I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 298 Ancient One appears, Doctor Strange is dead in his heart!

"Then you can try the consequences of doing this."

"Peter" took a step forward and said.


Russell saw that the two were likely to clash and immediately stepped forward to stop them.

He knew that Spider-Man was difficult to deal with.

"We have no intention of starting a war, Spider-Man."

He glanced at Elsa, signaling her not to act rashly.

"Then leave here, otherwise our conversation will not be so easy next time we meet."

After warning the two, "Peter" glanced at the indignant Elsa and turned away.

After "Peter"'s back disappeared into the night, Elsa folded her hands in front of her chest.

"I didn't expect you to be so afraid of this guy."

Facing the other party's sneer, Russell shook his head, "Afraid? You don't know how powerful he is."


Elsa became more curious, "Don't tell me that he scares you, a werewolf who has lost your mind."

"In a sense."

Russell glanced at the body of the Night Devil lying on the ground, "He is the most powerful dark monster I have ever seen."

Although he was not at the scene of the previous New York battle, when the Spider-Man group fought against the successor, he also roughly knew what happened.

Being able to single-handedly kill Solus in a group of Spider-Mans, this ability is probably the strongest Spider-Man in the multiverse.

"Dark monster?"

Elsa paused, "Why do you call him a monster?"

"Because he has long been out of the scope of human beings, and he is indeed surrounded by a group of monsters, terrible and bloodthirsty monsters, monsters born for killing."

Elsa became more curious about Spider-Man after hearing what Russell said.

"I am already looking forward to the monster you are talking about."

At the same time

Strange, who was at home, suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

He turned over and got out of bed, rubbing his forehead hard.

What did he dream about just now?

Why is it so vague now?

Rubbing his messy hair, he picked up the watch on the table.

It usually takes 7 minutes for people to fall asleep, and according to Hand's "Human Physiology", it takes 15 to 20 minutes for people to wake up.

"Sleep is a pond."

He whispered to himself that it was harder to climb out of it than to jump in.

If a sleeping person wants to wake up, he must go through a deep sleep period, a light sleep period, and finally transition to a waking sleep period.

At this time, the sleeper can hear sounds, and even answer some questions unconsciously, but they can't remember them afterwards... they can only remember fragments of dreams.

He seemed to hear the sound of a car hitting a car, and the sound of bones hitting a car, but gradually the sound became less sharp, like the sound of metal.

Then there was a "bang", followed by a scream, and then a metallic sound... like something rolling.

Strange's mind cleared up.

He heard someone shouting: "Catch her! Stephen, go catch her!"


He had a bad feeling in his heart and immediately grabbed the phone.

Christine, don't be in trouble.

He dialed the number of the Presbyterian Hospital with trembling hands.

But as he dialed the number, the phone rang.

Strange's hands shook even more.

"Dr. Strange, this is Ellie from the intensive care unit, sorry."

The other party's voice was heavy, "Christine didn't make it."


The phone in his hand fell to the ground.

The next day.

It was drizzling in the sky.

"Let us pray for her, because whether it is a man or a woman, it is like a flower in the valley, it is still blooming today and may wither tomorrow. Human life is like a season, coming and going, let us pray."

The pastor in the church recited the eulogy.

Gwen was wearing a black dress specially prepared for this occasion, and Peter stood beside her.

After Peter heard Dr. Ryan tell him about Christine's funeral, he brought Gwen to attend.

He really didn't expect Christine, the girlfriend of Doctor Strange, to die so easily.

Has the fate of Doctor Strange changed in this world?

With a frown, he looked at the distraught Strange.

It seems that he lost not only his hands but also his heart in this world.

Gwen didn't know what Peter was thinking now. She suddenly lowered her head, and her movements were so fast that Peter, who was sitting next to her, didn't see it.

Gwen rarely went to church, although this was not her first funeral.

The funeral in the church gave her a feeling of awe and nervous breathing, and she was a little quiet and uneasy.

"Is Dr. Strange okay?"

After listening to the pastor's eulogy, Gwen asked Peter in a low voice.

She rested in the hospital for a few days because of the symbiote suit last time. She met Christine several times and had a good impression of each other.

As for Strange, she was also very familiar with him. Last time his brother had a car accident, she and Peter helped to send him to the hospital.

Now Dr. Christine also died in a car accident.

She felt bad for Strange who seemed to be cursed by fate.

"I hope he's okay."

Peter shook his head and said.

Then everyone came to the cemetery, and everyone looked solemn.

Strange, dressed in black, bent down and threw the rose in his hand.

Gwen lined up, walked to the coffin, and gently placed the white roses into the soil.

She walked to Peter and said in a somewhat uncomfortable mood: "Every time I come to the church, I always think of bad things. Peter, we are always so close to death, Captain Universe, and those Spider-Man who died last time. They."

Peter said calmly: "But death is also a painful ending."

"For some people that might be the case, but for some people their lives shouldn't end so early."

Gwen looked at Strange, "I hope Doctor Strange can get out of this predicament as soon as possible."

After Peter was silent for a moment, he said: "It won't be long. Psychologists say that people who have just lost a loved one will start grieving within three days of the death of their loved one, and it will last four to six weeks. Most people will be like this. "

He narrated with a calm expression: "But as time goes by, people's feelings will turn into another emotion, as colorful as a rainbow. The intense grief will gradually lessen and turn into a gentle heartache; tenderness. The feeling of heartache will turn into mourning, and mourning will eventually turn into memories..."

Gwen was slightly stunned after hearing Peter's words.

"This process may take six months to three years, but it is considered normal."

He patted Gwen's shoulder lightly, "Doctor Strange is more rational. He should spend less time."

Gwen was originally immersed in Peter's seemingly philosophical words, but immediately felt bad after hearing these words.

I hope Dr. Strange can come out as soon as possible.

Peter directly said six months to three years.

It sounds like the other party is even worse off.

After a few words with Gwen, Peter approached Strange.

"Dr. Strange, my condolences."

"Thanks, Peter."

Strange reluctantly said to Peter: "I'm okay."

He took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry for being rude to you last time. I don't know what I was thinking at the time. I wanted to grab every life-saving straw. It made me lose myself."

He fell into deep guilt and pain.

If I had been in the car and had not said those outrageous words to Kristen, maybe she would not have died.

If I could stay calm and rational, none of this would have happened.

My brother is like this, and so is Christine.

He was hurt by his irrational self, and then died in a car accident.

The last time he lost was his younger brother, this time he lost a woman he loved.


His eyes looked at his hands that could no longer hold the scalpel.

If I could go back in time, I could change all this tragedy.

Peter looked at Strange, who was trapped in self-blame and pain, and said something that shocked the other person.

"Perhaps there is a solution to your current predicament, Doctor Strange."


Strange looked at Peter in shock.

He began to doubt whether his apology was too early.

Does Peter really know his fate?

Handing a piece of paper to the other party, Peter said to him: "If science can't solve your current problem, maybe we can try other directions."

"Other directions?"

Strange took the note in shock, not knowing what Peter meant.


Looking at the location on the note, he frowned slightly.

This seems to be the junction of China and Nepal?

"Hopefully this will help you."

After Peter handed him the note, he turned and left.

Now that Christine is dead, it means that the fate of Doctor Strange in this world has changed.

He doesn't mind a push either.

Holding the note, Strange looked at Peter's back and took a deep breath.

The day after Christine's funeral, Strange left for Kathmandu.

Kathmandu is the capital and largest city of Nepal.

After getting off the plane and entering this city, he felt an exotic atmosphere that he had never experienced before.

Numerous temples are scattered among the shabby slums, and there is no shortage of luxury hotels, restaurants and high-end shops.

He felt like they were two completely different cities.

One is a religious shrine dotted with red-walled temples, the other is a chaotic city filled with monkeys, beggars and car exhaust fumes.

Traveling through the winding, narrow and often unguided streets of Jiadu, he quickly became lost.

"Hey man, do you know how to get to Kama Taj?"

Strange asked the vendor selling jewelry on the street.

The note Peter gave him contained only the words "Kathmandu, Kama Taj".

Not knowing the location of Kama Taj, he could only ask the locals.

As a result, the vendor picked up a bunch of local jewelry and started talking and gesticulating.

Strange, who did not understand the other party's words, thought that the other party wanted to buy something for himself.

So he looked at the small amount of money in his wallet, then reluctantly took out one and handed it to the other party.

After the other party collected the money skillfully, he replied "I don't know" in proficient English.

Strange: "?!"

I bet you can speak English?

Sure enough, we have to be vigilant everywhere.

After realizing that he had been tricked, Strange could only swallow the "knocked out teeth".

After continuing to wander meaninglessly on the street for a long time, Strange was finally noticed by someone who was interested.

Unfortunately, the people who noticed him were not the people from Kamal Taj, but local thieves.

Just when Strange was taking out money to buy something to eat, with a "swish", a figure came over and stole his wallet instantly.


Seeing his wallet being robbed, Strange immediately chased after him.

But the other party ran very fast and was very familiar with the local terrain. He was soon led by the other party into a winding alley and disappeared.

Panting, he looked at his surroundings.

The strange architecture soon made his head spin.

The figure that seemed to be the thief reappeared behind him.

He covered his head and immediately threw his fist away without thinking.

As a result, his fist was blocked.

An Asian man stood in front of him.

"Be careful, your fists are weak, be careful you hurt yourself."

Strange looked at the sturdy man in front of him and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Master Gu Yi, and I am also the person you are looking for."

In the quiet and mysterious room in front of him, the woman wearing a yellow monk's robe said to him.

At this time, Strange was still a little dizzy.

He didn't know why, but he followed the Asian man named "Wang" here in a daze.

"Can you help my hand recover?"

He swallowed and asked the woman in front of him, who was bald but gave him a strong oppressive force: "Can you help me get Christine back?"

The Ancient One put his hands behind his back and said to him: "We can't change the established facts, Strange."

"Do you know my name?"

Strange looked at her in shock.

"Of course, I've been waiting for you for years."

"You were waiting for me. Are you saying that you already knew that I would come? Did you lead me here?"

"I didn't lead you, Strange, but you followed your heart."

Strange looked at this "female monk" who seemed to be playing tricks on her.

He looked at the surrounding environment and said to Gu Yi: "Hmm, the Buddhist spiritual meditation, right? Unfortunately, I don't believe in these. I believe more in rationality over science. I believe that my own thoughts are better than Over the soul.”

Gu Yi shook his head, "Any thought is limited. It is directed to limited things and is effective within a limited scope. The soul points to infinite existence, is an infinite pursuit, and finally ends up in the infinite mystery. , there are infinite possibilities for mutual interference and infinite formation.”

As she spoke, she walked forward.

"Thought is just a tool, it makes us "know" and "know or not"; the soul is the destination, it requires love and trust in love."

"Dr. Strange, your mind gives you confidence and arrogance, but you have never touched your soul."

Strange took a deep breath, "I obey my soul, so can I change this? Listen, I just want to heal my hands and don't care about the rest. Please tell me if I can do it?" "

"Of course you can't."

Ancient One turned around and said, "Dr. Strange, you have always stood out, not because you desire success, but because you are afraid of failure, so you cannot achieve great things or change your destiny."

Strange stared at her, "Tell you, I failed more than once, but I used to pursue success all the time. Do you know what I am thinking now? I will always find a way to recover my hand, let Ke I would pay any price to have Christian come back."

"And you"

His tone was filled with anger, "You are a person who always talks about damaging others. I don't care what you think, because you are just a speck of dust that no one cares about. You are insignificant and floating in the world, and no one cares about you."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Master Gu Yi said behind him: "You want to go back to the past, and you can control everything, even death. However, no one can control death, not even gods."

"Then I'll prove it to you!"

"Your swollen heart can't do all this, Stephen."

Master Gu Yi smiled slightly and patted her palm lightly as she spoke.

Strange, who was photographed by her, felt like he was struck by lightning, and his whole soul instantly felt like he was out of body.

The colorful passage was opened in front of him, and everything in front of him came to a standstill.

A feeling of lightness in his soul arose within him.

Then he instantly came to a familiar place.

The day before Christine's car accident.

"Hey, Kristen."

In the corridor of the hospital, Strange reached out his hand excitedly and touched the other person's face.

"I'm sorry, that's not who I am and I shouldn't have said that."

Just as he was apologizing to Christine, the other person's face suddenly changed in a way that shocked him.

The dark void swallowed up Christine.

First the face, then the body and limbs.

In his shock and disbelief, Christine was instantly devoured.

The entire world was quickly dissolved and disappeared, and the world seemed to be collapsing.

The sound of metal and buildings melting and collapsing was heard, and a harsh roar was transmitted outward.

"No! No! No! Christine!"

Just as he roared unwillingly, the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

And he seemed to have entered a deep hell, with horrible scenes one after another.

Many times, evil things appeared in front of him one after another, until in the end, it seemed as if everything was placed in a horrible darkness.


The last sound tore through the darkness, and the last existence, Peter Parker, who he had not expected, appeared in front of him.

Everything in front of him suddenly changed, and his soul suddenly returned to his body.

"What did you do to me?!"

He roared at the Ancient One after returning to normal.

He was very angry that the Ancient One had created these illusions.

"I didn't do anything to you, Stephen."

The Ancient One said something that stunned him, "It's you, these, the things you see, are all your dreams, dreams that you can't recall or don't want to recall, I just let you see things you don't want to see."

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