"You were a teacher for a while, right?"

Peter asked Mary on the way back.

“A girls’ school teacher, a career that allows a girl to have a presence by making her life choices.”

Mary turned to him and said, "Peter, have you ever had a teacher like that? A teacher who inspired you to learn more and become a better person?"

Peter was silent for a moment and then said: "I have probably never met a teacher who stood at the table and read poems to me seriously."

"No one took a bullet for me, or gave me a rose, or tried to tell me some other truth, I mean as a teacher."

Peter said, tapping his fingers.

He thought of some other bad memories of his teacher.

Mary looked at Peter, took his hand and said, "Well, Peter, it seems that you are not going to be very happy in your future school life. I had a teacher, an English teacher, who told me about Allen Poe. , Plath and Dickinson.”

“And Keats and Donne and Yeats and all those love writers.”

After a pause she continued:

"I hope I'm the kind of teacher that girls remember, and maybe that's why I try to be a teacher, I want to leave something behind."

The two of them walked to a cafe while talking.

Mary invited Peter inside for a juice drink.

In her words, it was an unforgettable meeting with her future child.

The waiter came over, and Mary ordered a tropical drink for herself and a fruit drink for Peter, telling the waiter to add a little cranberry juice to it (to solve Peter's trouble with a bitter melon face. Mary teased that Peter's face looked like a bitter melon. )

"These girls need help, some of them are just a little bit lost in the fog, and others are in the dark depths."

She paused and continued:

"Girls who have been abused by their parents, or who have been molested, some of whom are substance abusers, some of whom are polarized, some of whom have harmed themselves, their families or the world - in many ways have abandoned them. they."

"Abandoned to wolves and lions in the plains and jungles, they need our help because we are the only ones who help them without asking for anything in return, which means I still have a lot to do."

Peter listened quietly. It was the first time that he knew so much about this nominal mother.

The image of the mother in the previous video gradually became more substantial.

The waitress appeared while the two were talking.

She handed Mary the cranberry vodka.

Then, a glass of what looked like a fish tank cleaner was placed in front of Mary, garnished with orange slices, cherries, and not one, but two small paper umbrellas.

The drink was so personal that Peter couldn't help but take a second look.

"I gotta tell you," Mary continued, "the school didn't feel like a school because of some harmful things. It felt like a school for rich girls, some frivolous and arrogant girls, and it felt like a bunch of sharp-toothed people. There are troubled girls whose teeth are chattering with each other, and their parents are doing everything they can to make sure their children have a place.”

"These girls are becoming notorious in this big school with its Greek columns, heraldic crests and ivy creepers."

"That's it, Peter, we don't just want to guarantee these girls a minimum standard of living, we want to give them everything, a complete passport to real life."

Mary sipped her drink from her tiny red straw.

Her eyelids blinked happily, "Yeah, yeah! Well, it tastes great. Peter, do you want to taste it?"

Before Peter could say anything, Mary forced the straw into his mouth.

Peter tasted the drink gently, and it tasted faintly fresh.

His heart became calmer and calmer, and he even enjoyed this feeling a little now.

Mary looked at Peter and said happily: "Because of some ridiculous and nonsense things, some parents have indeed paid a lot of money for their children. Girls from rich families can also be confused and uneasy. Sometimes, girls from rich families will Worst case scenario, anorexia, OxyContin and stuff like that.”

"Shopping addiction."

She quickly added, "Some girls like this kind of behavior, but it is also a very severe disease. She doesn't know how to control herself."

"That's not my strong point."

Peter interjected.

Mary didn't expect that Peter would still laugh sarcastically, so she smiled and moved closer to him.

"What we do, all of this is to help these poor girls not just get by, not just survive, but excel, so, that makes a lot of sense to me, Peter."

She held Peter's hand and said, "I may not be with you in the future, but I think this spirit will definitely be with you."


When Peter returned home with Mary, Gwen immediately came up to him and said, "Did you watch the news?"

"No, what happened?"

"It looks like there was a shootout on the street, just over on Marina Street."

Saying this, Gwen asked Wanda to turn on the TV.

The TV immediately showed Dr. Pym and his daughter fighting with unknown people on the street.

"This is.?"

Through a flash of images, Peter quickly recognized the guy driving the car as Dr. Pym.

And he is also Dr. Pym in his own time and space.

Because Dr. Pym in this current time and space is definitely not that old.

"This is Dr. Pym, right?"

Gwen asked with some uncertainty.


Peter frowned slightly as he looked at another woman wearing a uniform similar to his own.

"But why is Dr. Pym here?"

Gwen felt that her brain was not enough, "Did the Doctor also come to this era?"

Peter nodded beside him and said: "This is not impossible. Don't forget that Dr. Pym built the quantum channel and summoned the beholder from another world."

When he said this, he glanced at Wanda next to him who was feeling guilty.

"Besides Tony Stark, Reed, and this doctor, I think no one can achieve Wanda's level with science."

"Then what do we do now? Go help them?"

Gwen hesitated and asked Peter.

Gwen always hopes to seek Peter's advice when she is unclear about the other party's purpose.

"Although I want to be a bystander now, it's our problem now, so I have no choice but to be a bystander."

Peter sighed and said to Gwen.

He didn't expect to encounter a lot of things when he returned to this era.

On the other side, Hope was struggling against the "Shadow", but she didn't expect that the opponent was more difficult than she expected.

The opponent uses the shadow as a defensive shield, and can also hide his own figure in the shadow. This attack method is just like cheating.

"Damn it, if I had my uniform on me."

Hope couldn't help but complain.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound in the air.

The next second, Peter, covered in black exoskeleton, appeared in front of her.

At the same time, the black shadow released by the mutant carried strong energy and quickly attacked his location.

Facing the "shadow" attack that came over, Peter was a little surprised.

In his later life, he once absorbed a mutant also named "Shadow", and the two had similar abilities.

Facing the opponent's attack, he stretched out his hand.

The swirling shadow that tore through the air struck his hand and exploded in his hand instantly.


The thick black shadow hit Peter's hand with a deafening sound, but it didn't make him take half a step back.

The act of holding "Shadow" in his hand and annihilating it immediately shocked Hope and "Shadow" present.

Hope didn't expect that the originally powerful attack would be easily wiped out by him.

What the hell is this?

When did Spider-Man become so powerful?

As a person living in New York, she naturally knows Spider-Man's name.

I didn't pay much attention to the other party at first, but now I see that the other party's power seems a bit extraordinary.

However, the aura before seems to be a little different than now.

The attacking mutant was even more surprised.

The attacks he unleashes are not only energy attacks, but their power is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Facing Peter, who seemed to have a lot of background, "Shadow" immediately prepared for the next attack.

Moving to a safe position, the mutant's shadow cast a weird arc and hit Peter who was closest to him.


The shock wave generated by the small explosion knocked Peter back a step.

"Shadow" quickly transformed in the air, and the dim black magic energy regrouped around him.

He waved his hands forward, sending a black shadow energy along the ground towards Peter.

Like a black fire dragon, it struck at a rapid speed along the ground.

Hope, who was also the target of the attack, ignored Peter and immediately flew into the air as fast as possible. The stun gun he took from Pym was ready, and with a "bang", he fired bullets at the opponent.

The bullet was easily dodged by the opponent, but instead, the black magic energy under his feet moved towards him, springing out from the ground like a long snake and heading straight towards him.

What the opponent casually launched was a seemingly powerful shadow energy attack.

Carrying a fierce aura of destruction, it rolled toward her.

Accelerating again, Hope flew towards the opponent at an even faster speed.

Use the hook gun to hook a traffic sign next to it and pull it towards you in the air to resist the impact of the shadow.


Carrying a thunderous momentum, the shadow energy rushed towards Peter and the two.


Shadow hit Hope in the arm, knocking him towards Peter.

The moment the two of them crossed paths, Hope endured the pain and prepared to continue attacking the "Shadow".

She prepares to use herself as a sting.

"Bee stings" mixed with poison can not only cause physical damage to the target, but also cause neurological damage to the target.

Although there was some pain in her arm, she only suffered some minor injuries because she deliberately used the strongest part of the suit to resist the attack.

As she moved forward, she glanced in the direction of Peter.

Peter, who was the main target of the shadow attack, suffered a much more severe impact than she did.

Amidst the "boom" explosion, Hope looked worriedly in the direction of Peter.

To Hope's surprise, Peter disappeared in the explosion!

Hope was shocked and stopped what he was doing.

How could he disappear?

Even if he had special abilities, he couldn't disappear in the explosion.

The next second, in Hope's shocked and unbelievable eyes, Peter's shadow slowly rose from behind the mutant.

Peter, who absorbed another "shadow", also had the ability to control the shadow.

However, his ability was to hide his body in the shadow. Although this ability was not as strong as the mutant with the "shadow" in front of him, it was very useful in concealment.

In Hope's astonished eyes, Peter's body condensed from the shadow into a solid, and he slowly raised his right hand.


The hand turned into a hand knife and hit the opponent fiercely.

Although the mutant used the "shadow" to block behind him at the last moment, he was still blasted out directly.

After being hit by Peter's insidious attack, the shadow lingering outside the mutant's body suddenly dissipated.

The whole person became listless.

The dark eyes seemed to lose focus, and the unbearable body staggered back and forth.

He looked at Peter in shock and disbelief. He would never believe that the other party had his own abilities.

"Who are you?"

As soon as he asked this question, Peter pointed forward casually, and countless black snake-like tentacles instantly entangled him.

On the other side, Wanda and Gwen were also fighting with the agents of SHIELD.

Gwen shot out spider silk to defeat a guy, but several more rushed up.

"No way?!"

She held her waist and felt that these guys were really difficult to deal with.

The battle between Wanda and a mutant was in full swing.

The two people seemed to be of equal level.

One magic seemed to be free, constantly pulling away to bombard; the other's strength and toughness far exceeded that of ordinary humans, and every time he punched, he could easily smash the ground and walls.

The ground was constantly shaking from the two people. It is estimated that in a while, the buildings near this park will be directly collapsed by the two of them!

But soon Wanda smashed the other party to the ground.

Dust flew up!

Before she could pursue the victory, more agents surrounded her.

Just as Wanda was about to exert her full strength, a cloak flew over from behind.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The cloak attacked quickly and knocked down all the agents.

Wanda glanced at Peter and quickly trotted in the direction of Peter.

"Dr. Pym."

After Peter dealt with all the enemies, he slowly took off his mask and said to the stunned doctor: "Long time no see."

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