I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 78 Crisis at a critical moment!

Peter jumped up and moved in the direction of Helen instantly.

Helen's body was agile and fast, and she jumped up the stairs to the second floor.

He reached out to resist Peter's attack and hit Peter in the chest with his hand.

With his right hand filled with black energy, Peter avoided contact with it. The alien claw transformed into his left hand missed, and his wrist bent, hitting her chest hard with a "bang".

Helen took a few steps back, her expression unchanged, and she stretched her hand forward.


Following her movements, a huge vine emerged from the ground and attacked Peter.

After dodging Tengman, Peter shot out corrosive spider silk from his right hand and sprayed it.

Teng Man was immediately corrupted.

Helen, who seemed to be able to deal with Peter's attacks with ease, controlled the vine man to stand in front of Peter.

At the same time, another python-like vine emerged from the ground, making a whistling and sharp sound, and swept towards Peter.

Peter dodged the attack of the thick vine, stretched out his exoskeleton-wrapped arm, resisted Helen's fist, and stepped back.

He did feel his heart beating faster and faster.

The alien embryo seemed to be particularly sensitive to the hormones released by the woman in front of him.

The heat all over my body swept through my body, and that physiological impulse seemed to surge out again.

He now extremely doubted that the "beast" in this woman's body was absolutely inseparable from her true identity.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained that the substances released by the other party can affect the abnormal embryos in the body.

Moreover, the opponent's strength and speed are not at a disadvantage compared to his current self.

Is this the power of the "beast" body?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Huge noises continued, and the room began to collapse due to Tengman's swings and attacks.

Bricks and building materials continued to fall down, and things in the room were smashed to pieces.

This Victorian-style building gradually collapsed and disappeared.

The "rumbling" sound from the entire fighting place continued to spread into the distance.


Helen wrapped her arms around Heiqi to resist Peter's sharp claws.

Then she swung a punch quickly, and at the same time grabbed Peter's chest with her arm.

It seemed like he wanted to stab Peter's chest open.

As a result, before Peter could fight back, there was a loud noise above his head.

A huge boulder was thrown at her!

With the help of Tengman's power, Helen rose to high altitude and left the collapsing room.

Realizing that Peter seemed to be trying his best to suppress the pain in his body, Helen said to Peter who was standing opposite her:

"You can't stop it, Parker. The spores in the air are constantly gathering into your body. Even if you can't breathe, they will affect you."

"The substances carried by the spores are not all harmful to your body. They just make things in your body feel the stimulation of hormones, so that you can face your own desires. No, desire may not be accurate. It should be said to be love. "

Helen's tone paused, and then she whispered to herself: "Unfortunately, sometimes, love can also make people miserable."

She thought of her mother who committed suicide in the bathtub.

With a "bang" sound, Peter landed on the top of a house after moving away from Helen.

He covered his chest with one hand, forcing down the pain in his body.

If it were an ordinary poison, such as Matt's poison before, it would not be able to cause harm to his semi-alien body.

But the woman in front of her used spores and other substances that could act on the alien embryos in her body.


The alien is "DNA Optimization Selection". It should regard this spore as a gene that can selectively absorb optimized genes.

Because the spores appear to be harmless to the body, the xenogenes do not perceive them as a threat.

Instead, let it enter your body and continue to absorb it.

In this process, the alien continues to mature and evolve in another direction.

Helen's spore toxin should play a role in "ripening" the aliens.

Then the next stage is when the embryo bursts out of his chest?

Enduring the physical and mental pressure, Peter suppressed the pain and looked at Helen.

In the "pattering" rain, the two people's eyes met.

The red light in Helen's eyes became even brighter, black energy enveloped her body, and the powerful momentum continued to oppress the surrounding air.

Peter took a deep breath to slow down the negative buffs in his body.

More and more raindrops fell on his black exoskeleton, shining coldly.


The ground was cracked by his feet. As Peter moved, the spider threads on his wrists shot towards the opponent.

Helen used the vine to block the spider silk, and at the same time shot out the dark energy that carried great power.

With lightning speed, Peter hit the sky.

At the same time, countless corroded black projectiles surged out from his back, breaking through the rain and fog and hitting the opponent like a torrential rain.

Helen dodged backwards, and the dark mist instantly covered her body.

At the same time, the thick vine rushed straight upward and hit Peter.

Peter dodged Tengman's attack sideways, but Helen moved to his side again at some point.

There was an explosion of "bang", the air exploded, and Peter was pushed back by the counter-shock force.

Adjusting his body shape, he quickly fell towards the nearest building.

As soon as I stepped onto the rooftop of the building, I felt an uncontrollable sharp pain.

Holding his chest, he knelt on the ground with one leg.

There seemed to be something moving in my chest.


His hands turned into fists and pressed hard against the ground.

The body trembled slightly under the severe pain, and the feeling of dizziness attacked his throat.

It was as if something was constantly trying to jump out of his chest.

How could it be at this time? !

His pupils dilated in shock, and he used all his strength to resist the changes in his body.

If the embryo broke out of the body at this time, there would be no chance of survival.


Helen landed on the rooftop and frowned slightly at Peter, who seemed to have something wrong with his body.

Although she wanted to know what existed in Peter's body, she was not interested in killing Peter.

Seeing the other person's appearance, she also had a bad premonition in her heart.

Peter, who was being watched by her, covered his chest with one hand and stared at the ground.

Enduring the pain, he wanted to stand up, but he was weak all over.

A feeling of extreme disgust came from his throat, as if something was about to surge up.

Then, he vomited a pool of black sticky substance from his throat.

The sticky substance with a faint smell seemed to be vomit, but it was cleaner than vomit.

And it exudes a fresh plant fragrance.

Helen was stunned when she saw the unknown substance in front of her.

After vomiting the vomit, Peter's pain was relieved a lot.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a black figure coming towards him.

In the alley under the building, the stray cat hiding from the rain seemed to have discovered something, and raised its head and looked up with a "meow".

Thank you "Stealing the Moon Cat" for the reward, and thank you all for voting! Bow!

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