I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1635: Escape is self-extinction

Guitouzai looked at the soldier with the Chinese character face, and there was already a trace of disgust on his face, looking down on people like Guitouzai who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

He was a little speechless. He didn't want to be a deserter, he just felt that it was meaningless. They could only defend an empty city, and there was no possibility of victory at all!

"I didn't mean to be a deserter."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, I just want to ask something. There are some things that make me confused."

"Then let me ask you, if everyone in Dangerous Sanctuary City chooses to abandon the city and escape, and every subsequent survivor base and sanctuary city does the same thing, what do you think will happen?"

"what happens?"

"Think for yourself."

"All right."

Guitouzai thought about it seriously, and Brother Shi on the side also fell into deep thought. Unlike Guitouzai, he immediately remembered those black fairy tales that his brother told him a few years ago. Humans will be like elves, and their living space will be constantly squeezed. until final extinction.

Although this is a dark fairy tale, a dark fairy tale is also a fairy tale. The story does not describe too many horrific things, but simply mentions it with the word "The elves eventually became extinct".

But if this happened to humans, it would be very scary! Because there are already similar signs in human society now!

The Chinese mainland is too small, containing billions of zombies and more than 700 million living people. The number of zombies is not decreasing every day. There are zombie nests of various sizes producing zombies in places known or unknown!

When the living space of human beings is constantly being squeezed and shrunk, they will not become extinct like the elves and their poignant ways. People will fight for limited resources. First of all, wars will continue to break out, food will be scarce to an unimaginable level, and people will go crazy with hunger. People who understand will pay attention to the same kind of people!

Ordinary people will be the first to suffer! They will be eliminated as quickly as possible! Then there are first-level, second-level, third-level and so on new human beings, until in the end only the strong ones standing at the top of the pyramid are left!

At that time, it was not zombies that exterminated humans, but humans themselves that exterminated themselves!

At that time, mankind had reached the end of its rope, and there was no chance of turning around!

But now, humans have not reached that point yet! Civilization still exists, and human heritage still exists. Millions of years of history breed countless opportunities in the future, but these opportunities need to be fought for, not prayed for!

Among the countless people who have worked hard for this opportunity, they will not be the first group, nor will they be the last group!

Everyone's efforts will be the final step to success!

Maybe they both thought about it, and they were both silent. Guitouzai looked up at the sky, no longer to the northwest. He saw birds flying by in groups, with feathers falling from their bodies. As bright red as a gem, it was a red-feathered bird...but there was no sky to match it that day...

"Are those red-feathered birds?"


Compared to Brother Shi and Gui Touzai, the other soldiers seemed to have seen such birds for the first time, with curiosity in their eyes.

“Is there something going on with these birds being here?”

"What else could happen? Isn't the worst thing that could happen if we turn into zombies or there won't even be any scum left?"

"It seems... that's the case..."

A few soldiers smiled awkwardly, and the team fell into a brief silence. Not long after, they had arrived near the corpse-proof wall. When they looked up, they could see many soldiers standing on the platform on the corpse-proof wall, with annihilation cannons one after another. Through the crane installed on the wall, you can see countless soldiers passing by, holding guns in their hands, looking up at the purple sky and building outline in the northwest.


At this time, a soldier's monkey cry sounded from a distance, and everyone looked over. It was indeed a soldier. He was standing on the wall, howling into the distance. His voice seemed to be filled with excitement, but when it entered people's ears But there is a hint of depression.

Someone around raised their arms and swayed towards him, and the soldier raised his hand in response, with a smile on his face. This smile seemed to dispel the haze in people's hearts. Guitouzi and Brother Shi looked at each other. , and felt a little more relaxed.

"Everyone, stand still!"

The captain of the seventh team shouted to them, and Guitouzi and the others quickly reorganized into a square formation with other soldiers, while the captain trotted towards a man in the distance.

"Report! All members of the fifth company and seventh team are on duty!"

He shouted, and the man looked away from the tablet in his hand and looked at the captain. He didn't know what he said to the captain. After the captain heard it, he ran back and waited for Guitouzi. Humanity said: "Okay, let's go up."

He pointed at the steps used to climb up the corpse-proof wall, and then took the lead to walk up. Guitouzi and the others followed. After arriving at the corpse-proof wall, they followed the captain to a relatively open area. zone.

"Go bring the ammunition box over!"

Listening to the captain's voice, Gui Touzai took a look. There were many wooden boxes placed next to them. The stacks were as high as a person. This was because it was the first time for the two of them to participate in this kind of zombie tide resistance operation. For a while, they didn't know what to do next. What to do? After watching their teammates lift the wooden boxes one by one, they smashed the boxes open with the "Tianguang" pallet in their hands. The green munitions box exposed inside, once opened, they saw What arrived were energy-storage clips, and there were dozens of boxes like this. If they were all energy-storage clips, it would be enough ammunition!

"Captain, this is a corpse trap."

"Okay, separate them all and don't mix them up later!"

"Don't worry."


"Let's go too."

Brother Shi nodded to Guitouzi. After separating the corpse trap and ammunition box with his teammates, he sat on the ground and rested. Guitouzai came back to the soldier with the Chinese character face and looked at it. After glancing around, he asked, "Hey."

"What's up?"

"What are we going to do next? Are we just going to wait like this?"

The soldier with the Chinese character's face glanced at him, shook his head and joked: "Hey, do you want to go down and run around twice?"

"I won't do this!" Gui Touzai shook his head quickly.

"Cherish this time now. What you have to face next is not as simple as you think. Maybe we don't even know how to die."


This situation was too unfamiliar to him, so he seemed very reserved and always wanted to express himself. He glanced around again and found that the soldiers of other companies were like them, either sitting on the ground or Gathered together, some people were discussing something, while others were silent and looking down at their phones.

Finally, he saw several people standing on the roof of a building behind the anti-corps wall. It seemed that their identities were not simple.

"Hey, look up there."

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