I Am the Fated Villain

Volume reading 2977

He stopped in front of the door, looking back at Yuhe with a faint smile.

Wang He was terrified of Wang Gu Changge's tyrannical means of obliterating the car's pattern just now, but he didn't expect Gu Changge to suddenly ask such a question.


He stood there directly, and some didn't react.

When he was in Gufeng Ancient City, he caught Gu Changge's attention and led him all the way here?

Who is he talking about?

Mu Yan was also a little startled, but she had never heard Gu Changge mention such a thing at all.

Could it be that there are other people on Wang He's side?

At this time, Wang He was stinking, and he finally realized that his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Scavenger's Book Item Spirit."

He almost gritted his teeth and roared in his heart, thinking of this guy to rest for the first time.

In addition to the scavenger book, Wang He couldn't think of anyone else who would secretly attract the attention of Hongda Gu Changge and lead him on his way.

But all these scavenger books "seven eight seven" spirit never told him.

At the beginning, Wang He was on guard against the artifact spirit of the Book of Scavenging, worried that she would move some hands and feet in the dark insect.

He is careful, and most of the time, the spirit of scavenging books ignores him.

He also often wanted to carry the book of scavenging, out of his control.

Wang He never really trusted her.

However, when he listened to the plan of the scavenger book and tool spirit, personally took risks, went to visit Mu Yan, and sent the treasures, he did not encounter any danger.

Wang He gradually became more relieved about the spirit of the scavenger book.

Moreover, the scavenger book tool spirit, in addition to being a little anxious, did not have any abnormality, and helped him many times, which also made Wang He's vigilance lower and lower.

However, Wang He didn't expect that this guy would make a deal with him, let him deal with Gu Changge, and at the same time attract Gu Changge's attention.

At that time, Gufeng Ancient City has been around for a while.

In other words, during this period, the scavenger's book tool spirit was completely playing him as a monkey.

Thinking of this, Wang He's face was even more ugly, and it was hard to hide the blue and white. It was the first time that he had tasted the feeling of being betrayed.

The book of scavenging was not under the control of Yuhe.

Adoption: A faint shadow emerges from it.

It is the spirit of the book of scavenging. Her figure is scattered like a mist, and there is no definite figure. It seems that she is completely bound in the book of scavenging and cannot be separated too far.

Wang Heqiang looked at her with icy anger: I can't wait to think of a way to get rid of this guy.


Gu Changge looked at the scavenger book spirit, and was a little stunned.

"I've seen Young Master Gu."

The book of scavenging is spiritual, his voice is calm, and his attitude is not as indifferent as talking to Wang He.

"Is it that you were in the ancient city of Gufeng, showing an abnormal aura and letting me notice?"

Gu Changge glanced at her and smiled lightly, as if he knew what he was asking.

It was because he was aware of this unusual aura that he suddenly asked about Zhuoyou and the others + about the Chaos Inn, and learned about Wang He's origins.

At that time, Gu Changge's thoughts were more on Mo Tong and Zhuo Clan Xi, and he wasn't very interested in it.

It was really close and outside Biyoutian: he only felt that abnormal breath again.

It was just that Gu Changge did not expect that the existence that caught his attention would definitely be the artifact spirit of a treasure in Wang He's hands.

"It's me, I am the current tool spirit of the book of civilization's treasure scavenging."

The spirit of the book of scavenging bluntly explains its origin and history + "The book of scavenging is the treasure of Fang Zhiqiang civilization, which was cast by the power of the world in the era of the end of civilization, and contains the essence of a supreme civilization. Inheritance and crystallization."

Hearing such an explanation, Mu Yan was also extremely startled.

She looked at Wang He, whose face was ashen and angry, but did not expect that he would have a treasure of civilization.

It was also the first time she heard of such a thing as the treasure of civilization.

And Yuhe couldn't imagine at this moment that the artifact spirit of the book of scavenging would introduce the origins of self-interest like a few treasures. There is an artifact spirit, let alone know these many mysterious origins.

If it weren't for the coincidence of the machine, he discovered the function of the book of scavenging, I am afraid that until now, the book of scavenging is still used by him as a "soft armor" for body protection.

As a result, when facing Gu Changge, the attitude of the book of scavengers! I mean such a big change.

If he had known earlier, the Item Spirit of the Book of Scavengers would have such a character, he said that Jian Mo would find a way to control Ji.

"The treasure of civilization?"

Gu Changge's expression was calm and calm when he introduced his origins from the book of scavengers, he was not surprised.

The origins of the treasures of civilization can be traced back to even more ancient times.

Moreover, the treasures of civilization forged by each Xeon civilization are not the same, and the focus and power are different. In the oldest time, there were actually several treasures of civilization called the first generation. .

Many of the treasures of civilization that follow are based on the prototypes of these first-generation civilization treasures, and they are again deduced and cast.

However, there is one thing that the scavenger book spirit said is not wrong.

The treasure of civilization is indeed only the Xeon civilization with an extremely deep foundation:

Eligibility for casting.

Just rely on Gu Changge and move forward

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