Several people quickly stood up from their seats. Tiramia, who was closest to the door, was the first to open the box door and walked out. Su Sigui and others behind him then walked out. The first thing they saw was, It's a messy tavern hall!

Some of the guests, the dancers and the waiters in the tavern were lying on the ground wailing, and the soundproof glass on both sides had gone through something unknown, and they all exploded into countless parts, and the debris flew around and injured many people! And outside, there were also screams from people!

"what happens?"

Kobayashi Kota was a little confused about what they had done just now. He subconsciously thought that there were high-level new humans fighting not far away, and the shock wave generated by the collision of forces affected this place.

Several people hurriedly walked out of the tavern and looked outside. Although Alan's Tavern was not very famous in Yunxia Base and was only a tavern in people's perception, behind the scenes, this tavern was one of several in Yunxia Base. It is a place where giants often hold interviews, so the materials used in the building of the tavern are relatively safe. Except for some relatively fragile items, they have not been damaged too much. When Su Sigui and others walked out of the tavern, they saw the first thing they saw The cracked floor was not very severe. Su Sigui could tell at a glance that the movement just came from a distance and should not be within the range of the Yunxia base's corpse wall.

This impact is so great that it can no longer be caused by the eighth level.

She took out her mobile phone, found a contact and called her. The phone rang twice, and someone on the other side answered quickly.


"What happened?"

"I've sent people over to look at it, but I don't know yet."

"I'll give you ten minutes."


After hanging up the phone, Su Sigui looked at Ji Jinchan and the others and said, "Let's chat later. Let's take a look at what just happened."

"Okay, let's arrange the manpower first."

"Go, don't be noticed by people with ulterior motives."

"Mayor, don't worry."

After several people said hello to Su Sigui, they left one after another. After a while, Su Sigui's cell phone rang again. She quickly took it out to answer it, and the voice of the previous person rang again.

"Mayor, I found the reason. The picture has been transmitted to you. Please take a look first. We are contacting Tianyu to come and check."


After a brief response, Su Sigui hung up the phone and opened an app on her phone, which showed that there were new messages to be read.

She clicked on it, and the message contained several photos, taken with a drone from high altitude.

"Huh?" After seeing the content of the picture, Su Sigui let out a suspicious sound.

The content of the picture is a huge sinkhole, and the depth may be fifty or sixty meters according to visual inspection! The sinkhole is very large. From the white mist that can be seen in the corner of the picture, you can roughly guess how many meters high the drone is deployed!

This sinkhole obviously appeared suddenly. This can be seen from the cut off roads around it and half of the buildings that collapsed. This can also be proved by the sand and gravel falling into the sinkhole.

Judging from the buildings around the sinkhole, it seemed that the sinkhole was located in a city, but most of the buildings were swallowed up by the huge sinkhole. She couldn't tell where it was for a while, but Fortunately, the person who sent her the picture quickly sent a text description.

"Mayor, this is Xijiang City, and now we are also investigating the cause."

"Xijiang City?"

Su Sigui's eyes narrowed. Li Henian seemed to have gone to Xijiang City when he disappeared?

But she didn't think about it for too long. Another person sent a message, it was Yan Xing.

"Mayor, do you know what happened just now? Maybe you have to come over. There is big trouble here."

Frowning, Su Sigui opened the chat interface with Yan Xing and asked, "What's the big trouble?"

"Yao Gong detected two high-level anti-life material activities, and the data has exceeded the eighth level..."

Seeing this, Su Sigui did not reply to Yan Xing, but directly put away his phone and rushed towards Xijiang City!

On the other side, on the uncollapsed subway platform at the bottom of the sinkhole that suddenly appeared in Xijiang City, Tang Ye suddenly opened his eyes, holding a struggling zombie in one hand.

"Am I back?"

He let go of the zombie in his hand, and the other person ran away very far away as if hiding from the god of plague. In front of him, a zombie with only half its body left passed by. As he passed by, he looked at it with frost-white eyes curiously. Tang Ye, but after Tang Ye looked over, it quickly crawled away from Tang Ye. The zombie's instinct told it that the "person" in front of it was a similar person who was several levels higher than itself!

It can't bother him!

Tang Ye stood up, and now he felt that he was very awake! Like waking up from a dream and being able to clearly recognize that all the previous experiences were dreams at night!


I twisted my neck and found that my body was full of "calories", almost exceeding the capacity. It was even more than before I came to Yunxia Base!

"How am I going to get out now?"

Observing the surrounding environment, Tang Ye quickly confirmed that he was now on a subway aisle platform. He looked up and saw that there were a lot of cracks on the top. Looking back, the stairs leading to the entrance were completely blocked and could not be seen through. With a little light, the entire platform, including the subway track below, was in darkness.

Fortunately, Tang Ye could see anything clearly in the dark. The pre-apocalyptic commercial advertisements on the wall had been covered with a layer of dust, but it could be seen from the words above that were not completely blocked. This was in Xijiang City, on the ground. In addition to a thick layer of dust, there are broken limbs and broken arms that have turned into bones, which can vaguely restore what happened here when the apocalypse came.

He walked to the entrance, looked at it for a while, and was about to break through the cement blocks in front of him. Suddenly, there was a sound from behind. Tang Ye turned around suddenly, and a thread-like object flashed out of the tunnel under the platform. Pass!

"That is……"

Tang Ye was confused for a moment, then walked over and passed through the broken tempered glass protective wall. He immediately saw a dark object in the Ziah subway tunnel!

When his eyes came into contact with the thing, the large unknown object suddenly let out a scream and jumped up from the ground. Only then did Tang Ye see clearly that the thing was an eye. The eye was very big, almost It's about the size of a truck tire. There are many strange patterns in its pupils, and there are tiny threads floating on the surface of the eyeballs!

After a scream, the big eyes jumped onto the platform, then floated up, looking straight at Tang Ye!

"It seems you are the culprit."

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