I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 5 Uncle Ben's Universal Formula

Parker's house, night.

"Peter? Don't you really want to taste it?"

Aunt May stood in the kitchen, holding a dinner plate and said to Peter.

On the dinner plate were freshly baked pancakes.

"It's banana coconut flavored, with cinnamon and honey. It tastes good. Maybe you should try it to see if it suits your taste."

Uncle Ben said next to him: "Mei thought you had a bad appetite, so she spent two hours making it."

Peter, who was standing next to the locker at the door and was flipping through today's newspaper, raised his head after hearing this and said to Aunt May and Uncle Ben: "I've already eaten, Aunt May and Uncle Ben."

"We didn't see you eating."

Uncle Ben shook his head, "Peter, don't tell me what you ate outside. If you buy something to eat outside every day, your pocket money won't be enough."

"Maybe I can make some money myself."

Peter put down the newspaper and said to Uncle Ben, "I've been fine, Uncle Ben, so don't worry about me."

Aunt May didn't agree with Peter's words. She put the dinner plate on the table, wiped her hands with her apron, and walked over to Peter.

"You have been in a very low mood recently. I can feel it. Peter, you are a child who can't hide his worries."

As she spoke, she held Peter's hand, "Maybe we can help you."

After a moment of silence, Peter raised his head and looked into Aunt May's worried eyes.

"I am fine."

In the end, he said something that slightly disappointed Aunt May.

Even though he only spent a short time with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, Peter could still feel the sincere care from the two of them.

But he couldn't tell the two of them the problems he faced.

This is not something that two people can solve.

Uncle Ben at the dining table broke the silence in the room.

He stood up and said to Peter: "Peter, if you don't adapt to school, you can try to take two days off. Maybe I can take you to visit the Metropolitan Museum. Didn't you say you wanted to experience it before?"

"No, thank you, Uncle Ben."

Peter shook his head to express his refusal, "I'm not interested at the moment."

"Well, maybe you think I'm verbose, but I still want to tell you, Peter, you don't have to worry about this. Everyone has their strengths and abilities. You may not be a strong guy, but your mind Awesome, you are good at science.”

"And my talent is to talk about long-winded truths."

Uncle Ben said seriously.

And he coughed and took a notebook from the chair next to the sofa, "I know a formula that works for me no matter what the situation, and I believe it will work for you, Peter."

As he spoke, he wrote a formula on it with a pen: "W/G^p==G^r"

“With greater ability comes greater responsibility.”

Peter: "."

Peter fell silent when he heard the most famous line coming from Uncle Ben's mouth.

Why do I see the air of death surrounding you, Uncle Ben?

"There is no such formula, Uncle Ben. Did you make it up yourself?"

After a while, Peter raised his head and asked Uncle Ben.

"Of course, I can explain the meaning of the symbols to you, like P stands for"

Before Uncle Ben finished speaking, he was interrupted by Aunt Mei.

"Okay, Ben, don't go into this long argument. I don't know what the P stands for, but I know the 'G' stands for probably funny."

Aunt May came over, glared at her husband, and patted Peter on the shoulder, "Our little Peter may need a rest, my ears are ringing."

Being blamed by his wife, Ben shrugged helplessly, "Okay, I may have said a bit too much today."


Peter, who had already dealt with Aunt May and Uncle Ben, sat at his desk and browsed the web on his computer.

There was a soft "buzzing" vibration coming from downstairs. It was Aunt Mei using a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor.

Chemotherapy, hospital, radioactivity.

Peter operated the keyboard and entered keywords into Google, and all the information about relevant hospitals in New York popped up.

After a battle with the Hand, he was convinced that the alien genes were affecting him all the time.

Abnormal placenta will be closely connected to various organs in the body just like cancer cells.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy can remove cancer cells, but they should have no effect on abnormal embryos.

Although it does not work on abnormal embryos, such hospitals have the best detection equipment, as well as drugs and methods to inhibit cancer cells.

Even if drugs cannot help you inhibit embryonic development, you must at least find out what mutations have occurred in the embryos in your body.

"NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital."

After some searching, Peter identified a hospital.

This hospital is one of the top medical systems in the United States. Its neurosurgery and oncology departments have always been among the best in the United States. Many presidents and senior officials have received treatment here.

The next thing to do is to make some money.

As we all know, the American medical system has always been the most deceptive.

He had previously heard about a "Runren" who escaped from the United States and went to the hospital for treatment of back pain.

The dedicated and kind doctor just chatted with him attentively for fifteen minutes and then sent him out politely.

The next day, the "run man" received a bill of "5,670" US dollars.

So much so that this "Run person" was puzzled: Is it worth US$5,670 just by touching it? !

You know, many experienced skilled workers in the United States only earn about a thousand dollars a week.

The doctor saw that everyone was puzzled, so he wrote a sentence on the bill: "Touch it, $10; know where to touch it, $5,660."

"Runren": "."

Let's talk about making money.

For a good person, it may take some time to make a sum of money in accordance with the law.

But for someone like him who tramples on the rules at will, making money should be the easiest thing.

Standing up, Peter looked at the "ticking" clock on the wall.

The hour hand pointed to eleven o'clock, and there was still some time before the second half of the night.

He needed to go out after Aunt May and Uncle Ben rested.

There were waves of hunger in his body, which was a dangerous signal sent to him by his body.

Accompanied by the feeling of vomiting from his throat.

Although the fusion of the alien gene gave him a physical fitness beyond ordinary humans, the discomfort of his body reminded him.

He had a sword of Damocles on his head, and he didn't know when it would fall.

And once it fell, he would die of "broken chest".

While waiting for time to pass, Peter casually ate some chocolate to take in a little energy.

Peter waited until after twelve o'clock, when Aunt May and Uncle Ben had gone to bed, before he started to act.

Peter put on a baseball cap he took out of the cabinet and quickly entered the community where he thought the gangs were the most rampant.

In the dark night, his body almost blended into the black.

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