I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 30 If these hands could use magic

"What's going on?"

Christine, who received the news, rushed over quickly, looked at the patient being pushed to the emergency room in the ambulance, and then looked at Strange, who was pushing the ambulance next to him and was out of control. She frowned and asked the nurse next to her what happened.

"It was a traffic accident."

Christine nodded and quickly checked the patient's condition.

"No breathing and pulse, quickly inject a cardiotonic and send him to the operating room."

She told the nurse: "I'll prepare for the operation."

"Victor! Victor!"

Strange pushed the cart while calling his brother's name.

When he was pushed to the operating room, Christine asked the nurses and caregivers to stop Strange and not let him enter.

"Strange, your emotions are too unstable, just wait here."

Christine said to him while preparing the surgical gown.

"He is my brother, I'll do the operation!"

Strange broke free from the nurse's obstruction and rushed up to say urgently.

Christine was stunned when she heard Strange say that the patient was his brother.

Taking a deep breath, Christine refused: "You are a neurosurgeon, Strange."

"I can do it!"

"No, you can't. Even if you can treat the nerves, you can't make a stopped heart beat again."

"Shut up!"

Strange interrupted her rudely and gasped: "I'll do it!"

"No! You have lost your composure as a doctor now, Strange."

Christine shook her head and turned to walk towards the operating room.

With a "bang", the door of the operating room was closed, blocking Strange out.

Four hours later.

Christine found Strange sitting in the rest area, sitting on a public chair, with his head down and soul lost.

"Sorry, Strange."

Victor's injuries were too serious, and even if she tried her best, she couldn't save him.

"No, it's none of your business."

Strange hung his head and stretched out his hands in front of him.

"I thought these hands could save everything, but in the end I found out that I couldn't change anything."

Christine remained silent, not knowing how to comfort her friend.

"When I was very young, I aspired to be a doctor. My sister Donna drowned when I was in college. At that time, I was determined to use my hands to prevent such tragedies from happening."

Strange's voice was calm, and he returned to the proud genius doctor state.

"But now, Victor died in front of me again, and I still can't do anything."

Looking up, he looked at Christine with red eyes and put his hands in front of himself, "This pair of 'hands of God', is it the 'hands of death'?"

Christine sighed and said, "We can't control everything, Strange. Treating patients may be the reason why we are doctors, but I have always believed that treating diseases is the reason why we are doctors, and treating patients is the reason why doctors suffer."

Strange listened to Christine's words quietly, lowered his hands, and the pain of not being able to control his fate arose in his heart again.

"If I could turn back time"

He stared at his hands and murmured, "If these hands, if they could use magic"

He didn't say anything more, but Christine knew what he wanted to say.

After a few minutes of silence, Strange raised his head and asked Christine, "Did the two people who helped me send Victor here leave any information?"

He suddenly remembered Gwen, who gave Victor first aid, and Peter, who slapped him.

"No, they left directly, but they should all be patients of this hospital."

Christine had talked to Peter and knew that he was a patient of Dr. Ryan.

As for how to know Gwen's information.

After the fire tragedy at Midtown High School, the girl was sent to the hospital.

She paid more attention to the surviving girl, so she knew her information.

But she was a little surprised that Peter Parker knew Gwen.

"Peter Parker?"

After repeating the name Christine told him, Strange reached out and touched the cheek where he was slapped by the other party.

The swollen cheek was still aching at this time.

The other party's eyes and slap left a deep impression on him.

Does he know me?

Why did I see something that made me palpitate in his eyes? !

Strange fell into deep confusion.


The main laboratory of Osborn Enterprises Building.

Norman Osborn, who was in the laboratory, answered the phone anxiously.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't want to be disturbed when I'm in the laboratory. Tell that bastard that there is no room for negotiation, not at all."

Norman tightened his suit tie and said angrily to the lawyer on the other end of the phone.

"No, now he has disturbed me, so don't blame me for disturbing him. As a competitor, you should also have this awareness!"

With a "click", Norman hung up the phone.

After handling the company's affairs, he turned his attention to the instruments in the laboratory and the scientists who were doing experiments.

Osborn Industries is currently researching a chemical product called "Human Enhancement Formula".

Now that the research has entered an important stage, Norman Osborn's mood has become impetuous.

"This new invention is related to the country's economic lifeline, and it is also related to the company's future and destiny."

After whispering to himself, he called the scientist in charge of the experiment and asked him: "What stage is the experiment at now?"

"Mr. Osborn, we will soon enter the human trial stage, and the project is progressing smoothly."

"Very good, remember that we don't have much time."

After adjusting his suit and tie, and giving a few instructions to his subordinates, Norman Osborn walked out of the laboratory.

Just as he walked into the corridor, his cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and found that it was an email sent to his mailbox.

Norman turned on the phone and glanced at the content of the email.

This is the information he sent someone to investigate about the tragedy of the Midtown High School football game.

The media reported that the cause of the tragedy was a fire caused by the circuit.

He knew that things would certainly not be as simple as the media said.

After all, there were many students and teachers at the scene who witnessed the spider monster killing people with their own eyes, and it was not easy for the government to conceal it.

The content of this email is a detailed introduction to the scene at that time, including many student eyewitness testimonies.

"Was Peter Parker also at the scene?"

He frowned when he saw Peter's name.

It seems that I need to pay attention to this classmate of Harry who usually looks inconspicuous.

Thanks to "Gu Yan Can Yang" and "Book Friend Tail Number 0580" for the reward, bow!

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