Mu Feng plucked a small yellow flower and smelled it carefully. It had a faint fragrance.

"Haha, good stuff!" Mu Feng laughed.

"Good stuff?" Han Shu beside him asked puzzledly, "What's wrong, Chief!"

"This!" Mu Feng pointed at the forsythia flower and said, "This thing is a medicinal material, and the fruit can be used as medicine!"

"Medicinal material, medicinal?" Han Shu looked confused.

Mu Feng was in a good mood and explained with a smile, "It can be used to treat diseases, clear away heat and detoxify!"

"Cure diseases!" Han Shu understood now and immediately said in ecstasy, "Can it cure bacteria in the tribe?"

"That's not the case. It can treat colds and flu. But it can't be used as medicine now. It will bear fruit in autumn, and the fruit can be used as medicine."

"Oh!" Han Shu finally reacted, "What should we do now?"

"Uh..." Mu Feng looked thoughtful, and took a shovel to peel the bark on several big trees nearby and marked them. "We have other things to do this time. Remember the location here, and you can take people to dig up all these forsythias and plant them back to the tribe!"

"Yes!" Although Han Shu was confused, he agreed honestly.

So Mu Feng asked Han Shu to continue to lead people forward, but they encountered another surprise not long after they walked.

In the bushes not far away, the pale yellow flowers were particularly eye-catching.

"Dandelion!" Mu Feng shouted, "This is also a good thing for clearing heat and detoxifying!"

Mu Feng couldn't help but pull up a dandelion from the ground, plucked off the flower and put it in his mouth to eat.

When he was young, Mu Feng often plucked dandelion flowers in the fields as snacks. He didn't expect to see dandelions here again many years later. He naturally did what he did when he was a child.

"Great Chief!" Han Shu was shocked, "Is this thing poisonous?"

"No!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "This is called dandelion, which is also a herb and can be used for cooking. The roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine, and the whole body is a treasure. Well, we can dig some of this now and plant it in the tribe."

"Is this also a medicinal material?" Han Shu stared at Mu Feng with wide eyes, with an incredible expression.

"The yellow-flowered forsythia just now can be used as medicine, but now this dandelion can not only be used as medicine, but also eaten?

In the eyes of the chief, is it true that anything with yellow flowers can be eaten?

That doesn't seem right, because the locust flowers and elm flowers in the tribe are not yellow.

Or does it mean that anything with flowers can be eaten?

That's not right either, because the chief didn't say that forsythia can be eaten.

What's going on?"

Han Shu frowned, and he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried, and he looked very confused.

Mu Feng saw it, vaguely guessed his thoughts, and smiled: "Remember, not all flowers in the wild can be eaten, some are medicinal, and some are poisonous."

Han Shu woke up immediately and asked: "But we don't know it either, what should we do?"

Mu Feng thought for a while and said: "This is simple. I will transplant all the usable and edible ones to the tribe, plant them in the tribe, and let the tribe members know them. Except for what I tell you, don't touch the others, understand?"

"Yes!" Han Shu said respectfully.

Other tribesmen also responded.

"Okay, let's continue to set off and go to the river!"


The group continued to move forward.

Because of the forsythia and dandelions in front, Mu Feng was now alert and looked carefully to see if there were any herbs around along the way.

Unfortunately, they were now heading to the river, and the surrounding vegetation was gradually transitioning from shrubs to thatch.

The growth and destructiveness of thatch are obvious to all.

As long as there is thatch, it is difficult for other vegetation to appear.

Mu Feng sighed and shook his head. Looking at the increasing amount of thatch, he lost confidence in finding Chinese herbal medicine again.

"It seems that if I want to find herbs, I still have to go to a farther wasteland." Mu Feng thought to himself, "The edge of the jungle, where the shrubs and the grassland meet, has rich vegetation and is the easiest place to find herbs."

However, Mu Feng was still very happy. First, he found two kinds of herbs, and second, he knew where he should go to find herbs in the future.

In addition, once the task of the two herbs was handed in, his achievement points reached 2900 points!

Just when he was thinking about doing something else to get 3000 achievement points, a big surprise came again!

"Someone sent me a pillow just when I was sleepy!" Mu Feng was overjoyed.

Just in front of his left, in a relatively sparse patch of grass, clusters of emerald green leaves were particularly eye-catching.

These leaves were like sparse bird feathers, each one was strong and evenly distributed on the more strong green stems.What made Mu Feng's heart beat faster was that the green stems were not branches, but a section of dark yellow rhizome exposed outside!

"Carrot!" Mu Feng almost jumped up, ignoring Han Shu's reminder, and walked to the small piece of green.

He carefully parted the grass, followed the green rhizome, straightened the green leaves on it, and then pulled it up by the roots.

He pulled out a section of the yellow-brown plant that was only as thick as a thumb and only ten centimeters long with its roots.

It was a little smaller and thinner, but the thing in front of him was definitely something Mu Feng had seen and eaten before.

After confirming it again and again, he grinned and laughed: "It's a carrot!"

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