I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 46 Doctor, do you have no heart?

The alien embryos, which were previously barracuda-shaped, now take on a spider-like shape and become larger.

Ryan swallowed, organized himself and said:

"Obviously, it has undergone some kind of change that we couldn't imagine, or it has evolved towards the next form."

Peter stared at the image in front of him, frowned and said: "According to my previous speculation, it will temporarily grow safely in the host body, absorb new genetic material and complete the growth in a short period of time. Why does its absorption and growth seem to be... No end?"

Dr. Lane took a breath and said: "This is just an assumption you made. My guess is similar to yours, but I think its growth will not be a few days or even a few weeks, but a long time."

"I don't know what happened to your body recently, but it may have absorbed something that led to its evolution."

As he spoke, he took out the last CT image that Peter brought for comparison.

"I said last time that it might be entering a new phase, and it looks like this is its new phase."

He then added, "What an amazing existence!"

Peter was silent for a moment and asked him: "So, it may still break out of my body, but you don't think this time will be very recent, right?"


Dr. Lane nodded, "I can't guess at this time, but I still think that you two may have a symbiotic relationship, rather than simply using it as a parasitic container."

That's because you've never seen a facehugger break out of its body.

Peter shook his head and said to Dr. Lane: "But you can't bet, right? Once I fail, I will die."

Ryan opened his mouth, and finally sighed feebly, "Yes, I can't be sure."


Peter paused and asked the other party with a serious expression: "If you were asked to complete this operation and remove it from my body, could you do it?"


Dr. Lane blinked and then shook his head wildly, "No! I can't do it. It is already tightly integrated with the organs in your body."


Peter walked to the table, picked up a fruit knife placed on it, and then made a cut in his palm under Ryan's stunned eyes.

Blood flowed out instantly!

Peter raised his fists to prevent any blood from flowing out, and it was all covered in his palms.

Putting away the fruit knife, Peter slowly walked towards Ryan.

"What if I say, I have some kind of self-healing ability?"

Then he stretched out his palm under Ryan's stunned eyes.

The wounds covered with blood were gradually healing, visible to the naked eye.

Although the wound is not big, it can be seen that it is healing.


Dr. Lane took a step back in horror.

"As you can see, doctor, combined with my ability to heal myself, how successful is the operation?"

This is the ability he discovered during the Line 7 subway incident.

After the alien embryo absorbed Frank's genes, not only did his exoskeleton fuse and evolve, his body could shoot corrosive spider silk, and he even had strong self-healing capabilities.

Otherwise, this would not explain why his body almost collapsed after pulling the helicopter, but he was alive and kicking again in less than a day.

"You Parker!"

Dr. Lane looked at Peter like a monster, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Not only was his employer not an ordinary person, but he was also mysterious and powerful, far beyond his imagination.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that, Dr. Lane? Have I become a villain from a comic book, or some kind of monster?"

Being looked at by Peter with cold eyes, Dr. Lane quickly came to his senses.

"No, I'm just a little shocked."

Suppressing his uneasiness, Dr. Lane calmed himself down.

Realizing that he had just lost his temper, he apologized to Peter: "Sorry, I just lost my temper."

No matter who Peter is, my current relationship with him is that of doctor and patient, and it is impossible for him to harm himself.

Countless thoughts went through his mind. Ryan took a few deep breaths and organized his speech: "Even so, it is very difficult, and this kind of surgery is full of uncertainties. Even if you have the ability to heal yourself, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen." question."

"And this kind of parasitism exists and is connected to many organs and even nerves. If surgery is necessary, not many people in the world would dare to do it, maybe."

He hesitated and said, "Maybe Dr. Strange is one of the possible people."


Hearing the name, Peter frowned and looked out the window.

"Doctor Strange, a gentleman named Murdoch just came to see you. He said he would wait for you in the common room. You made an appointment."

Strange just walked out of the office when a nurse came over and said to him.

"I know, thank you."

Strange thanked the nurse and walked towards the common room.

"Doctor Strange, save our daughter!"

He had just taken two steps when he was stopped by a couple.

The couple looked familiar to him, as if they were the parents of the girl who had the surgery last time.

"Please, you are our only hope. She has been trying to live. If it ends now, it would be too unreasonable."

The couple in front of them hoped that Strange would perform surgery on their daughter.

After a moment of hesitation, Strange shook his head and said, "Sorry, I have something else to do."

He was about to leave, but soon his hand was grabbed.

"Doctor Strange, isn't it the doctor's duty to cure diseases and save lives?"

The husband asked him excitedly.

"Yes, this is the doctor's duty, but under the premise that all preparations are completed, there are still countless surgeries waiting for me every day, patients younger than your daughter who have been fighting against the disease for a long time, fathers who have little time left before the birth of their children, and athletes whose careers are coming to an end."

"You are asking me to ignore them just out of sympathy. Sorry, I can't do it."

Strange maintained an almost absolute calm mood, and even looked a little ruthless.

Ignoring the angry eyes cast by the couple, he walked quickly to the lounge.

Unexpectedly, just as he walked to the elevator, a man wearing a mask came out.

The other person was wearing a black windbreaker. After seeing Strange, he quickly walked towards him.

"Tap! Tap!" The footsteps stepped on the floor, and the masked man's footsteps became faster and faster.

At the same time, he took out a dagger from his coat.

Strange, who was unaware of this, was getting closer and closer to the masked man, and had no idea that danger had come.

Thank you "Xiao Mengxin" for the reward!

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