"Chief, who are you going to give these elk to? Don't you want to keep one as a mount?" Mingguang asked.

"No, these elk and horses are for you to use as mounts. As for me -" Mu Jifeng shook his head, "I just have the Armored Earth Dragon!"

"Oh!" Mingguang finally realized it and shuddered.

He forgot about the existence of the Armored Earth Dragon, which could easily kill their mounts.

"Who are you going to give these elk to? There are not enough for the warriors of the hunting team!" Mingguang asked again.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "This is easy. Didn't I want to compete in the pavilion of the Moon Tower? In addition to the bows and initiations I made for the top three, each of them can come and choose a mount!"

"There are only so many mounts now, so whoever performs well will get one. Those who don't have enough can only wait until the next time we go out hunting!"

After this, Mingguang, Lihu, Hanshu and Qingya couldn't help but feel proud. They got the mounts directly without the competition, which obviously took the lead.

In this way, they also understood their importance in the heart of the great chief.

"Then I will tell the chief and the warriors right away. Whoever ranks higher in the competition can choose the mount first!" Mingguang shouted excitedly.

"Well, good!" Mu Feng nodded.

What he didn't say was that every warrior knight would have a mount in the end, it was just a matter of time.

He would also give initiation and strengthening to every warrior in the tribe. He used competitions to stimulate them, so that they could train hard and strengthen their strength.

This was the goal and motivation for them to strive for.

In the next few days, the entire Jiang family began to get busy.

Li Hu, Ming Guang, Han Shu and Qing Ya would run to the red deer pen in their straw raincoats when they had nothing to do. They ran there excitedly and ran back excitedly. Every time, they would tell Mu Feng how they trained the red deer today.

"Chief, I can ride the red deer without shaking around!"

"Chief, my mount almost kicked me today!"

"Chief, I can ride the red deer in the pen!"


The four people took turns to "report", just like a child playing with new toys every day, and then showing off to others every time, which made Mu Feng feel a headache.

What he wanted to say was: "A few fools, it took three days to train the red deer. If it were me, I would let them carry me and run in a minute!"

But looking at the excitement of the four people, Mu Feng really couldn't bear to spoil their fun.

After all, they have many means at their disposal, but they are really following the rules.

The four of them are busy taming the mounts, while the rest of the hunting team warriors are busy training indoors.

They all know that the chief will use competitions to determine the top three mounts.

Once they become the best three, they can not only choose the mounts, but also receive the initiation of the chief, and also get the bow made by the chief himself.

Putting the three rewards together, they can't help but be tempted!

Even the warriors of the other three earth buildings have spontaneously organized small-scale competitions, which are all harmless wrestling and wrestling competitions.

Having just lived a "well-fed and well-clothed life", they also know the importance of their companions, and no one is willing to kill them.

The spontaneous actions of the hunting team warriors also stimulated the underage teenagers in the tribe.

Originally, they only needed to learn some skills from Lihu, Mingguang and Hanshu every day, but now they are influenced by their father and brother, and they have become active one by one.

Under the initiative of several bold "child leaders", Mu Feng spent 200 achievement points to exchange for a set of practical military fighting skills, and taught them to Han Shu, so that Han Shu could teach these children.

It's not that Mu Feng didn't want to teach these children in person, but he was sick of giving speeches in his previous life, and he didn't want to repeat the "pain" of his previous life.

And the children who learned fighting skills seemed to have nowhere to vent their energy. After learning the skills every day, they still didn't stop, chasing and fighting in the earth building.

"Hey, people are afraid of idleness and too much trouble!" Mu Feng looked at these children who were so energetic that they had nowhere to vent, and grinned, "Then I'll find you something to do!"

He called Li Hu over: "Have you seen the current situation of these children?"

Li Hu looked at the children who were constantly running around, and his heart trembled: "Captain, are they disturbing your meditation? I'll let them go back immediately!"

Mu Feng shook his head: "No, they are energetic now and have nowhere to vent, which is a good thing! I asked you to find them something to do!"

"Find them something to do?" Li Hu was puzzled, "If there is something to do, you can let other young and strong people do it!"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Just find them something to do! You goFind some animal skins, wrap them around big wooden stakes, wrap them in ten or eight layers, make a few more, put them under the awning of the Moon Tower, and let them fight!"

"Yes!" Li Hu agreed, and then asked, "Chief, should the animal skins be wrapped in ten or eight layers?"

Mu Feng took a deep breath and said, "Ten layers!"

"Yes!" Li Hu left quickly.

Mu Feng sighed helplessly and said two words secretly: "Silly!"

What he asked Li Hu to do was Simple sandbags are used for children to train their fists, which can also help these growing children vent their vigorous energy.

The men have something to do, so the women are naturally not idle.

Weaving, peeling corn kernels, grinding flour, steaming buns - the entire Jiang family has now officially begun to transition to the direction of "men farming and women weaving"!

The one who is really idle at the moment is Mu Feng.

He is thinking about what he should do to "kill" time as the only idle person in the tribe.

He thought about going to talk to Grandpa, but found that the old man was completely "demented" and could not recognize anyone.

Even if Mu Feng used the Wood Dao Derivation Technique to treat him, it would be useless - it seems that the Wood Dao Derivation Technique is only effective for flesh and blood bodies, and for such a god The disease of the classics has no effect.

Unable to communicate with Grandpa, he naturally could not figure out the truth of the memory in his mind.

However, after so long, he was also wondering in his heart whether it was about the secret inheritance of the Great Chief or the "Wizard".

If that was the case, he would not be so anxious to solve the mystery.

After all, he now has the "Great Chief System" that can exchange various props and skills, and he doesn't really need similar things.

In desperation, he decided to start the "Warrior Competition" in advance, just like when he was in school in his previous life, the teacher conducted surprise tests to test the students' test results.

The entire Jiang clan was instantly in an uproar, and everyone was rubbing their hands, eager to try!

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