“Master Zu actually wants to open a lecture in a hundred years!”

Vesta Heavenly Palace, Sujili said with joy.

The sermons of the saints are great opportunities and great creations.

The last time he heard the Dao, he had grown from the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal to the True Immortal Realm in just a thousand years, which was still the reason why his cultivation was relatively shallow, and he could understand and comprehend very few Dao Zhi Zhi.

In this sermon, he already had the cultivation of golden immortals, and if he went further on the road of the Great Road, he would definitely be able to gain a lot.

It’s like a student in a past life going to an expert lecture.

Tianxian is equivalent to junior high school students, many things are in the clouds, and the harvest is limited.

Golden Immortal is equivalent to a college student, who has a certain knowledge reserve and can gain a lot.

Thinking of this, Sujili looked expectant.

The saint’s sermon was a great event, and he did not dare to slacken, and soon got up and left the heavenly court.

However, Su Jili did not immediately go to the East China Sea, but first went to Qingyang Mountain, and for thousands of years, Yi Yin has been diligently inheriting and promoting the way of cooking and educating the world.

Because of this, Su Jili decided to take him to Jinao Island with him, even if he could not enter the Biyou Palace, being able to listen to sermons outside the palace was a golden opportunity for the latter.

Subsequently, Sujili descended on Yuntai Mountain, and the four Houtian Spirit Roots that he valued and planted in the mountain had all turned into shapes, and successfully crossed the calamity into immortals, and were canonized by him as the gods of the five flavors, and gave them their respective names.

Purple jade sugar cane is sweet and is called perilla.

The red jade jujube tree is an acid called red tasse.

The neem tree is bitter and is called calendula.

Nine-leaf dragon pepper is spicy and is called dragon spirit.

The five flavors of the gods are only one salty away from collecting.

Jinao Island is a holy place and a holy place of teaching, which is not only full of innate spiritual energy, but also full of holy charm, which is of great benefit to spiritual practice.

The five flavors of the god cultivation are low, and Sujili plans to bring them with him this time and observe them outside the Biyou Palace, hoping that they will not live up to their expectations and gain something.

After doing all this, he did not turn around again and went directly towards the East China Sea.

In fact, not only the Truncated Sect, but also the Interpretation Sect, the Humanist Sect, and the Western Sect all gathered disciples, and the five sages all sensed something from the Heavenly Dao and prepared to preach the Dao in unison.

Even Zhen Yuanzi, Queen Mother of the West, Kunpeng Laozu, etc. vaguely felt that something was wrong, and they also learned a lot, ready to teach the disciples.


The East China Sea is vast and choppy.

Above the firmament, thousands of rays of light streaked across the firmament.

Every ray of light is a truncated immortal.

Su Jili did not immediately go to Jinao Island, but first turned to Fire Dragon Island, and then set off with Master Luo Xuan, this time he took his mount Scourge Dou.

As the immortal foot force of the Intercept Sect, they also have the qualifications to listen to the Dao, even if they cannot enter the Biyou Palace, listening outside the palace is also a creation.

A few years later, Jinao Island.

When Luo Xuan and Su Jili arrived, the Intercept Sect Immortal had already reached more than half, and many Intercept Sect Immortals released goodwill to their masters and apprentices, even if they had an average relationship with Luo Xuan, even the Intercept Sect Immortals who only had a face affection took the initiative to greet each other with a smile this time.

“I haven’t seen it for many years, and Brother Luo Xuandao’s demeanor is more prosperous in the past.”

“I heard that Brother Luo Xuandao was named a three-rank righteous god by the Great Heavenly Venerable, and he was in charge of the Ministry of Fire, and he held a high position, congratulations!”

“Master Su and nephew have had a mid-Golden Immortal cultivation in just a few thousand years, this talent can be called the first person in the three generations of the Truncated Sect, Luo Xuandao’s brother Yan Shi is a high apprentice, and the senior brother has also accepted a disciple in recent years, in the future, you and my senior brothers can have a good exchange.”


Although Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice responded politely, they were not carried away by the attitude of the front and back, knowing that in addition to wanting to make good friends, these sect members wanted them to be like the last time they combed the starry sky, and they should not forget about good things in the future.

Of course!

There are also some Jiao Immortals who watch coldly.

This part of the immortals is headed by the Spirit Tooth Immortal, the Qiu Shou Immortal, the Golden Light Immortal and the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, and has a general relationship with Luo Xuan and has deep karma.

Last time, because they did not meet the requirements, did not comb the Hong Barren starry sky, and missed the merit, in this regard, they held a grudge and remembered that they hated Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice, although it was difficult to find trouble because of the identity of the same sect, but they would not give Luo Xuan a good face, and being able to well water without violating the river water was already their limit.

Su Jili and Luo Xuan both noticed this, but neither of the master nor apprentice cared, intercepting the ten thousand immortals to the dynasty, naturally mixed with fish and dragons, all kinds of birds, if you care, you can’t get by with yourself.

Taking advantage of the fact that the saint’s sermon had not yet begun, Luo Xuan took Su Jili to talk with familiar Taoist friends, and at the same time exchanged Taoist powers, Su Jili took Yi Yin and the gods to observe, and gained a lot.

Ten years before the saint’s sermon, Sujili met Zhao Gongming.

He is enthusiastic and has a hearty voice.

After exchanging salutes with Luo Xuan, he immediately called the burly young man who had been following him behind him, and introduced him when Sujili saluted.

“Apprentice, this is Senior Brother Su who is often mentioned to you by the master, he is the big disciple under your Luo Xuan uncle, his cultivation is profound, the Dao is exquisite, and his wisdom is unmatched, and he occupies the top position among the three generations of disciples of the entire Jiejiao Sect, in the future, your senior brothers should see each other more closely and exchange one or two.”


The burly young man’s eyes lit up, and he immediately said excitedly.

“Yang Jiao has seen Senior Brother Su.”

“Su Jili has seen Junior Brother Yang.”

Looking at the young man in front of him, Sujili looked appreciative.

I have to admit that Yang Jiao is indeed the proud son of heaven.

He is not only a mixture of man and god, but also has a Taoist body and infinite strength, which is extremely suitable for practicing “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”.

In just over two thousand years, he had cultivated to the peak of True Immortals.

Although he didn’t know how Yang Jian practiced, Su Jili felt that Yang Jiao should not be much worse than that Xiansheng Erlang True Monarch.

Sanxiao also came to greet, and Su Jili was fortunate to have a little more acquaintance with these three famous uncles.

Jinao Island, with the arrival of the Duo Bao Dao people, the period of the saint’s preaching finally came, and the immortals entered the core of Jinao Island one after another.

After the fire spirit who was accompanying the master’s side saluted Sujili, he followed and left.

In the Biyou Palace, the four great family disciples led the three generations of disciples under the door to enter the inner hall, and Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and other Da Luo Golden Immortals also entered the inner hall.

Su Jili is already a golden immortal, and the first person in the three generations of the Sect, and now that he hears the sermon, he can get a good position in the outer hall without relying on the face of Master Luo Xuan, almost ranking with the master and uncle of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, he saw the water and fire boy next to the Tongtian Sect Lord walking out.

“The sect leader has an order, ordering Senior Brother Luo Xuan and Senior Nephew Sujili to enter the inner hall to listen to the sermon.”


PS: Thanks to Wushuang and Dabo for the 588-point tip.

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