"What!" Sun Wen was a little impatient. He took out the cigarette and was about to take a sip to cheer him up. But now he was busy again. He was searching without a destination. Although it was not tiring for him as a new human being, But I felt very irritable in my heart.

However, after just nagging, Sun Wen still stood up, rolled up his sleeves, and followed the others towards the place where his companion found him.

Walking to the alley, a few people actually saw a car parked at the end, about ten meters away from them. However, since their group was sent by the shelter to check the surface conditions, naturally everyone was new. Human beings, and they were all high-end warriors in the shelter, could clearly see the green pickup truck across the alley entrance at a glance.

Judging from the bodywork, the car is still very clean. It's obviously been cleaned regularly, and this car has also lifted their spirits.

"Let's go over and have a look, there might be someone there."

"Be careful, people on the surface may not be too friendly."


Sun Wen shouted, and followed his companion with a gun as he walked cautiously towards the opposite side of the alley. Every time he stepped out, he stepped on the dead wood on the ground, making a cracking sound.

"Keep your voice down, what if someone inside notices you?" someone couldn't help but remind him.

They themselves have no ill intentions, they just want to see how the people on the surface are doing now, but everyone knows that when the end of the world comes, human nature will be the most untested. Of course, they will take up the weapons in their hands to drive away the invaders.

And they don't want to start a war as soon as they meet, they just want to find a new home.

However, after a while, until they all came to the alley, they saw no one, only the pickup truck parked there alone.

"no one?"

"What's this?"

People looked around and saw that the place was as lifeless as they had seen before. The only strange thing was the bags of flour on the pickup truck. When they tore them open, they found that they were all moldy.

Another soldier also discovered a package of strange things in a transparent bag placed at the door of the small bungalow.

For a moment, several people gathered around and looked at the package curiously. The contents were like fish bait mixed with water by fishermen. They were light yellow in color. When the light shone into the bungalow, they could be seen in the air. The scattered dust particles indicate that no one has cleaned the place for a long time, or that no one has lived there at all. Apart from these, you can still see clear footprints on the ground.

"It's like scanning, what is this thing?"

Someone took out a tube, and a blue light appeared from the end. Under his operation, the blue light that appeared from the tube scanned the bag of light yellow mud from top to bottom, and A piece of data quickly appeared on the small screen of the tube.

"The main ingredients are soy protein isolate, starch, glacial acetic acid, lactic acid, etc."

"This thing...means it's edible?"

"It should work."

Everyone looked weird, is this food? They didn't see this kind of food when they came out, but the scanner never made an error. If it only contained these ingredients, it would really be edible.

"Get out of the way, let me have a taste." Soon someone volunteered to be a guinea pig, ran forward, took a package of unknown food, picked up a piece of it with his hands and threw it into his mouth.

The taste is very strange, and I can't tell you the specifics. After all, he has never eaten this before. It tastes sour, sweet, and other unusual flavors. Overall, it is really edible.

After the first person tried it, the remaining people were also curious and came up to take a bite.

"This should be food for survivors on the surface. It looks like the packaging has been torn open not long ago and is still very fresh."

"Does this mean there was someone here before?"

"It should be. Look at those footprints and the dust on the car. It is very likely that someone was preparing to move these things to the car before."

"Where are those people? What are they doing carrying all this flour? Look what mold it has become."

"Don't worry about this for now, let's go in and take a look."

Someone next to him interrupted the person who was speaking and pointed to the small bungalow. The people around him nodded. Follow Sun Wen and head inside the small bungalow.

The windows were tightly sealed with wooden boards, not letting in any sunlight. Apart from the blackened cobwebs, there was only a pile of coal in the corner, which was very damp.

From this, it is easy to guess that this should be a survivor who saved a lot of flour in the bungalow in the early days of the apocalypse, and sealed the windows to prevent zombies from discovering it. However, for some reason, the original owner disappeared.

"Heiqimaqiu, where is the ghost?"

After grunting, Sun Wen raised his gun and fired at the boarded-up window. The bullets easily penetrated the rotten boards. After a while, the boards were shot and exploded, breaking away from the nails and falling. Coming down, it was also at this time that the sunlight from outside finally shined in.

In a quiet environment, fierce gunshots rang out one after another, which was very sudden, forming a huge contrast with the silent environment. People are used to hearing loud sounds, and it also made people feel uneasy in their hearts.

"It's all flour."

"nothing else?"

"Come here and see, he is also a talented person. He made so much flour and it was all wasted."

As several people walked in, they all felt sad when they saw the large amount of severely moldy flour. If this was fresh flour, it would be enough for the people in the shelter to eat for half a year.

"I'll go, what the hell, look inside."

"What's that?"

Soon, the group noticed a hole next to it, and inside the hole was a meat ball hanging from the ceiling, covered with white silk threads.

It's hard to tell what a good thing this thing is at first glance, and the appearance of the meat ball is enough to make them, a group of novices who have been hiding in the shelter for seven years, sick for a while.

"Your sister is just like a cockroach egg."

Sun Wen was the first one who couldn't stand it anymore. He once again pointed his gun at the meat ball in the hole and started shooting at it. The others also followed suit and fired at the meat ball.

Stones continued to spatter around the hole, and bullets shot into the flesh ball one by one, breaking small holes. Black and yellow sticky blood dripped onto the ground. Under the continuous shooting of everyone, just Within a few seconds, the meat ball suddenly exploded, like a flower blooming, and a stench came to the face. Dark green mixed with black and yellow pus and blood spattered in all directions. Fortunately, everyone in the group had quick eyesight and quick hands. He immediately hid on both sides to avoid being splashed by the disgusting pus and blood.

However, Sun Wen did not see that right next to him, a ball of pus and blood flew onto the exposed stone bricks around the hole.

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