
Suddenly, Lieer stretched out his hand and pinched the man's neck, and easily lifted him into the air.

"Feel it." He whispered to the man, and then squeezed the hand on the other man's neck slowly and hard. Soon, he saw that the man began to water, but he did not struggle. He just took it out of his pocket before he died. A glass bottle about the length of an adult's little finger, and then pressed the inconspicuous switch on it!


In an instant, a light orange mist filled the entire factory, and the radioactive species hidden in the darkness let out heart-piercing screams. After a dull sound, the man's body fell to the ground, with his neck on the ground. The parts have been pinched to a bloody pulp!

In the mist, Lieer's original decent attire was already in pieces, and the flesh and blood on his hands fell off piece by piece, turning into a large puddle of inorganic matter on the ground!

One after another, swollen blisters appeared on his face, and then burst, and pus flowed to the ground, carrying a disgusting stench. His originally handsome face suddenly became extremely ugly and completely unsightly.

Lieer could feel the slight pain coming from his body, as well as the crazy loss of active energy in his body!

I don’t know how much time passed, but as the surrounding orange mist dissipated, the flesh and blood on his body began to squirm. The damaged clothes were repaired by the flesh and blood that was reassembled, and the facial features on his face returned to their previous appearance, except that his His face became extremely ugly and gloomy!

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to grab an eighth-level supporter next to him, bent his fingers into claws, and cracked open the head of the radiated species with a snap. His arm reached down from top to bottom and took out all the way, and the black liquid was uncontrollable. It spurted out, and soon he killed an eighth-level radiated species under his hand, took out its evolutionary crystal and ate it!

After coming to China, he has not gone on a killing spree. The activity in his body is as high as the province. The second before the man came, the activity in his body was only about 30% to about 40%. After the fog exploded, , the original 30% to 40% was suddenly lost, and only the last 20% was left!

This forced him to kill his fans to replenish his activity!

Come keep yourself active!

After eating the evolutionary crystal in his fan's body, Lieer then grabbed another one, took out the second evolutionary crystal in the same way, and stuffed it into his mouth.

In this way, after killing three of his eighth-level followers in succession, the activity in Lieer's body was restored and returned to the level of 40%.

Without saying a word, he sat on a machine tool and looked at the body of the man not far away. The other party guessed correctly and he chose both!

Killing the opponent will also help the opponent complete one thing.

The orange smoke that had just erupted reminded him that Yunxia Base seemed to be developing some kind of weapon, and the effect was somewhat familiar, but Lieer quickly remembered that it was the so-called [Spiritual Rain Project]!

But what the man just showed was just in a different way!

The reason why Lieer wanted to stop the Divine Rain Plan was actually because he was afraid that too many fans would be killed by the Divine Rain Plan, so he chose to do so. However, he himself did not take the Divine Rain Plan seriously. .

But now, he had to take it seriously, this thing could actually threaten him!

The nature has completely changed!

He has to stop it!

At this time, the body of a fan slipped down from an old machine not far away. A "boom" sound made Lie Er come back to his senses. He turned to look at the other fans not far away and stretched out his hand. After making a move, one of the eighth-level radiant species walked over tremblingly.

It made weird syllables in its mouth, seeming to ask Lieer if he had any instructions, and Lieer said in another language: "Let those fools stop their stupid behavior, the rats have too little meat, next , we’re going to start catching cats.”

After saying that, the eighth-level radiated species in front of him lowered its head, not knowing what it was doing.

Time flies to noon, and the sky is gloomy. Occasionally, the sun shines on the ground, but it does not bring any feeling of warmth. The dazzling light in the south is dazzling, and it feels strange to look at it from a distance. After watching it for a long time, Tang Ye could never get rid of the feeling of the sun setting on the earth.

On the deserted street, Tang Ye was also a little confused. The walls of the surrounding buildings were covered with conspicuous yellow signs, most of which had the warning "Keep Out" written on them.

Even though the population of Yunxia Base is being evacuated all the time at this stage, there are too many people in Yunxia Base. How can a population of more than 27 million be evacuated in a short time?

Along the way, Tang Ye saw the huge crowds of people who were leaving Yunxia Base! But when I came to this area, the scenery suddenly changed. There was no one in the surrounding buildings or streets, inside or outside, and the place had not suffered any devastating damage. It stands to reason that there must be someone there no matter what, right?

Tang Ye couldn't figure out what the reason might be. People who originally lived in this area were evacuated urgently.

Carrying the long box, Tang Ye continued to walk forward until he came to an inconspicuous building. He stopped. Here he finally smelled the smell of people, but not much. There were about three people in the building. Individuals, but the number of people existing below the surface of the earth is hard to count at the moment.

As soon as he entered, he saw a young woman with her legs on the front desk and playing with her mobile phone. Tang Ye walked over and put the box on the front desk counter while asking the woman, attracting her attention.

"Excuse me, can I come in?"

"Ah?" The woman playing with the mobile phone was stunned for a moment: "You are... Oh, Mr. Li, okay, wait a moment."

Seeing Tang Ye, the woman hurriedly put away her mobile phone and started operating in front of the computer while talking. Not long after, Tang Ye heard the sound of something opening and closing. It seemed that a certain door was opened, but here Can't see it yet.

"Okay Mr. Li, please come in, walk this way and turn right and you will see it."

"Well, thank you." Tang Ye nodded, then picked up the box again and walked towards the place pointed by the woman.

According to what the other party said, Tang Ye turned right and immediately saw a narrow corridor, surrounded by cement blocks and exposed water pipes. An uninformed person would most likely think that there was a dead end at the first glance. But as Tang Ye walked, he saw the stairs leading straight down, and at the end, there was an elevator door.

Tang Ye did not enter the elevator immediately, but was observing the surrounding environment. He could already feel what it was like down there. The space was not large, only about a hundred square meters, and there were about ten people inside.

This seems to be some kind of secret base, but I always feel that something is wrong. It's a bit of a joke, but it is so secretive. I don't know what Su Sigui wants to do with this?

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