Mu Feng didn't need to worry too much about spreading the ash. He just watched when Bai Ya led people to spread the ash, and made sure it was spread evenly before leaving.

Two pieces of soap were placed directly in front of Grandpa's thatched house.

Although the old man is now stupid and pedantic, Mu Feng also wants to treat him the same as other people in the tribe.

He has not been able to unravel the memory he passed on to him, so Mu Feng himself gave up - it didn't affect him anyway.

The people in the tribe began to use soap to wash their hands, and they were amazed at the strangeness of soap.

When eating, Mu Feng said in front of everyone: "The soap is placed here. You must wash your hands before every meal, so that everyone will eat less bacteria and naturally get sick less!"

"And well water, boil it in a stone pot before drinking, which can also reduce bacteria!"


"What are bacteria?"

Many people asked.

Mu Feng had no choice but to explain again: "Bacteria are very small bugs, so small that they can't be seen by the eyes. But if you eat them, you will get sick. The mildest ones are stomachaches and diarrhea, and the worst ones can kill people!"

"Ah!" Someone exclaimed, "No wonder I had a stomachache after drinking cold water a few days ago!"

"The well water we drink is cleaner than river water, so if we drink river water, won't there be more bacteria?"

"My father used to have a stomachache after drinking river water, and then..." The man burst into tears.

Mu Feng was silent, and the memory of some young men in the tribe dying of illness in his mind also came back at this time.

Even in the last robbery of the Manglong tribe, many people were not killed by the Manglong tribe, but were infected with bacteria.

The Jiang clan members looked at Mu Feng at this time: "Great Chief, it would have been better if you could have told us earlier!"

Mu Feng was helpless, because he hadn't crossed over at that time.

He looked serious: "So if you want to prevent this from happening again, follow my instructions!"

Everyone bowed respectfully at this time: "Follow the instructions of the great chief!"

After dinner, Mu Feng asked Ming Guang to continue to supervise the production of bows and arrows, leaving Li Hu behind.

"Except for the hunting team, gather all the young and strong people in the tribe. We will start building toilets and bathing places!"

"Yes!" Li Hu agreed.

Since he knew about the existence of bacteria, he agreed to whatever Mu Feng said, because he had seen those situations happen with his own eyes, and he didn't want the tribe to repeat the same mistakes.

Mu Feng nodded and led a group of people to the west of the tribe and the foot of the northern mountain, where the terrain was the lowest point of the entire tribe and was near the pigpen.

He chose a place near the pig pen, upwind, with a high terrain and a little further up the mountain: "You, level a piece of land here first!"

"Then dig about 20 pits here, leaving space between the pits, and put stones in the middle later!"

"Dig through here, build it with stones, just like building a wall, and fill the small gaps in the middle with smaller stones!"


Mu Feng chose a method that combines public toilets with rural earth toilets. Both are built with stone paving, covered with thin stone slabs, and connected with a long ditch behind the pits, so that water can be flushed.

He built another one behind the wall, and it was the same.

Finally, he asked people to build walls around these pits with rammed earth, and then paste the outermost layer with grass mud.

Although the two toilets were large and a bit troublesome to build, fortunately there were many people, and it took less than half a day to build them.

Next is the bathing place. There are simple ways to do it for a simple bathing place, and there are troublesome ways to do it for a troublesome place, which makes Mu Feng a little entangled.

Because a lot of water is used in a bathing place, and a lot of water will cause serious erosion of the soil.

In modern Earth, this is not a problem at all, cement floor, floor tiles, it can be done directly.

However, he does not have these things at hand at the moment, which has become a big problem.

Unless there are erosion-resistant things to splice together, you can find a way to use fine sand or yellow glue to glue and fix them in the middle.

After he arranged for Li Hu to dig the ditch under the public toilet to connect to the pigpen, he paced in the tribe to see if he could get any inspiration.

Not to mention, he really found something that can solve the problem - black bamboo.

The moment he saw the black bamboo, he felt a sense of light in front of his eyes, thinking: "No wonder people in the previous life said that if you want to make new discoveries, you have to go out more when you have nothing to do."

After seeing the black bamboo, he felt a sense of light in front of his eyes.

He thought of the southerners in his previous life who flattened bamboo to make wide bamboo strips and connected them together to make bamboo beds.

You don’t even need a mat when you sleep. It fits tightly, is dense and waterproof, and it is extremely comfortable to sleep on."Got it!" Mu Feng grinned unconsciously: "The black bamboos all over the mountain are the best anti-seepage materials!"

He set out to return, asked Li Hu to arrange people to dig ditches, and then took him straight to the black bamboo forest to cut bamboo.

Li Hu was both excited and confused.

He was excited because he knew that the chief wanted him to do something, and there must be "new moves".

He was confused because he didn't know what the chief wanted him to do.

Because until now, he still didn't understand what the purpose of digging pits and tamping earth just now, and then digging ditches and connecting them to the outer perimeter of the pigpen was.

However, Li Hu couldn't figure it out, so he shook his head secretly: "Don't think about it, anyway, there is the chief. Only the wisdom of the chief can figure out such a complicated thing!"

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