Sakaki originally planned to try his luck to find the Diglett Cave.

Because there is no accurate map at present, it is indeed a bit troublesome to find the Diglett Cave.

Unexpectedly, Hanako Watari came to her door, which is also a good thing.

Although Sakaki softened his attitude towards her because he saw the benefits, it was safe after all, and Hanako Watari would not say anything more.

Sakaki was still cold and not gentle at all, "Lead the way."

Hanako Watari pouted and walked back the way she came.

She was also unlucky. She accidentally hit the Diglett Cave, and several other elves under her were severely injured. She finally ran out, and was chased by a group of Rattata and Rada in a panic, which was considered a fight with the mice.

Now she has to go back again, she is still a little panicked, but she still stabilizes her emotions and tells Sakaki:

"You can go back, but you have to ensure my safety."

She saw Sakaki's strong strength from the cat boss.

It's just that she was still a little scared.

Sakaki didn't have a particularly bad attitude, he just said to her: "Okay."

In this way, Hanako Watari calmed down.

The location of the mole cave is not close, and it will take a day to walk there. It's getting late, although Sakaki has the ability to move in the dark.

But there is no need for this, and there is no need to make the trip seem like a disaster.

Sakaki picked a relatively suitable location and said to Hanako Watari:

"It's getting late, take a rest, and set off tomorrow."

Hanako Watari, who had walked all day and now had weak legs and feet and some soreness, sat down on the ground.

She had been waiting for Sakaki to say this for a long time, but Sakaki didn't say it until now.

Sakaki glanced at Hanako Watari. He had already seen that she was tired, but she didn't speak just to get to the mole cave quickly.

Unexpectedly, this woman was also very stubborn. If Sakaki didn't speak, she would really not stop.

Sakaki leaned against the tree lightly, took out a bottle of water and a piece of bread from the small bag he carried with him, and simply dealt with it.

Hanako Watari kept pursing her lips, and her backpack was lost because she ran too fast on the road.

Now let alone water, there is not even food.

Her face was slightly red as she said to Sakaki: "Can you give me some water and food? I can give it back to you when we get to Nibi City."

Sakaki's mouth corners slightly raised, and he thought this woman could always be so stubborn.

However, if he asked her to lead the way, he couldn't really let her get tired. Then Sakaki would have to take care of her, which would be even more troublesome.

So he casually threw a bottle of water and a piece of bread to Hanako Watari.

He also put a lot of this kind of food at Haunter's place. Not to mention Hanako Watari, adding two more people would not be a problem.

What's more, this is actually halfway through, and it is actually very close to Nibi City.

It will be the same to replenish food at that time.

"Thank you." Hanako Watari took the food and started chewing it. She was really hungry.

After she finished eating, she stood up suddenly and walked slowly towards Sakaki, her face still slightly red. "I can't just do nothing after eating your food."

Sakaki frowned, his eyes looked unkind, and his hand was placed in the shadow, ready to take out the knife from it at any time.

Fortunately, Hanako Watari only walked between Sakaki and the first few trees, marked a few points on it, and smiled at Sakaki.

"Although I am not strong, I got full marks in the camping class before. I will build a simple residence for you."

Sakaki originally planned to refuse, after all, he brought a tent.

But after thinking about it, it is not impossible to learn a little. If the tent is lost one day, he will not have no place to sleep.

After thinking for a while, he said to Hanako Watari: "Okay, you just teach me. If you can, I will take care of the food for the next few days."

Hanako Watari, who originally just wanted to prove herself a little, also got excited, "You want to learn? Sure."

She skillfully took out a sharp dagger, found a suitable branch nearby, and simply trimmed it.

She started to build it. She did not lie about this. Soon she built a tree house hanging on the tree, which looked a bit like a combination of a bird's nest and a house.

It seems that she is not useless, Sakaki thought to himself, and he probably remembered the general steps in his mind.

He is a practical person and started to work quickly. Although there are some minor problems, he succeeded in building it after being guided by Hanako Watari.

Hanako Watari couldn't help but praise Sakaki, "You are very talented."

Sakaki actually cheated. If it was the previous him, he would have been a little worse.

But since he obtained the power of Tokiwa, hisThe memory is getting better and better, so it can be reproduced so quickly.

"Not bad."

Seeing that it was getting late, Sakaki said to Hanako Watari: "Rest, my elves will keep watch, don't worry about safety."

Hanako Watari nodded, "Okay."

Then she really trusted Sakaki and climbed directly into her simple tree house.

Having known Hanako Watari's character, Sakaki didn't care about it and just stamped his feet.

And Haunter, who had been sleeping during the day, immediately opened his eyes slowly from his shadow.

Sakaki told it, "I'll leave it to you at night. If you can't deal with it, release the giant bee."

Haunter blinked, meaning it knew, so Sakaki rested at ease.

Haunter separated from his shadow and dutifully sensed the surroundings.

The night gradually deepened, and a quiet and mysterious atmosphere permeated the Evergreen Forest.

The moonlight shines through the sparse leaves, sprinkles on the ground, and covers this ancient land with a layer of silver yarn.

Some nocturnal elves have indeed started to look for food, and some are blindly eyeing this place.

For example, Ariados, who is walking through the trees, this poisonous spider spits out silk and falls from the sky, coming towards Sakaki.

Haunter slowly transforms from a shadow state to a real appearance, and the evil eyes are shining with cold light.

Ariados on it trembles with fear and is about to retract the silk and run away.

But Haunter did not let it go. It flew up quickly and chased it in an instant.

Only a scream was heard, and soon, an empty shell without skin and flesh, with a rotten smell, fell from the sky.

The scream of Ariados scared some nearby elves who came to look for food and dared not approach here again. It saved Haunter a lot of trouble.

After dealing with this Alidos, Haunter returned to Sakaki's side and continued to perform its duties.

Sakaki and Wataru Hanako were still sleeping in their simple tree houses, seemingly unaware of what had just happened.

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