When she heard the other party calling her name, Gwen was stunned and felt a turmoil in her heart.

How does this guy know his identity?

He is clearly wearing a mask!

"What? Don't you believe that you are recognized by me even though you are wearing a mask? Miss Gwen."

Matt took a step forward and said to Gwen: "Although I am blind, I can still see some things."

"I was paying attention to Miss Gwen after the tragedy at Midtown High School."

He said in an unhurried tone: "Being able to kill that spider monster shows that Miss Gwen you are not an ordinary person. What you did to Miss Black Cat just now surprised me. Plus I gave Gwen tonight .After Miss Stacey called, you ended up here."

He explained to Gwen why he recognized her, "The subway accident on Line 7, Miss Gwen, was also at the scene. These are not coincidences. You always look different."

His eyes flashed with amusement, "Besides Miss Gwen, I can't think of anyone else standing in front of me now."

Gwen was a little frustrated when she was recognized for the first time while wearing a mask.

But she quickly adjusted her mood and asked the other party directly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any ill intentions, I just want to help you."

Matt said he is not a bad person, "You may not know what you can do, but I can help you."

"Help me with what?"

"Many, including how to get your father back to normal."

Matt said seriously: "The doctors can't do anything about your father's illness, right? I can solve everything."

Gwen heard the other party say that her father's disease could be cured, and her breathing became heavier unconsciously.

Before Gwen could speak, the woman whom Matt called "Black Cat" said to Gwen: "Don't believe him. If you make a deal with the devil, you will fall into eternal disaster."

The black cat glanced at Matt and said, "He is not a good person."

Matt sighed and said, "What a childish woman."

He looked at Gwen and straightened his tie, "My child, a person with as much experience as you wouldn't think that the world is black and white like poor Miss Black Cat."

"You always talk nicely, but you don't tell the truth."

Black Cat stretched, "I have no doubt that the pajama girl's father's illness is your fault."

Hearing Black Cat say this, a cold light flashed on Matt's sunglasses.

"You know what? Miss Black Cat, I hate cats very much."

He said to the black cats: "Because they have parasites in their bodies."

“They often hide in cat feces and can be spread through contact.

And raw meat, sometimes some of it survives even after being cooked.

The parasite disrupts dopamine levels in the host's body and alters brain chemistry.

Some people speculate that this parasite is the main cause of "Miss Cat Syndrome" because it constantly stimulates the brain and makes the host's mind become paranoid and weird.

There is also a connection between this parasite and schizophrenia. "

Matt said as he walked towards the black cat.

"And you, Miss Black Cat, you suffer from Miss Cat Syndrome, and the specific symptoms are: you cannot let go of the past, and choose to torture yourself continuously."

The black cat's eyes became sharp and shot towards Matt like a sharp sword.

"You think your father's death is related to me, so you keep making trouble for me. The USB drive you are holding now, you think it contains evidence of my crime. No, it is just ordinary data."

Matt pretended to be very sorry, "Last time you stole the mayor's belt in the mayor's office, you just wanted to lure me out."

"I understand you very well."

He pushed up his red sunglasses, "You lost your father, you think I deprived you of your childhood innocence, and when you go to bed at night, you hate me and want to kill me, you kids."

Sighing, he said to the black cat: "I always want to pay for this with blood, and pay with blood for that. Only when the motivation is gone will this kind of thing decrease. Don't you know?"

Gwen next to her was a little stunned when she heard Matt's words.

She turned her attention to the black cat next to her.

Did it turn out that the other party's father was killed by this Matt?

That is to say

Gwen suddenly thought of something bad.

Black Cat's father was killed by this guy, will he treat his own father like Black Cat's father Na Yang?

Was it this bastard who poisoned his father? !

Gwen turned an angry look on Matt.

Black Cat's anger at being stimulated by Matt also surged out. This devil always made her unable to maintain her calmness with his clever words.

"You will pay with blood today and die here, Murdoch."

"Oh?! I don't think so."

Matt shook his head at the black cat, "I don't think my death will be controlled by others."

"I never know what will happen after the end, but when that moment finally comes, I will not hesitate to kill myself in any way. There are thousands of ways to die in the world: knives, guns, medicine, Fires, car accidents, jumping off cliffs, jumping into lakes, provoking gangsters, I can even grab a handful of stones on the roadside and eat them, but these are all in my hands."

Black Cat snorted coldly, "You, a devil, have your own philosophy of life, but what are you going to do now? Do you want to discuss your concept of death with me? Don't try this, listening to you will only make me sick."

Matt looked at her and shook his head, "Of course not, I just want to discuss your life view with you. You are the same as me. In fact, we are the same kind of people."

He paused and continued:

"We are all survivors. We have to do things that we have to do every day, but more importantly, we all enjoy it. You are a devil, I am also a devil, and we don't mind being devils. Of course, I don't mind it more than you.

You are still pretending that you have been treated unfairly and abused, and you regard yourself as a victim, like a lady who makes a fuss, as if everyone in the world is against you, and then you press your forehead with the back of your hand pretentiously, and say: I live in hatred!"

Black Cat rushed up before he finished speaking.

The whisper of this devil made her unable to control her emotions anymore.

Her movements were very swift and agile, but the ninja standing behind Matt immediately stopped her.

"Now, let's make a deal, Miss Gwen."

Matt fixed his eyes on Gwen, "If you kill Black Cat, your father will be safe. How about this deal?"

Gwen was stunned when she heard his words.

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