After returning to the tribe, Mu Feng brought the little wolf directly to the armored earth dragon.

The little wolves should be one or two months old, and they still look cute and fierce.

But as long as Mu Feng stretched out his hand, the little wolf would immediately bar its teeth and look like it was going to attack and bite.

"Sure enough, the original ecology is still wild enough." Mu Feng said secretly.

In his previous life on Earth, he had a few friends who often went in and out of primitive areas for archaeological purposes and had the habit of raising hunting dogs. They often asked special people to train their hunting dogs because their hunting dogs were not wild enough.

From the slender-waisted dog to the Tibetan mastiff, it was the same.

Now it seems that the lack of wildness of these hunting dogs is largely related to the living environment of the hunting dogs.

Although the five little wolves are still young, they still show wildness and difficulty in taming. Not only did he not worry, but he was excited.

Because once such wolves are tamed, their combat effectiveness will definitely be many times stronger than the domesticated dogs in later generations.

The reason why he brought it to the Pijia Earth Dragon was to suppress the arrogance of the little wolves through the breath of the Pijia Earth Dragon to prevent them from being too "arrogant".

But what he didn't expect was that even in the face of the "giant" Pijia Earth Dragon, the five little wolves did not show any fear, and they gathered together and raised their heads to "woohoo" at the Pijia Earth Dragon.

Although they were showing off their fierceness, they looked cute and silly.

The most hilarious thing was that one of the slightly larger little wolves was "bold" enough to come forward and bared its teeth at the Pijia Earth Dragon, with a posture of "Come here if you dare".

The Armored Earth Dragon ignored it.

First, it was obviously a moderate by nature.

Second, the five little wolves added together were not as big as its hoof, and they were not at the same level at all.

So it just lazily glanced at the little wolves, snorted, and then lay on the ground and nibbled the grass in front of it.

Just like an elephant being annoyed by a group of mosquitoes, it just flapped its ears to drive them away and never cared about it again.

Contempt, naked contempt!

Mu Feng couldn't help laughing, thinking that the little wolves were really newborn calves who were not afraid of tigers. They obviously didn't realize that the big guy in front of them could crush them into meat paste with one hoof.

"Sure enough, the son of a tiger and a leopard, although not yet written, already has the spirit of eating cattle." Mu Feng nodded, "After all, wolves are carnivores, and Pijia Dilong is still a herbivore."

He shook his head: "It seems that I was careless and forgot this."

I couldn't suppress the wildness of the little wolves with Pijia Dilong, but stimulated their wildness. This really surprised Mu Feng.

"It seems that I still have no experience!" Mu Feng scratched his head, thought about it, and carefully recalled the content of animal taming. It seems that in addition to the "language" for communicating with some animals, there is also an introduction to "taming".

In general, to tame a wild animal like a wolf cub, you need to use four words - kindness and severity!

To put it bluntly, it's carrot and stick.

As for how to use carrot and stick, there are also detailed instructions in it.

Mu Feng read it carefully again and again, and suddenly felt like he had picked up a treasure.

Before, he thought it was a bit of a loss to exchange 500 achievement points for a basic beast taming technique, but now it seems more worthwhile.

Kindness and severity, the first thing to do is "kindness".

Considering that the wolf cub is not big in size and body, it is only one or two months old. According to the norm, it should not be weaned yet. At this time, they can eat meat, but they certainly can't tear raw meat.

Mu Feng decided to start with this aspect first.

So he found Han Shu, cut a large piece of venison from him, went back and cut it into small pieces, put it in a stone jar and repeatedly pounded it with a bone stick, a bit like pounding garlic in a garlic mortar in the previous life, pounding the venison into minced meat.

Then he kneaded the minced meat into small meat balls and fed them to the wolf cub.

This method is to imitate the mother wolf's method of feeding the little wolf at the beginning. The mother wolf chewed the meat into a meat ball and then spit it out to the little wolf to eat.

Not only that, Mu Feng remembered that many old people in the village fed their children in this way when he was a child.

Now it seems that humans are very likely to learn this method from animals - more likely wild wolves.

When the little wolf saw Mu Feng holding a meat ball in his hand and handing it over, they roared at Mu Feng fiercely, as if warning him.

That posture clearly said: "Go away!"

Mu Feng smiled and said nothing, and did not continue to stretch out his hand. He just held the meat ball in his hand, neither moving forward nor retracting it, and looked at the little wolf with a smile.

There was a fishy smell of raw meat all around.

It was naturally uncomfortable for Mu Feng to smell, but it might not be the case for the little wolf.

The little wolves first roared and protested to Mu Feng.

But not long after, their stomachs were not up to the task.and began to cry.

"Gurgle, gurgle"!

The wolf cubs, who were born not long ago, need to eat constantly, just like children, and they are obviously hungry now.

Hearing the "gurgle" sound, Mu Feng's smile became even stronger, and he pinched the meat ball calmly and shook it again.

The "meat fragrance" in the air seemed to be stronger.


The wolf cub's stomach rumbled even louder now.

The wolf cubs no longer roared at Mu Feng, but looked at Mu Feng's hand eagerly, tilting their heads, wanting to advance and retreat.

Mu Feng was not in a hurry, and he knew that he could not be in a hurry now.

Finally, one of the wolf cubs could not help it, and took a tentative step, walked carefully to Mu Feng, and carefully held the meat ball, then ran to the side quickly and devoured it.

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