This ubiquity is not just about Tang Ye, but his consciousness is everywhere in his body. In other words, every cell in his body will have his consciousness. In this way, even if his head is blown to pieces, Tang Ye will not die!

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Ye showed a ruthless look on his face. He looked at the other person in front of him. The clone flashed for a second, with hesitation in his eyes. However, with the determination of the main body, Tang Ye's clone made a stroke with his hands, and a black light flashed out. Condensed in his hand, he struck it at the main body!

The black light was sharp. The moment he saw Tang Ye's body, his head split into two halves, revealing the thin tissue inside.

"Hahahaha, you really won't die."

After a while, Tang Ye laughed loudly, and his clone got into the main body. His head closed and became the same.

Now, unless the majestic energy in his body is exhausted, otherwise, he will be an unkillable monster!

At this time, Ah Fu ran over with excitement on his face and screamed strangely at Tang Ye.

"Boss, look, it's out!"

He patted the black robe that he had just transformed into with black mist and said. The style of the black robe is the same as Tang Ye's, but the black robe on Tang Ye will have the feeling of a big boss, but on Ah Fu...

This guy is not only tall, he is also extremely strong. If Tang Ye looks tall after becoming a giant, then Ah Fu is a giant bear in human form!

Tang Ye nodded with appreciation. Ah Fu now has the same intelligence as a human being, and communicating with him is not as difficult as before. After teaching him for a while, Ah Fu really learned it.

"Are you going to get smaller?"

"Become smaller? Become the same as the boss?"


"It should be possible..."

Scratching his head, Ah Fu said uncertainly, and then his body, which was more than thirty meters tall, shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye until it shrank to three meters tall and could no longer shrink any further.

Tang Ye, who is two meters tall, is his own self, while Ah Fu, who is thirty meters tall, is his own self. Now he has shrunk ten times. The anti-life material in his body has been compressed to the extreme and cannot be compressed any further. It can only be this way.

"Well, okay!" Tang Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Okay, we should go."

"Yes! Boss!"

Hearing what Tang Ye said, Ah Fu returned excitedly, his eyes flashed with deep longing, and he didn't know who it was for.

He returned to his original height of more than thirty meters. Tang Ye raised his head, and the black mist enveloped his body and lifted him up, floating to Ah Fu's shoulders.

After choosing between his left and right shoulders, Tang Ye chose his right shoulder.

Ah Fu's skin is covered with bone spurs and bone armor everywhere. The bone spurs on his shoulders are upward. There are some five or six meters long. Many places are covered with bone spurs and bone armor irregularly and are pitted. It happens that his right shoulder has There was a place surrounded by countless bone spurs, with a relatively flat platform in the middle, and Tang Ye stood on it.

"Let's go!"

After saying a faint word, Ah Fu walked forward. The long and curved dark red horn on his forehead trembled with the slight swing of his head, giving people a great sense of oppression.

As he took steps, half of the black robe that gathered around his body disappeared and turned into a piece of cloth wrapping his lower body.

Obviously, Ah Fu is not used to dressing like this. Fortunately, the bone spurs and bone armor on his body can just be used as a piece of clothing, so they are not exposed. would be a bit embarrassing.

Taking a step forward, the ground shook. Group after group of evolved birds and beasts were startled and screamed away. They felt strong uneasiness in Ah Fu, and a ruler kept beating in their hearts, warning them to stay away from Ah Fu!

Ah Fu walked around and found the ravine left by the pseudo-dragon. But it was strange. When the groove mark was dug out, all the flowers and plants on it were uprooted. In addition, Tang Ye and Ah Fu had walked countless times before. All over the place, there is nothing but flowers, plants and corpses.

And now, the flowers and grass above are growing again. Although these wild flowers and weeds are growing very fast, they can't be that fast, right?

"How long have you been here?"

During the evolution process, Tang Ye's consciousness was silent in his mind, and he had no sense of the passage of time at all. Even if it evolved to a very long time, for him it was just a sleep at most.

Excluding the ten days that had passed before he met Chang Jue Yinxiang, in Tang Ye's perception, it was only twelve days at most, right?

"Forget it, let's go first."

He said to Ah Fu. When his huge body passed by the giant tree, he couldn't help but squint his eyes when he looked at the big hole he had just dug!

The evolution level of this giant tree is at least level six. Tang Ye is not sure how high the level of the giant tree is, but with his current powerful strength and attack power, he still can't dig through the entire giant tree!

The further you go in, the structural density inside the giant tree increases geometrically!

At Tang Ye's fifth level, he could dig into a depth of fourteen meters, but at the sixth level, he could only go further about nine meters! But the diameter of the giant tree is up to 100 meters. What does this depth mean to it?

Can you see how strong the giant tree is?

The breeze blew slowly, and Tang Ye's white hair on his shawl flew up, carrying a hint of evil charm. The robe made of black mist on his body swished and swayed in all directions. When he passed by the giant tree, Tang Ye was no longer seen. …

On the ground was a fair young man wearing a black robe, about 20 years old, and 1.7 meters tall.

His face was as clear-cut as a sculpture, with sharp edges and corners. His thin and thick eyebrows looked like they had been gently softened with a brush. His nose was high and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

He has a slender figure and an overall look of quietness, but there is always a violent look in his eyes that chooses and devours others, as if he who looks quiet and quiet one second will turn into an extremely violent person the next second. Bloodthirsty beast!

Although his face is handsome, at first glance, people will think that he is not a real person. Every detail on his face is combined to make him look more coquettish and deeply weird.

Although it looks like a human, it feels very wrong, like a moving dead person with no trace of life in it. In short, this feeling is Yin Qi!

Tang Ye seemed to have noticed something. He looked at an evolved beast on the ground that was escaping in a hurry, felt its breath, and immediately closed his eyes.

After a while, he exuded an astonishing breath of flesh and blood, and he went directly from the first level to the sixth level!

"Okay, there is no way to change..."

Uncomfortably twisting his body a few times, he turned into a sixth-level zombie and could control his own flesh and blood to complete a qualitative transformation, but this transformation came at a certain cost. He tried hard to make himself more like a human being, but to give people more of himself as a human being. To feel like this, you need to transform the flesh and blood molecules in your body.

Once the flesh and blood molecules change, there is no way to turn them all into real living flesh and blood. They have to retain some of their essence, become human, and have the aura of the new human being. Although his aura is also sixth level, his strength is less. Sixty percent! There is no way to show your entire strength.

It is very difficult for a new human being to fight a zombie of the same level with his own naked strength, unless he has a weapon in his hand. The reason why he can defeat it is because humans can defeat it with their own intelligence!

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