"My body seems a little hot."

Gwen felt that she was in a strange state at this time.

My whole body felt hot, the blood in my brain seemed to be slowly expanding, and every heartbeat was accompanied by a roaring pulse.

"Maybe I need to calm down. Maybe the newspaper just made my anger level soared."

Gwen quickly came up with an excuse for herself.

"Is that all?"

Peter frowned and asked Gwen: "Is there no other discomfort?"

"It was there at first, but it's much better now."

Gwen took a deep breath, "It's like the feeling of weakness after strenuous exercise. It was that feeling just now, but it has recovered now."

"Maybe you should go to the hospital, Gwen."

Naturally, Peter wouldn't believe it was that simple.

"Okay, I will consider your suggestion, but it shouldn't be that far yet."

Gwen said she should be fine.

After Peter left, she exhaled, narrowed her eyes, and stretched out her hand to press her temples.

At this time, the blood vessels in her temples were pulsing, and her breathing seemed to have slowed down a lot, but her heart was beating more than 140 times.

"Well, my heart is beating faster than an astronaut lifting off under the pressure of gravity."

Gwen murmured under her breath and glanced at Peter.

Suddenly, a strange emotion surged in her heart, and it seemed that the aura that Peter was exuding now made her feel dizzy.

And when he saw each other, his heart beat faster.

Could it be that seeing Peter made his heart beat faster than an astronaut taking off?

Gwen touched her red face and thought that she might be a nymphomaniac.

Even though I have a great crush on Peter, does my heart beat faster just by looking at him?

Gwen was deeply confused.

Peter on the other side thought for a moment, then left his seat and walked outside.

He suspected that the smell in the air was the cause of Gwen's abnormality.

The only person worthy of suspicion is Teacher Helen.

In the classroom office.

"Peter, what's the matter? You showing up here during school hours is not a good sign."

Miss Fish raised her head and saw Peter appearing here, and said to him in a serious tone.

In addition to Miss Fish, there were two senior students in the office who were being scolded by Miss Fish for skipping their elementary French class.

"Billy Deloitte and Henry Tennant, you two have two classes after school."

After letting the two self-confessed students leave, Miss Fish turned her attention to Peter.

At the same time, she stuffed the form on the table into the drawer. With a bang, the drawer was closed and her thumb was pinched.

Miss Fish grunted, turned around gracefully, pretended that nothing happened, and faced Peter.

Peter: "."

"I want to find Teacher Helen, is she not here?"

Peter, who was silent for a second, asked this weird and old-fashioned teacher where Helen was.

"I thought you came to ask me for a piece of advice."

Miss Fish coughed and said to Peter: "Many people have asked similar questions before you."

Miss Fish said Peter was a little late.

"My unified reply is that she took a leave of absence."

"Take leave? Why?"

Miss Fish pushed up the frames of her thick glasses and said to Peter, "I don't know. After all, she is not a student. She does not need my approval to take leave."

Seemingly unhappy with Helen being so popular among male students, she whispered again:

"You students seem to be possessed. Maybe you should go to church and listen to the priest's advice, and be careful not to be tempted by the devil."

Miss Fish's muttering was clearly heard by Peter.

He was misunderstood as a sexy student chasing a beautiful teacher. He didn't take it seriously, but continued to ask the other party:

"How much does Miss Fish know about the new teacher Helen?"

"Classmate Parker, this is not a question you should ask."

Miss Fish's eyes became serious, "If I were you, I would go back to the classroom obediently."

Regarding Peter's impression, she had always thought that he was a very honest type.

He likes to read and study some scientific gadgets. Although he is often laughed at by the sports students, he always remains silent and dare not fight back.

Why did the other party look like this, making her feel as weak as facing the principal?

If an ordinary student dared to talk to her like this, she would have kicked him out long ago.

"I will, but there are some things that need to be dealt with by Teacher Helen."

Peter continued to say to her: "If it doesn't work, I have to take leave and go find her by myself."

For Miss Fish, asking her to write a request for leave was a more uncomfortable thing than killing her.

Sure enough, after hearing Peter's "threat", Miss Fish finally compromised.

"I don't know, Parker-san."

Miss Fish finally realized that the Peter in front of her was no longer the Peter who did not dare to speak loudly to her before.

She said helplessly: "But I know her home address and email address. Maybe you can contact her yourself."

As she spoke, she brought out the yellow leave permission slip.

Then she used a silver pocket pencil to scribbled the other person's address and email address on it. Her face shrank in pain because of the pressure on her thumb during the writing process.

What she told Peter was not a secret. New teachers would reserve addresses and contact information.

It was not difficult to know if you wanted to.

Besides, she didn't think that a high school student like Peter would do anything bad.

In the classroom, Peter was looking at the address on the yellow leave slip in his hand, and suddenly his cell phone rang.

Gwen sent her a text message: "Peter, come to the school swimming pool!"

"Swimming pool?"

After putting away his phone, he looked a little confused.

He remembered that Gwen was not a member of the swimming team.

After hesitating for a while, he got up and walked towards the gymnasium.

The school has a swimming pool in the indoor stadium, and the conditions are good, so that it becomes a beautiful landscape of the school in summer.

But now the weather is getting colder, and it seems that no one goes swimming.

Gwen is in the mood to swim now?

A few minutes later.

Peter walked into the swimming pool in the gymnasium.

Before entering, I could hear the sound of water flowing and splashing.

Peter entered the wide swimming pool and saw a white figure swimming in the water.

The other person stretched his body in the pool, and his standard swimming posture was like a mermaid.

Peter watched quietly without saying anything.

In the entire large swimming pool, there was only the sound of splashing water.

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