I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 67: The Birth of the Green Devil


In the hospital, Harry opened the door to the ward and walked in to say hello to Norman Osborn.

He thought his father was still resting, but was startled when he saw his father standing in front of the window.

Hearing Harry's voice, Norman turned around, the scarlet in his eyes gradually receding.

"Did you hear the noise? Harry."

Norman asked Harry strange questions.


Harry blinked and shook his head in confusion, "Dad, what sound are you talking about?"

Norman Osborne frowned, "It's like the sound of an electric shaver beating."

"No, it's not an electric shaver, it's a sound like a beating heart. It looks like there's an extra beating heart in my body, and it's messy and it seems to be talking to me all the time."

He covered his forehead, feeling a little nauseous.

After the laboratory explosion, his body began to feel strange.

He can hear subtle sounds that he couldn't hear before, and his other senses have become extremely sharp.

My whole body was extremely hot, as if a powerful force had been injected into my body.

But at the same time, his spirit gradually fell into an abnormal state.

It seems that there is a second heart in the body and a second human being is born.

This newly born being has been whispering to itself.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Harry noticed something was wrong with his father and walked over to him and asked him.

Norman Osborn ignored Harry. He pressed his forehead hard and his expression became a little ferocious.

Those "human enhancement reagents" splashed onto the body when they exploded. Could it be that they caused pathological changes in their own bodies?

He quickly thought of the reason for his physical changes.

"I'm fine, Harry."

Norman gasped for air, suppressed the pain in his body, and said to Harry: "If you don't have anything to ask me, you can go back."

Facing the expulsion order issued by his father, Harry hesitated.

"Today, I heard people on the board talk about some stuff."

He told the reason why he came, "I don't know what happened, but they seemed to mean that there was something wrong with the company's operation."

"What do you want to say? Harry!"

Norman's expression became more ferocious. He covered his eyes with his hands and his body trembled slightly.

But because of the darkness, Harry didn't notice anything unusual.

"Dad, is there really something wrong with our genetic engineering? They said that the company has achieved nothing in two and a half years. Even the formulas are in chaos, and the company's capital chain will be broken."

Harry didn't want to talk about this originally. He wasn't very interested in doing business or anything like that.

But he still wanted to know something from his father.

Even if he couldn't help, he might be able to take some of the pressure off his father.

"Shut up!"

Before Harry could speak, he was rudely interrupted by Norman.

He removed the hand covering his face, revealed his scarlet eyes, and said fiercely to Harry: "This is not something you should know!"

Harry, who was stunned by Norman's expression, took a step back and looked at his father in shock.

"You are easily deceived and don't understand the importance of things. You never satisfy me! Look at you now, you don't look like the Osborne family at all!"

Harry looked at the angry Norman and stammered: "I don't quite understand!"

"You should understand!"

With a "bang", Norman Osborne's hand hit the table hard.

The solid wooden table was suddenly shattered by the impact.

Looking at the broken wooden table, Harry froze on the spot.

After doing all this, Norman was also stunned.

He raised his right hand blankly.

Will my strength be this strong?


Meanwhile, the NYPD interrogation room.

George slammed the table and looked at Matt Murdock opposite.

At this time, Matt's head, shoulders and back were all bandaged, looking like a mummy.

"I am a lawyer. Although my body is a little miserable now, my brain is not broken yet."

Matt wore newly put on sunglasses and looked at George Stacey.

"There are some ridiculous accusations that I will not accept."

Once George gets the documents that Peter gave him, he immediately arrests Matt.

Although these criminal evidence can make this night devil stay in prison for several years.

But George felt that was not enough. He wanted the Kingpin behind this guy to be sanctioned as well.

After all, the other party's troops already dared to threaten him in the hospital.

Matt did not notice George's expression and continued: "Mr. Wilson Fisk is a model businessman. I believe that any further accusations without specific evidence may be mistaken by him as provoking a war."

"An act of war?"

George shook his head and said, "Believe me, once I get the evidence, I will settle the accounts with him."

"I'm looking forward to it, but I'm afraid I won't be able to see it in prison."

Matt pushed his new glasses frames up, which made him feel uncomfortable, and said, "Chief George, give my criminal information to your man."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by George, "You think I will tell you?"

In fact, George didn't know who the person behind him was. Peter didn't describe the specific appearance of the other person, which was also what confused him.

At this time, he had no doubt that Peter was the mysterious man.

"No, no, you got it wrong."

Matt explained to him: "I'm not interested in that man's identity. I want to tell you that if he wants, he can easily take down all the gangs in New York."


"I mean, he has everything you want, but he only gave you evidence about me."

Matt knew that Spider-Man had handed over some of those things to George Stacy.

"This shows that he still wants to continue his game and continue playing games with those he is interested in."

George looked at him with a serious look, "You seem to be describing a monster."

"Yes, he is a monster."

Matt said in a faint tone: "There is a monster in his heart, and it is more difficult to deal with than the devil in hell."

"Let's continue our topic, Sheriff George, since he has no intention of giving you Mr. Fisk's information, it means that he regards Mr. Fisk as his own property, so."

He paused and continued: "I think you can ignore Mr. Fisk for now."

"Who is the he you are talking about?"

George leaned forward and asked Matt with a serious look.

He could sense that the traitor seemed to be more afraid of the mysterious man than Kingpin.

"I don't know."

Matt said honestly, "But you will probably get to know him in the future, I'm sure you will."

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