I am reciting the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the interstellar

Chapter 1240 Justice from Heaven (First Update)

It doesn't seem to be good. This will definitely not be concealed from my teammates.

They are not stupid. The first time can be said to be an accident, but the second time cannot be explained.

Although Xia Chujian knew that they were trustworthy people, she had other plans this time and didn't want them to know about her actions this time.

She thought about it for a long time, but still had no clue, so she simply gave up.

Xia Chujian ordered Qilu to turn off the camera in the cockpit and said, "Qilu, edit the video you just took."

"Remember, you need to zoom in on the details of the killing of the Zerg His Highness. However, the time should not be too long, just one shot for half a second, and it will fly by quickly."

"Then repeating each shot for half a second can enhance their memory and give them enough shock."

"By the way, add a narration at the end, saying that I am a space marine, and I take salt of the earth for myself."

Qilu remained silent and watched Xia Chujian kill the female Zerg soldier.

When Xia Chujian asked him to edit the video, Qilu asked cautiously: "Master, why are you doing this? Can't you just kill him?"

Xia Chujian said seriously: "No."

"Didn't you watch those videos? Didn't you see how those Zerg soldiers tortured and killed us humans?"

"I'm used to taking revenge, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"These bugs don't treat us humans as human beings, and I won't give them respect."

"If you want to kill, you must kill cruelly. Otherwise, they will not have a long memory and think they are more capable!"

Qilu's childish voice became weaker, and he said with a bit of humility: "But Master, these Zerg are very capable..."

"They killed many, many, many people..."

Xia Chujian said: "That's right! It's because they are unscrupulous and have killed too many people! Therefore, we can't kill them so easily!"

"They must be made to taste the same pain to achieve a deterrent effect."

"You know that these Zerg races are afraid of power and have no morals. If you talk to them morally and rationally, they will only think that we are easy to bully and easy to fool."

"We must speak justice to them!"

Qilu hesitated for a while and whispered: "But justice means being reasonable and rational..."

Xia Chujian said seriously: "No, my justice is a long sword, a sniper, and a space ion beam cannon!"

Qilu's childlike voice seemed to be boiling with enthusiasm.

It said: "I understand! The master's justice is the justice of Qi Lu!"

"Qilu is changing the relevant content in the database!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

Damn it, did she teach the children bad things?

But on second thought, she wasn't wrong.

It is better to teach Qilu to retaliate than to let him become a pedantic hypocrite.

Xia Chujian felt calm again.

After a while, Qilu said to Xia Chujian: "Master, the video has been edited. What should Master do?"

Xia Chujian said: "Qilu, check the system of this spacecraft to see if there is any network connection."

"I always feel that the video these Zerg soldiers watched just now seems to have come from the Internet."

She knew that the Southern Cross star network system had completely collapsed.

Huo Yushen went to the Southern Cross on a mission, which was to restore the star network connection there.

But if the star network is not restored, how do these Zerg get online?

Qilu studied on the console of the starship for a while, and said with joy in his childish voice: "Master! There is indeed a place to connect to the Internet here!"

"But..." Its childlike voice was a little hesitant, and it said, "This network is not the Star Network of the Beichen Empire. It seems to be another system, and the network interface used is also different."

Xia Chujian said: "Can you find out where the satellite is? Where is the system?"

Qilu said: "It's difficult to check. At present, there is only an interface for connecting, so it is difficult to search inside."

"Because they are on the dark web, which requires a special browser and a privileged entrance to access."

"There happens to be such a browser and entrance on this starship."

Xia Chujian still knows some common sense about the dark web.

The dark web is actually a part of the Internet, but it is more hidden and completely anonymous.

No matter how awesome Internet celebrities are, the source of things released through the dark web cannot be found.

Not just anyone can access the dark web.

First you need a special browser.

Secondly, use a permitted entrance.

Finally, after entering from this entrance, the information will jump to random nodes on the network, and the number of jumps is extremely complicated, making it impossible to track the user's real network address.

However, although the dark web is extremely hidden, it has also attracted a group of criminals because it is too hidden.

Most of the things posted on it are not legitimate stuff.

Xia Chujian asked curiously: "How did this Zerg find the dark web?"

Qilu said: "Is it possible that these Zerg tribes used the darknet from the beginning?"

"Qilu just followed the entrance and walked around. The network structure inside is not an ordinary darknet program. At least in the Beichen galaxy, Qilu has never seen such a network structure."

Xia Chujian was very surprised: "These Zerg can actually use a place that even Qilu can't figure out?"

Qilu's childish voice was a little unhappy: "This is just a network architecture and has nothing to do with the users. It's not that Qilu is unsure, but I've never seen anyone here use this kind of architecture."

He looked like his authority was being challenged.

Xia Chujian was choked, but she was not angry. She smiled and said, "What Qilu said makes sense. Maybe the Zerg can only log on to the dark web."

"What's in it?"

Qilu said with a crying voice: "The things in it... are too dark!"

"Too dirty! Qilu's eyes are dirty!"

Xia Chujian wanted to say, Qilu, you are a mechanical intelligent program, you don't have eyes...

In the past, she would have said it directly, but now, she couldn't bear it.

Qilu is still a child, be nice to it.

She remembered Xiaofei's "death" instructions.

Xia Chujian's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "Are there many videos of killing humans?"

Qi Lu's childish voice said angrily, "More than killing! There are many more...Qi Lu can't say it!"

Xia Chujian: "..."

She asked again, "How does it compare to the video of killing Zerg I just shot?"

Qi Lu said frankly, "...Master's video is still conservative."

"Qi Lu is not knowledgeable enough. I shouldn't have questioned Master's actions just now."

"But Master, don't worry, Qi Lu has updated the database and won't do it again in the future!"

Xia Chujian took a deep breath and said, "Then Qi Lu will think of a way to send the video just shot to the dark web where Zerg often log in."

"By the way, the part where I switched to the shape of the Chongming bird in the cargo hold was also edited in."

"I want these Zerg to know that they can't continue to do whatever they want in the human world!"

Qi Lu's childish voice answered loudly, "Okay, Master! I'll add it right away!"

Qi Lu's speed in editing videos is so fast that it seems like no time is needed.

Its voice was still lingering in Xia Chujian's ears, and a pre-edited video had begun to play on Xia Chujian's eyepiece display.

Xia Chujian's figure did not appear in the video, only an arm in the shape of a regular mecha was exposed, holding the mouthparts of the Zerg soldier of the Golden Mosquito Clan, and began to quickly divide the body of the Zerg.

From cutting off six arthropod legs, to beheading, to blinding its compound eyes, and then directly pulling off the Zerg soldier's head with bare hands.

Each picture lasted for half a second, and then repeated, and finally added a picture of a golden giant bird shape, chirping in the cargo hold, including the scene where the low-level Zerg nest builders below heard the chirping and saw the golden giant bird, and knelt down as a conditioned reflex.

Xia Chujian's electronically synthesized male voice echoed softly in the video, like the devil's mumbling from hell.

"All the Zergs who dare to kill humans, clean your necks and wait for justice to fall from the sky!"

"...I am a space marine, I am here to defend myself."

Of course, all the words Xia Chujian said here were changed by Qilu into Zerg language, focusing on being easy to understand.

Then, this video named "Zerg Natural Enemy, Justice from Heaven" was posted by Qilu to the dark web video website that Zergs often log in.

Xia Chujian asked nervously: "Has it been sent?"

Qilu said: "It has been sent, I will operate it and put it at the top of the new video list."

Soon, this video named "Zerg Natural Enemy, Justice from Heaven" attracted the attention of many Zergs who were browsing the dark web.

It has to be said that the name of this video given by Xia Chujian is too cunning, and it directly hits the sensitive points of Zergs.

Just seeing the title has made these Zergs physically uncomfortable!

Zergs are cursing in Zerg language in front of their network receivers.

Before clicking on the video

"Sima! My Zerg dominates the world and sweeps across the universe. Where are the natural enemies?!"

"Who ate garlic last night and didn't brush his teeth? This breath is enough to make the Zerg fall over!"

"Let me see who is the idiot who dares to say such a thing! I will twist off its head and kick it like a ball!"

After clicking on the video.






Xia Chujian and Qilu knew nothing about this for the time being.

Because she had to consider how to deal with this interstellar spaceship and the valuable Zerg corpses on the spaceship.

For her, these Zergs are really treasures "from head to toe", and there is no part that can't make her money.

She complained to Qilu: "What should I do? I want to take all these things away, but I don't want the team to know."

She didn't want to be too eccentric.

And many things this time can't be brought to the surface for the time being.

For example, she tortured Zerg soldiers. She also posted a video on the Zerg side. What if it was spread to the human network?

She couldn't let her team guess that this matter had anything to do with her.

Even though she used so many disguises, and even her new look of the Chongming Bird after switching to the third generation of mechas, anyone who was interested would always think of some clues when they saw the things she brought back.

This is the first update. There will be a second update at 12:05 noon.

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