I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 42 People should learn from fountains, not drains

"Oh my God! Thank God you're okay, Ben."

Aunt May, who rushed over after hearing the news, hugged Uncle Ben at once on the platform of the New York Museum of Natural History.

Uncle Ben had just experienced a life-and-death speed in the subway, and he was in good condition at this time.

"Are you not injured, Ben?"

Aunt May hurriedly checked Uncle Ben's body.

After all, she couldn't help but worry about the earth-shattering accident just now.

"I'm fine, just some scratches."

Uncle Ben explained to Aunt May with a wry smile.

"I received your text message, and I thought you would leave me, Ben, you scared me."

"I'm sorry, May."

Uncle Ben took out his mobile phone with a broken screen, "The phone was broken and couldn't make calls. I can only contact you by text message."

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on the broken subway and sighed: "If it weren't for that mysterious hero, maybe I wouldn't be able to avoid this accident."

"He saved me and all the passengers on the subway."

Uncle Ben took off his glasses and looked at the passengers and police who were gradually gathering, and was speechless for a long time.

On the other side.

Gwen stood outside the platform, watching the increasing number of people, exhaled slightly, and turned to leave.

She left because of vomiting just now, and when she came back, Spider-Man had disappeared.

Although she felt a little disappointed, she quickly adjusted her mood.

Maybe she will have a chance to meet him next time.

Just as she turned to leave, her shoulder was suddenly patted.

She turned around and found Peter standing in front of her.


Gwen looked at her friend in surprise, "Where did you go just now?"

"I encountered some troublesome things, but they have been resolved."

Peter said in a casual tone.

Although his body is still a little uncomfortable now, the feeling of exhaustion and weakness still lingers.

But compared to the situation where he almost fainted just now, it has been much better.

"Well, knowing that you are okay should be the best news I have received now."

Gwen said, turning her head to the subway on the platform.

"Did you see it? Peter, the 'Spider-Man', he prevented this disaster."


Hearing Gwen mention Spider-Man, Peter's eyebrows moved slightly.

"Yes, don't you think he looks like a spider? Spits out spider silk, pulls subways and helicopters, a cool superhero!"


Peter glanced at Gwen's hand bitten by a spider and said, "I remember you hate spiders, don't you?"

He remembered that after the Frank incident, Gwen showed fear of spiders.

"Yes, but today's Spider-Man changed my impression of spiders."

Gwen smiled at Peter, "I'm looking forward to being that kind of superhero now."

Peter nodded and whispered to himself, "That won't be long."


Gwen's hearing has also improved a lot. She asked Peter in confusion, "What did you say just now? Peter."

"I said, I'm looking forward to it."

"Well, although I really want to say that I won't let you down, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

In the evening.

Gwen dragged her tired body back home.

In addition to the feeling of vomiting, her body was also accompanied by a fever.

What happened to her?

Why was she able to catch the falling Spider-Man and she was fine?

With a "bang", she threw herself on the bed.

The light above her head gave her a dizzy feeling.

It was as if she was walking on a bumpy, rugged, and stone-covered path.

It went straight through the dense jungle and thorns, and it seemed to stretch forward endlessly.

On the long road, every step she took seemed insignificant.

Her muscles became slower and slower as her steps slowed down, and she even wondered if she was dead.

Or, was she now a walking corpse?


She was confused when the door was knocked and George Stacy's voice sounded outside.

Opening her eyes and forcing herself to return from the path, Gwen stood up and opened the door for her father.

"Good evening, Dad."

"Good evening, Gwen."

George Stacy frowned as he looked at his daughter who was in a bad mood.

"Are you okay, Gwen?"

"I'm fine, just a little sleepy."

George nodded, not doubting him.

So many things happened during the day, and even he felt a sense of fatigue and exhaustion.

The sudden incident on the No. 7 subway caused a great uproar in New York and even in the United States.

The so-called superhero called "Spider-Man" by the media, who pulled a helicopter to stop the high-speed train, shocked countless citizens.

Now when you turn on the TV, all you can see are speculations about Spider-Man's identity and analysis of his abilities.

In addition to speculations about Spider-Man's identity, there are condemnations of the New York police.

After all, such a big thing happened, and the New York police did not play any role.

The anger of the citizens, especially the passengers on the No. 7 subway, all directed their anger at the New York Police Department.

George Stacy, who was in a state of panic, finally got away from the police station and returned home.

"I think we have to have a good talk, Gwen."

George Stacy came over and said to his daughter, "Last time at Midtown High School, and this time, you put yourself in danger, Gwen, I don't want you to have any accidents."

"Sorry, Dad, I just wanted to help."

"But you're not a police officer, Gwen, and you're not a superhero. Your abilities are limited."

Gwen rubbed her dizzy forehead and said to her father: "It's not because we become special that we have responsibilities, right, Dad? It's innate."

George Stacey sighed slightly: "You will hurt yourself, Gwen. You are not lucky every time."

"I know, so I keep embracing my fate. Maybe something unexpected will happen next time I'm unlucky, but I won't complain."

Gwen raised her head and said to her father: "Dad, didn't you tell me before? People should imitate fountains, not gutters; they should imitate fallen leaves drifting in streams, rather than dams that restrict their freedom."

Listening to Gwen refuting himself with her previous words, George was speechless.

After sending her father away, Gwen covered her hot forehead and fell on the bed.

Her palm touched the notebook placed on the bed. When she raised her hand, she found that the notebook was stuck to her hand.

Shocked, she stared at the palm of her hand.

What's this? !

Manhattan, rooftop of Christian Cross Church.

Harry hugged the cross and shivered.

The cold air kept hitting him, and as it got later, the cold wind became even more unbearable.

"Is anyone there? Help!"

He shouted weakly twice more.

what happened?

Why does everyone seem to have forgotten about themselves?

Thanks to "Brilliant White Knight" for the reward, show your heart!

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