standing there, looking at the crowd, the survivors who were known to be prepared for the apocalypse suddenly burst out and hurt people. After all, there were two fourth-level new humans in the group. Once they hurt someone, it would be difficult to resist.

But in fact this was not the case, but because Gong Xiao was standing behind, and the soldiers behind were looking at her graceful back intently, with fascination flashing in their eyes from time to time.

At this moment, military vehicles passed by, with corpses of high-level zombies tied to them, with holes in their heads.

Followed by hundreds of soldiers in armor on both sides, their guns were shining and murderous!

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