I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 64 My daughter rebelled, but she seemed to have matured

Parker's house.

The news is playing on TV.

"For those who have just turned on the TV, a major accident occurred in the laboratory of Osborne Industries earlier this evening."

After hearing the news, Uncle Ben walked over to Peter who was watching TV.

"Although the details of the accident are still unclear, we have evidence that someone died in the accident."

"Osborne Industries' achievements in science and medicine are widely regarded as the world's most advanced breakthroughs in the past decade. The medical community has always had many speculations about the company. According to sources, Osborne has developed a revolutionary new product."

The picture flashed on TV was the tragic situation of the laboratory after the fire and explosion.

"It is not clear whether what happened tonight is related to the so-called new product. The authorities ask residents to keep a distance from the area where Osborne is located and do not approach."

Uncle Ben looked at the picture on TV and sighed slightly, "I hope Mr. Norman is okay."

The voice of the news host on TV continued: "It is not clear whether local businessman and entrepreneur Norman Osborne was at the scene of the accident."

Uncle Ben listened to the news and cast his eyes on Peter.

"Peter, is your classmate Harry okay?"

Uncle Ben had a good impression of Harry when he was a guest at Osborne Manor before, and he asked Peter with some concern.

"I just called him, he was not at the scene, so he was not hurt."

After Peter learned that the explosion he heard in the hospital in the morning was an accident in Osborne Laboratory, he called Harry and confirmed that he was safe.

"That's good."

Uncle Ben breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Peter said, and sat on the sofa.

"It's been a very eventful time recently. First it was Sheriff George, and now it's the Osborne family. It seems that all the bad things are piled up together."

Uncle Ben rubbed his forehead. He has a lot of things to do recently.

Aunt May recently found a new job, and Uncle Ben needs to pick up Aunt May to go to and from get off work every day, which completely ruined his idea of ​​being a part-time taxi driver.

After all, it's impossible for two people in a family to go to work.

One person has to take care of the family.

Peter thought for a moment and said to Uncle Ben, "I remember the company is called Feast, right? I saw their trucks on the street."

"Yes, your Aunt Mei was just a volunteer before, but now it's a formal job."

Uncle Ben said to Peter, "The boss of the company is a Chinese. Mei often said that he is a good man who helps the homeless."

When Peter heard Uncle Ben say that the other party was a Chinese, he became interested.

After all, he is also a Chinese, and he has a natural affinity for his fellow countrymen.

"Have you met him, Uncle Ben?"

"No, but I remember his last name seems to be 'Lee'."


Peter nodded.

He could pretend to be a rich man and meet this boss Li, so that he could pay Aunt Mei more.

Soon he turned his thoughts from his fellow countrymen to Aunt Mei.

Although Aunt Mei's new job is now stable, the family expenses are still a bit tight.

It seems that the scholarship he forged should be accelerated.

I don't know if the gang of forgers has been dealt with now.

After talking to Uncle Ben, Peter went upstairs to his room.

Standing in front of the window, he held a pink transparent glass bottle in his hand.

This was what he got from Matt Murdoch last night.

The other party used this poison to make George Stacy lose his mind and go crazy.

Is it just this effect?

Peter always felt that the function of this drug was more than that.

It seemed that Matt Murdoch did not tell him the whole truth.

He raised the glass bottle, pointed it at the sun, and looked through the glass at the pink smoke inside.

The sight was infinitely far away, and the dark pupils seemed to fall into an endless abyss.

At the end of the abyss, a pair of blue pupils appeared.

Gwen was originally staring at the liquid in the root beer bottle. Hearing her father's words, she coughed unnaturally and retracted her sight.

She was a little guilty now.

To be honest, she didn't know why she chose to take the bullet for Peter at that moment.

Maybe it was because Peter was close to her?

Well, this reason could not convince anyone.

She could see from George's face that her father seemed to care about this matter very much.

"Are you listening to me, Gwen?"

"Of course, Dad."

Gwen pretended to be calm, "Peter and I are just good friends."

"Really? But you are not good at lying, Gwen, I can see that."

Although George had a good impression of Peter, he always felt that this kid had many secrets.

When the gangster raised his gun just now, it was Peter who pulled the plastic carpet with his feet, causing the gangster to fall.

This child always does things that he can't predict.

So even though he has a good impression of Peter, he is still afraid that his daughter will encounter more dangers after being with him.

What he said to Peter before when he lost his mind was not necessarily all crazy talk, some of them were his real thoughts.

It's just that these thoughts are deeply buried in his heart, and he will never show them under normal circumstances.

"I know that the pastor in the church always says that purity, kindness, dignity, integrity, and careful words and deeds are what girls should be like, but I am not like that."

Gwen exhaled and said to her father: "I am a little crazy girl."

"Since I was a child, I like to read comic books secretly, like to stand quietly in front of other children, and listen to their rap music and rock music albums.

At school, I excitedly watched other children smoking, and went home to secretly read my comic books, or listened to harsh rock music night after night. Day after day, year after year, I should have completely eliminated the possibility of becoming a good girl in the pastor's mouth."

"So. Dad."

Gwen blinked and said, "Sometimes I don't listen to your advice. After all, I am like this."

"Do you know what I want to say, Gwen?"

"Of course, you understand what you mean, Dad, you want to say that I should be cautious about my views on love, right?"

Gwen's expression became a little serious, "Only in this kind of thing, I will instinctively listen to my own opinions."


George was suddenly speechless because of his daughter.

How could he not see that his daughter would be so rebellious?


He sighed and thought to himself: This also means that his daughter has matured.

The next day, early morning

Midtown High School.

Peter had just entered the corridor and opened his locker when he heard people talking.

All they were talking about was the explosion in Osborn's laboratory.

"Hey, I say, have you watched the news? There was an accident in Harry's laboratory, and his father is still unknown whether he is alive or dead."

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