I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

Chapter 17: Goodwill from the Sky Chamber of Commerce


  You Lina was obviously surprised when she saw the holy sword that Lu Ming took out. Of course, their elves also recognized the holy sword and knew what it meant.

   Just looking at Yurina, there seemed to be something to say, but before she opened her mouth, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the room.

   "Excuse me, does Mr. Brave live here?"

   A low male voice rang outside the door, which caught Lu Ming's attention.

   He heard that the other party used the four words ‘Brave Lord’ to call himself, which showed that the other party could only be of two kinds.

One is from the kingdom, and the other is from the Sky Chamber of Commerce. Others have no ability to trace him here. After all, after he knew that the people in the capital city knew the holy sword before, he specially asked Lifa for a sword bag and holy sword. Put it up.

   Lu Ming motioned to Lifa to open the door. Standing outside the door were a few guys dressed as magicians.

   "Who are you guys!"

   Lifa asked these people with a cold face. These people have a certain level among human beings. Although she is not afraid of anything, she doesn't want such a low-level guy to challenge the authority of Lord Demon Lord.

   "We are not malicious."

The man headed by    has obviously reached the level of a magician, and the level is not low, more than 80 levels, it is almost close to the level of Yulina.

   "We are from the Sky Chamber of Commerce."

   These people first pointed to the magic medal on their chest to show their identity, and then took out a purple crystal brand that made Lu Ming familiar.

   "Our Chamber of Commerce intends to make friends with Lord Brave, please help me convey to Lord Brave, our Sky Chamber of Commerce is willing to pay a price of 10 million gold coins in exchange for Lord Brave and our common front."

   Lifa was about to refuse, suddenly her face was startled, and she took the sign off in embarrassment.

  Because Lu Ming just transmitted the sound to her and asked her to accept this ‘bribery’.

   Seeing the brave maid taking the gold coins, the people from the Sky Chamber of Commerce outside suddenly showed a knowing smile:

   "Then, don't bother, please remind Lord Brave that the palace banquet is about to begin. The person in charge of our chamber of commerce has already entered the palace, and I will rush over later."

   These people come and go fast, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   And Lifa has returned to Lu Ming's side, and asked strangely:

   "My lord, why are we accepting this thing? Those people even fight for your ideas..."

   Lu Ming shook his head, and said indifferently:

   "Just accept what they want, and see what the Sky Chamber of Commerce really wants to do."

   From the beginning of the auction, these people from the Sky Chamber of Commerce have expressed a great interest in making friends with them. Ignoring them, they have indicated that they want to refuse, but they did not expect them to post it again.

   At the same time, I want to be close to myself. People with a discerning eye can see their problems, and they are too anxious.

  They can take it slowly, and once in a while, Lu Ming can see it, but coming to him several times in a day is annoying.

   The Sky Chamber of Commerce will do the same at the risk of being hated by him. It means that they have no time to take it slowly. Maybe there will be problems at the palace banquet tonight.

   "The time is almost here, let's just get ready to leave for the banquet."

   Lu Ming glanced at the clock, now it was pointed at six o'clock, plus the time it took to go to the palace, he was ready to travel.

   "Yulina, how about you staying to see your house? It is rare for us to rent a hotel and stay here when we come back from the banquet."

   The first half of the sentence is for Yurina, the second half is for Lifa.

   Lifa naturally nodded and followed Lu Ming's arrangement, but Yulena's eyes flickered, and then she nodded slightly, seeming absentmindedly.

   Lifa saw this and glanced straight at her with sharp eyes. Unexpectedly, it was stopped by Lu Ming.

   "Well, Lifa, you come with me to the palace banquet."

   Lu Ming patted the maid's shoulder, and walked out of the room first without saying anything.

   Seeing this, Lifa flicked her finger, not knowing what magic was released, and then followed Lu Ming.

   Seeing that both people were out of the room, Yulina slowly squatted down in the corner, biting her lip, not knowing what she was thinking.

   Outside, thanks to the few gold coins in the brave package, Lu Ming had rented a carriage with Lifa and drove towards the palace.

   According to the groom, it takes about an hour for them to reach the palace.

   Along the way, Lu Ming closed his eyes in the carriage, only Lifa beside him was always nervous.

This is the first time for her to travel with Lord Demon Lord. In the past, Lord Demon Lord’s safety was protected by the Four World Wars. This time she has been replaced by a maid whose level is twice as low as her. Lifa is under great pressure. .

   Suddenly, Lifa's tight body seemed to be disconnected, and she trembled.

   Without waiting for Lifa to say anything, Lu Ming on one side opened his eyes and said lightly:

   "It's Yulena who ran out."

   Lifa was taken aback, and truthfully reported:

   "Yes, Lord Demon, she left our room in the hotel."

  Before, she used exploration magic in the hotel room, no matter if someone enters or goes out, she can receive news even if she is far away.

   Moreover, the advanced point of this magic is that anyone who touches this magic will be infected with the breath of this magic, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com can be found by her no matter where she goes.

   "Master Devil, what are we going to do with that elf?"

   Lifa thought that Yurina must have escaped. The Lord of the Devil believed her so much and left her alone in the hotel to watch the house, but she did not expect that she would slip away.

   This is absolutely unforgivable.

   What Lifa didn't expect was that Lu Ming didn't answer her question, but said softly to himself:

"She ran to the Sky Chamber of Commerce for revenge, she is also smart, and overheard the conversation between you and those Sky Chamber of Commerce magicians, knowing that at this moment, the strong people of the Sky Chamber of Commerce have gone to the palace banquet. Now the sky The Chamber of Commerce branch is when they are most vulnerable."

   Li Faxian was a little surprised. She did not expect this to be the case. She did not doubt Lord Demon’s speculation. She was only responsible for believing Lord Demon, and then just listen to her orders:

   "Then Lord Demon, what should I do now?"

   Lu Ming was silent for a while before telling her:

   "You go and protect her secretly, remember not to let her get hurt."

   Then Lu Ming closed his eyes again, leaned on the carriage seat and rested, and added casually:

   "She will come back. If she doesn't come back, there will be no meaning to her."

   "Yes, Lord Demon Lord."

After    Lifa took her order, she disappeared into the carriage in an instant.

   Only Lu Ming was left alone in the carriage, and gradually arrived at the palace.

   "My lord, the palace is here."

   Approaching the entrance of the palace, the groom turned his head back and called him, but after speaking, he was stunned. Why is there one less guest?

   However, before he was surprised, Lu Ming had already paid and left his sight.

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