I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 49 I probably won’t keep a cat

"Yeah, it's as bad as you think, Peter. Maggie's dead. She's been sitting by the window for days. She has no family, so she has no one to look after her, and no one to look after her cats." ”

Peter had already thought of Uncle Ben who pushed the door open and entered, and what a brutal scene he witnessed.

The body of the woman named Maggie must have been chewed to pieces by cats.

"That's enough, Ben. The following story is no longer acceptable to teenagers."

Aunt Mei interrupted Uncle Ben at the right time.

"Maybe you're right, May."

Uncle Ben nodded and agreed with Aunt May's words. He shrugged towards Peter, "For such dark topics, I have to consider your age, Peter, otherwise you will have nightmares tonight."


Uncle Ben changed the topic and said, "I can tell you a little bit about the story behind."

"Hmm, so what happened next, Uncle Ben?"

"Maggie's body was found but the cats were not disposed of."

After Uncle Ben took a sip of coffee, he continued: "As a result, they continued to multiply and multiply, becoming a large army, and the house became a paradise for those wild cats."

"People couldn't bear to be bothered until later, someone set a fire and burned down the house and the cats."

Uncle Ben finally added: "This is the story of when I was a newsboy. It sounds like the experience was not very good."


Peter nodded in agreement, "This is indeed a scary story."

He could even imagine the "cracking" sound of the flames and the heart-rending screams of the wild cats when the house was set alight.

"You always go off topic, Ben."

Aunt May said to Uncle Ben dissatisfied: "We are talking about family expenses."

"It's not my fault."

Uncle Ben said that he was wronged, "It was you who brought up this topic first."

"Well, you always have a point. I already have a bad impression of cats because of your story, so..."

Aunt May cast her eyes on Peter, pretending to be very serious and said, "Peter, if you want to keep a cat, I will refuse."

"Having a cat?"

Peter didn't expect Aunt May to think of this. Did his predecessor mention the idea of ​​raising a cat to Aunt May?

He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't have such an idea."

"Don't you like cats?"

"Yeah, I don't like cats."


A cold wind blew across the dark city buildings.

The evil birds made a disgusting noise and circled through the night.

In a remote alley near the city hall, several black cats were lying in trash cans looking for food.

As winter approaches and temperatures get colder, it becomes increasingly difficult for these stray animals to find food.


A black shadow cut through the silence of the night.

A black shadow with a body as strong as a cat passed over the alley with a "swish".

The frightened black cat made a shrill meow, jumped out of the trash can, and looked up warily.

But he found that there was no living thing above his head.

The black cat with limited IQ barked suspiciously a few times, licked its paws, and started to jump into the trash can again to look for food.

The next day, early morning.

Office of the Mayor of New York.

"Mr. Murdoch, no traces were found. Everything was wiped clean."

A strong man in a suit reported to a young man in a black suit standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office.

After hearing the report from his men, he turned around, a gleam of light flashing in his red sunglasses.

The young man with red sunglasses holding a guide stick in his hand was clearly the blind man Peter had seen in the hospital.

Matt Murdock is a lawyer by profession, but he is also a litigator known as "Matt Murdock."

"No evidence, even the vaguest, was found of the thieves."

The men searched the area for a long time and even used all possible surveillance systems, but could not find the thief.

The office of the dignified mayor of New York was burgled, but there was no sign of the thief.

This made the group of people who were ordered to investigate feel a lot of frustration.

"I don't understand why the thief stole the mayor's belt. There is obviously something more precious here."

The subordinate asked Matt in confusion.

"That's not surprising."

Matt straightened his tie and said slowly: "Some thieves are not interested in money. They only steal things that cannot be locked and that the owners cannot recover."

As he spoke, he walked out.

He was sent to investigate the mayor's theft case, but now he left without saying hello, and his subordinates followed him with some confusion.

"Sir, is there no need to continue the investigation?"

"No, I already know who this thief is."

Matt opened the door and said to his men: "She's just a thief with ridiculous ideas. Don't pay attention to her. We have more important things to do right now."


His men immediately followed his lead.

After Matt Murdock returned to the law firm, he started a busy day.

His job is not to handle lawsuits and entrustment requests like ordinary lawyers, but to deal with troubles against his employer company.

He found the tape from the file cabinet and put it into the recording device.

Noisy and chaotic sounds came from the device instantly.

Although it sounded extremely messy, he listened extremely carefully.

Any tiny detail will be captured by him.

If Peter were here, he would find that the audio he played was the audio of the Midtown High School football field tragedy.

At first, there were cheers and celebrations, cheerleaders shouting excitedly, and fireworks blooming.

Then an accident happened, and as the murder suspect entered the field, the noise of the playground turned into panic shouting.

Matt listened to the tape and quickly found the key points.

"Gwen Stacy again?!"

Whispering the name, he pressed the pause button of the recording device.

The employer he served had a close cooperation with the Hand.

The murderer who caused the Midtown High School tragedy came from the Hand, so he would investigate everything in detail.

Frank's mutation is inseparable from the "beast" of the Hand.

After the mutation, Frank has powerful power. Will he really be killed by Gwen Stacy who has no power?

He doubted what happened in the middle.

Who is it?

Matt wanted to get relevant information from the New York Police Department, but the rigid George Stacy didn't reveal any information to him.

Standing up, he turned his eyes to the window.

His eyes felt the stimulation of the strong light, and his cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and listened to a few words, and his expression became serious.

"I'll be there right away."

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