I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 291 Why doesn’t God show his mercy?

Gwen exhaled.

Although the Heir incident has ended, Peter's failure to return has left her with something stuck in her heart.

She felt like she was standing in the wilderness, arms full, hair wet, speechless, eyesightless.

Neither alive nor dead, knowing nothing.

"Ta! Ta! Ta!"

Gwen was thinking about something when footsteps suddenly sounded outside.

Helen appears outside.

Helen, who was wearing a yellow trench coat and sunglasses, was followed by Little Naughty and Phantom Cat.

However, Helen's aura was too strong, causing the little naughty cat and the phantom cat to look like two little followers.

The three of them were talking about going to school.

Peter had asked Helen to help take care of the little naughty boy, so the three of them were relatively close.

Helen turned back to the little naughty boy and said, "I think you should spend more time in school instead of being a superhero."

"The girls in school are bad girls."

A low grunt came from the little naughty man's mouth.

Phantom Cat agreed with her words.

Helen shook her head and said to the two women: "Listen, some girls benefit from a new beginning, a new beginning, and that is capital. By the way, when unnecessary capital intervenes, do you know what is important? ?A new beginning away from family and friends.”

As a teacher, she gave advice to the two girls, "So school is not a place to waste time. You can start a new life in school."

The three of them talked and entered the room.

Then Tony Stark and Vampire Queen also entered the room.

As soon as the vampire queen entered the room, she found several people looking at her.

Several pairs of eyes gathered together to examine her with an intensely concentrated laser beam.

"Any questions?" she asked the others.

"Nothing." Gwen turned her head away.

The Vampire Queen's figure was so prominent that she couldn't help but cast her eyes over her.

"Ahem. What are you talking about?"

Tony asked the girls.

"About how to retrieve Peter Parker."

The black cat shrugged, and the spider cat standing on her shoulder agreed with her words and meowed.

Gwen looked at the black cat in surprise, "Wait a minute. You shouldn't say Peter's name. Someone here doesn't know his identity."

Black Cat turned his attention to the Vampire Queen, "Are you talking about our vampire star?"

Seeing everyone's eyes turning over, Vampire Fairy said: "Don't worry about me, I already know that Spider-Man is that bastard Peter Parker, but I was busy dealing with a group of people from the Vampire Presbyterian Council, so I didn't bother him. "

The Vampire Queen said that she already knew Peter's identity.

It's just that she was busy fighting a group of vampires, so she didn't appear in front of Peter.

Gwen looked at her in shock, "How did you know?"

"I also know that you are Gwen Stacey. Don't think of me as that simple-minded woman."

The vampire queen came over, sat on the sofa, and asked the others: "So, you guys gathered here and discussed how to find Peter Parker?"

"Not yet. Maybe the giant network was destroyed and the portal was destroyed, making it impossible for Peter to return. I think there might be another way."

Gwen spoke her mind.

Tony Stark leaned back on the table next to him, thought for a while and said: "The dimensional portal is closed. Unless we have higher authority, our power will have no effect in front of the web of destiny."


Gwen said with firm eyes: "I will not give up."


Tony Stark suddenly hesitated and said, "Maybe I can think of another way."

The girls looked at him, "What?"

"Although my knowledge about mysterious mechanics is at a low level, I know a professor, Hank Pym, who is a physicist and biologist. If we can get his help, maybe we can succeed. "

Tony expressed his thoughts. Since he could not rely on the web of fate, he should use more advanced science to solve it.

If you develop a quantum channel yourself, you may be able to bypass the obstacles set by the other party, and even cross the time barrier to cross and observe another space.

"Hank Pym?"

Helen frowned slightly when she heard the name.

She had heard of this name. As the head of the Fisk Group, she had previously investigated the identity of this legendary scientist.

Hank Henry Pym, famous scientist.

With a PhD in biochemistry and extensive knowledge in quantum physics, robotics, artificial intelligence and entomology, he is one of the smartest scientists on earth today.

The other party once discovered a micro-shaped atom that can shrink the body to the size of an ant, and then return it to the size of a normal human.

Hank Pym named this thing Pym Particle after himself.

After becoming smaller, Hank Pym's strength increased. Later, he studied ants vigorously and made an electronic helmet that could communicate with ants, becoming Ant-Man who could shrink and control ants freely.

Although she had learned about Hank, what she didn't know was.

This scientist is as good at causing trouble as Reed and Tony Stark.

The intelligent robot Ultron he created later rebelled and became a long-term enemy of the Avengers, and he himself suffered a lot from it.

In addition, the Pym particles he created can even reach the subatomic stage.

Skrull clone Hank Pym once claimed that he could shrink to the subatomic level.

As Helen was recalling information about Hank Pym, Tony interrupted her thoughts.

"I'll contact him as soon as possible and hopefully he won't be a difficult guy to deal with."

Tony said with a shrug.

Helen said to him: "If you need help, I can provide some."

Having taken control of the Fisk Group, she also has a lot of resources in her hands.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Peter's recent lack of contact with her.

But no matter what, she didn't want anything to happen to Peter.

late at night.

Gwen leaves Tony's estate.

Walking on the street, a light suddenly came from behind.

She looked back and saw that it was the Vampire Queen speeding over on a motorcycle.

"Hey Spider-Woman, can we talk?"

Vampire Ji took the initiative to ask her.

Gwen hesitated and said, "Of course."

She was also very curious about the vampire woman in front of her.

"Get in the car."

The vampire girl pointed to the back seat of her motorcycle and motioned for Gwen to sit on it.

Gwen, who was sitting in the back seat, said, "I know what you want to say."


"Yes, it must be about Peter."

"I don't have any resistance to disease."

The vampire girl made a low voice, "But I must refute what you said. In fact, although I am interested in Spider-Man, I am more interested in aliens."


Driving the motorcycle, Vampire Queen felt the strong wind in her ears and continued: "Yes, we all know those terrible creatures. They are inextricably linked to Spider-Man, even..."

She paused for a moment and said, "Spider-Man is the leader of the aliens."

Gwen had been avoiding this question. When she heard the vampire girl talk about it, she said with a complicated expression: "I know, but Peter has never used it to hurt others."

"We all know that such a terrifying creature will not be easily restrained."

Vampire Queen said with a serious expression: "Can Spider-Man really have complete control over them?"

"He can!"

Gwen said firmly.

She sat in the back seat and said to the Vampire Princess:

"I have always believed in Peter, who made me the Spider-Woman I am today. I was a confused girl who spent half my life surrounded by confusion and crazy thoughts. Peter, who made me not become those other worlds, Tragic Spider-Man."

She took a deep breath and said, "It was Peter who allowed me to keep a pair of clear eyes to see the road. He can control himself because - he also has a pair of clear eyes."

Gwen is obsessed with her boyfriend.

The vampire girl didn't say anything, she parked her motorcycle on the side of the road.

Then he took out a filterless cigarette, put it in his mouth, and lit the cigarette.

Poof, poof, poof!

She blew out a puff of smoke.

Gently, the Vampire Queen took out a bit of tobacco from the tip of her tongue and popped it out.

She smoked a cigarette and asked Gwen, "Do you believe in God?"

"I have no idea."

Gwen shook her head and said.

"As an alien, I don't believe in the real existence of God."

The vampire girl said to her, her throat was raw.

"This world is filled with so much darkness and danger, but your human God never purifies and never shows mercy. Gwen Stacy, you yearn for beauty, but the world is filthy and evil. Losing control is the main theme.”

Vampire Fairy said to her unhurriedly: "Just like these Spider-Man who were killed in different worlds, they always insisted on being beautiful, but in the end they were tragically eaten."

"So, what do you want to say?"

Gwen asked her with a frown.

"Beware of these terrible monsters, even Peter Parker himself cannot control them."

"What are you wary of?"

On Earth 001, Peter asked Kahn, the new master weaver.

"Beware of Billy Braddock."

Kahn tells Peter to be careful of the British Spider-Man.


Peter held his chin with his left hand and fell into thought.

He wasn't very impressed with this Spider-Man.

But every time I see him, I always feel that this guy has a different aura.


While he was deep in thought, a familiar voice sounded from behind him.

Peter looked back and found that it was the British Spider-Man standing behind him.

Billy scratched his head, unaware that the two of them were talking about him.

He asked Kahn doubtfully: "There seems to be an accident with my time and space portal. I was not transported to my world."

Billy stayed in the dimensional portal for a few minutes and found himself sent back to the Weaving World.

Kahn is on the giant net, and there is no expression on his face.

It was as if he wasn't the one who said bad things about the other party just now.

"Forgive me, Billy, I can't take you home."


Billy asked confused.


Kahn hesitated and said, "Your dimension, Earth 833, has disappeared."


Billy was struck by lightning and froze in place.

"Sorry, there's nothing there and I can't explain why."

Kahn told him: "Cosmic phenomena have obliterated all reality."

Hearing the news, Billy stepped back dejectedly and took off his hood.

He lowered his head, his body trembling.

"I should put the safety of my world first, I should not leave my world."

He murmured sadly.

Peter heard Kahn say that the British Spider-Man's world disappeared, and his eyebrows moved slightly.

He didn't speak, just stared at Billy, who was full of pain and guilt.

"Why doesn't God cast a look of mercy?"

He raised his head weakly and asked Peter and Kahn.

The two didn't speak, not knowing how to answer him.

"All Spider-Men should have a better ending, but in every world, it seems that a good person has sacrificed."

Billy held the spider hood tightly with his hands.

The air was silent for a few minutes.


Billy's eyes suddenly turned golden in an instant, emitting a little starlight.

Kahn noticed his change and immediately said to Peter: "Master, be alert!"

Peter also noticed the change of British Spider-Man, and the black exoskeleton instantly covered his body.

At this moment, Billy's eyes were emitting starlight, and his whole body was wrapped in a strong pressure.

Peter immediately realized that the soul of the guy in front of him was no longer him.

"Billy" cast his eyes on Peter.

He immediately felt that he was being stared at by a more powerful existence, as if his whole body was being peeped at, and no secrets could be hidden in front of the other party.

"Who are you?"

Peter asked him coldly.

"I am Roma, the daughter of Merlin, who supervises and maintains the order and balance of the universe and controls the power of the multiverse."

"Billy" said her real name-Roma.

"Peter Parker, so that's it, the one who disturbed the multiverse is you."

She said in a surprised and complicated tone.


Peter heard the name of this woman for the first time.

The daughter of Merlin should be a magician, but I don't know how strong she is compared with her father, the legendary wizard.

The cosmic dimension on the other side.

In the Starlight Castle, countless Celts sat on the seats on both sides.

Queen Satonian also observed Peter and Kahn through magic.

She listened quietly to her men talking to Peter without interrupting.

"I thought you would say that it was Morlun and his gang who disturbed the multiverse, but I didn't expect you to think it was me."

Peter said to Roma with a calm expression: "Since you are the guardian of the multiverse, why didn't you stand up when Morlun destroyed the world?"

As Peter spoke, countless black aliens filled with the breath of death slowly gathered towards him and stood behind him.

The aliens born from the parasitic hounds and the clones of the successors were larger than the aliens in Peter's previous life.

In addition to the common four claws and armor protecting the head, the biggest difference is that more spines are added on the back.

The aliens stood behind Peter, with saliva on the corners of their mouths, staring at Roma, who exuded a threatening aura.

Queen Satonian of the Starlight Castle also saw the existence of the aliens.

She looked at these monsters that made her feel uneasy in shock.

Roma, who was at the scene, narrowed his eyes and his expression became very serious.

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