I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1894 “Ironworm Infection”

Not long after the South American Corpse King Kamutos entered China, some investigation bases arranged by the survivor forces in the old cities of various parties successively observed changes in the tide of Shuiguanyin corpses that had been wandering in the sea. .

As soon as the anomaly was discovered, many survivor bases immediately increased their investigation efforts. So on October 14, the thirteenth year of the apocalypse, it was confirmed that the wave of Shui Guanyin corpses had taken action. Queen, a video about the corpse wave of Shui Guanyin caused a storm on the Internet!

Millions of corpses of Shui Guanyin began to come ashore, and those countless huge figures seemed to suddenly make the world lose its color!

There were roars all over the place, covering up all the sounds in the world. The terrifying scene could make people suffocate even through the screen!

When the huge tide of water Guanyin corpses came ashore, even the earth could not bear their weight and began to collapse. The floods submerged some coastal cities, and earthquakes occurred frequently in many places!

In addition to these, the Sanctuary City of Cortland in the southwest detected that the Abyss Corpse King from the Yansha Continent led the zombie tide to approach the Chinese Continent. It did not make any stop, but directly entered the Chinese Continent. In just one day, three survivor bases fell one after another, and two of them barely escaped.

Of course, escaping means that the residents inside were not massacred by the zombie tide.

Not surprisingly, these two survivor bases have been trapped by zombies!

As for the last survivor base that did not "escape the disaster", the result will of course be its natural fall. The only ones who really escaped the disaster will be pregnant women. After the base is completely declared destroyed, it will be transferred to the other two. In the captive base.

It is worth mentioning that when the news of being held captive in these two survivor bases spread, it also caused an uproar in the outside world!

It's okay if you don't keep them in captivity, just massacre the entire survivor base! This will make people more nervous and fight to the death against the zombie tide! After all, once the base falls, the only way to greet people is death. Without a way out, humans will become as ferocious as wild beasts!

For the sake of their own lives, many people have to take up arms to fight against the zombie tide and fight for the hope of living!

But this captivity allows some people to see that ridiculous "hope"!

Being ruled by high-level new humans is a life, and being captive by high-level zombies is also a life! What's even more damaging is that after the two survivor bases were imprisoned, with the help of some high-level zombies, they actually had a large planting area, allowing people to carry out agricultural production safely and worry-free. This is simply murderous!

For a time, some people were no longer afraid of the arrival of the Corpse King at the beginning. On the contrary, they also had some expectations. Even in Yunxia Base, during this period, "transgender surgeries" were everywhere in the streets and alleys. And the advertisement of "paying a lot of money to find a child"!

The reason why such a situation occurs is because reproduction is the key to the continuation of a race. Those high-level zombies are obviously aware of this. Whenever the zombie wave breaks through the survivor base, if they do not choose to massacre the city to eliminate hunger immediately, Then in the survivor base that is kept captive by zombies, women inside will receive priority care, and pregnant women are equivalent to having a gold medal to avoid death!

There was even news coming from one of the survivor bases where zombies were being kept captive that a pregnant woman actually had the right to order zombies to do things for her!

How does this not make people crazy?

It is because of this that advertisements like this are flying all over the air in many bases and shelter cities. Doctors with such skills can make a lot of money in a short time!

Although there are people who are looking forward to the early arrival of the Zombie King, this is not all. There are also many people who are unwilling to be kept in captivity by zombies. If they accept being kept in captivity, humans will really be no different from pigs, sheep, cattle and sheep!

Some people are willing to put down their dignity in order to get a better life, but some people do not want to be reduced to low-level animals that are slaughtered at will. However, compared with the former, the latter is divided into two parts. One part chooses to take up arms and prepare for the upcoming battle. The coming decisive battle of the Corpse King! The other part began to formulate plans to escape from the Chinese mainland.

For example, now that the corpse kings have come to the Chinese continent, the land where they were supposed to exist is no longer threatened by the corpse kings. Naturally, some people came up with the idea of ​​stealing the corpse king's hometown, but this approach directly depends on the situation. I was a little irrational and too impulsive.

There are also some people who have set their sights on Australia. Except for the continents where corpse kings are rampant, Australia seems to have no sense of existence. However, it cannot be denied that from an objective point of view, to people, Australia now It's the safest place on earth!

There is no Corpse King there. Although the number of eighth-level zombies cannot be underestimated, compared to the number of eighth-level zombies on the mainland, it is really dwarfed.

According to Tang Ye's own understanding, although there is no corpse king raging in Australia, most of the land has been occupied by the "World Tree". Most of the humans living there are gathered in the area to the south. Be wary of the corpses, and also be wary of the outings carried out by the evolved beasts.

About two years ago, a group of survivors from Australia fled to a small base in China. According to them, a strange disease began to prevail among the people there not long after the end of the world. This disease does not yet have a unified name. Local people usually call it "ironworm infection", and people who suffer from this disease seem to be parasitized by some corpse-shaped parasite.

The disease process is divided into four stages. In the first stage, patients will not have any abnormalities and look like normal people.

After the second stage, the patient's nails, teeth, hair and other body parts will fall off one after another. Once such symptoms are found in the body in Australia, it can basically be concluded that it is the so-called "ironworm infection".

In the third stage, the patient's skin will rapidly ulcerate within a few days and will be accompanied by amnesia and severe loss of physical coordination!

The fourth stage is the last stage. At this time, the sick are not far from death. The only thing that can help them is to throw their bodies into the fire pit while their consciousness is still there. Once they die, If left alone, the parasites in the sick person's body will multiply at a slower and slower rate over time, and slowly and finally the parasite will succeed and completely control the sick person's body!

However, there are times when parasitism is successful, and of course there are times when parasitism fails. When this happens, the stomach of the sick person will burst open from the inside out, and densely packed parasites like poisonous snakes will crawl out from every corner of the internal organs!

The final stage of parasitism fails, and the sick person looks like a mantis jumping into the water after being parasitized by iron worms. This is why the locals there call this disease "iron worm infection."

The scary thing about this disease is that no one can prevent it, and even new humans will be infected, and the probability is no less than that of ordinary people!

And once you contract this disease, there is no cure! A bit scarier than cancer!

Each sick person has no way of knowing how he was infected. As of just two years ago, there were seven eighth-level new humans in Australia who were infected and died!

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