The world of weaving, Earth 001.

The weaving master is located in the web of fate.

Verna asked the other party to open the time and space portal for him, and he would continue to go to the parallel world to hunt new spider prey.

Morun, Davis and her father and others were preparing to go to Earth 65 to kill all Spider-Men.

She herself had no such interest. Compared with this, she preferred to be a hunter, drive hounds, kill those Spider-Men, and enjoy the thrill of hunting.

"Yes, Ms. Verna."

The weaving master said respectfully.

But he hesitated for a moment and said to Verna: "Ms. Verna, this world seems to have changed a lot."


Verna frowned and asked him: "What did you see?"

"I saw the flesh ruptured, exploded, and torn into pieces. The messy and broken skeletons piled up next to the buildings, like white foam on the top of the waves, and the torrent of blood rushed through one street after another."

The weaving master seemed to have encountered the development of the alien.

"The people of this city tried to resist, but the more fiercely they resisted, the faster they died. Those shadows - those monsters that roamed among them, committed violence, and destroyed everything, were filled with an unstoppable desire to kill."

Verna narrowed her eyes slightly, and she suddenly thought of the tragic scene she had seen before, the chest of the vulture was broken.

It seemed that some creature had drilled out from inside.

"What creature is that?"

She couldn't help asking with an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Those monsters have no souls, which makes them extremely efficient and cold-blooded when they act. They never know satisfaction. No matter how much blood they have, they can't quench their desire to kill. They will keep killing until no life can die in their hands."

Verna was silent for a moment after hearing this, and said: "No matter what creature it is, my hounds and I will hunt it."

She suddenly changed her mind, "I won't go to other worlds for the time being. Now, I will start to search this city thoroughly and find the creature hiding in the city."

As she said this, she walked out of the room quickly, and the maid also led her hounds - vulture, hunter Craven, etc. up.

In the world of Earth 001, in addition to the heirs, there are other creatures.

Most of these are creatures that the heirs have plundered from other worlds.

Verna led the hounds and followed the suspicious traces and smells, and soon came to a harbor.

There are many ships of the old era parked in the harbor, pirates from other parallel worlds are on the ships, and all kinds of strange monsters are entrenched in their territory.

"Very good, all the monsters are here."

Just as she was complaining, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

In the past, the harbor was very lively, why is there no sound now.

Frowning, she immediately let the hounds get on board.

And she walked behind, step by step.

There was no figure on the deck of the hull, but a strong smell of blood came into her nasal cavity.

Hunter Kraven, Vulture and other humanoid hounds, because they were wearing muzzles, could not make any sound, so they could only run into the cabin.

As soon as the hounds entered the interior, they let out a wailing sound.

It seemed that they were attacked by some creature.

Verna walked in immediately and saw a black shadow suddenly sneaking into the darkness.

The hunter Kraven had his throat pierced and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Verna immediately asked the hounds to chase the black shadow.

"Catch up with them, bite off their heads and send them to me."

Verna ordered the hounds.

At the same time, she also chased the shadow in the dim environment of the bottom of the ship.


The black shadow flashed by and then disappeared quickly.

Verna hid in the darkness, observing the prey like a hunter.

"Now, let's see who is the hunter and who is the prey."

She whispered and raised her hand.

And her villain hounds suffered.

It was as if the creature in the darkness would devour everything, pulling the hounds into the darkness.

Like a hunter hidden in the darkness, constantly hunting the prey that could not resist.

As hounds were dragged into the darkness one after another, Verna gradually figured out the opponent's attack methods and routines.

For her, these hounds were consumables, and they died, so there was no pity.


The black shadow pounced on Verna.

Verna, who had been prepared, grabbed the neck of the creature that pounced on her with one hand.

Originally, she thought she could break the opponent's neck in one go, but she didn't expect the black shadow to react quickly and bite her.

With a "bang", she slammed the black shadow to the ground.

"You are so ugly!"

Verna stared at the alien on the ground, took a deep breath, and couldn't help whispering.

The alien on the ground looked like a crustacean, with an armor-like exoskeleton that wrapped around developed muscles, and tubes wrapped around the exoskeleton, which was weird and ugly.

And the opponent's head was long and spindle-shaped, giving people a feeling of uneasiness and fear.

The alien roared and pounced on Verna.

With a grim expression, she stretched out her hand, and her fingers immediately turned into sharp claws.

"Ugly monster, I will eat you to the last drop."

As she spoke, she swung the claws in her hand and fiercely stabbed at the alien's neck.


The alien's neck was pierced by her instantly.

The corrosive blood sprayed out and sprayed onto her arm.

The strong corrosion made her groan in pain.

She kicked the dead alien away with one kick.

Frowning, she was about to check her wounds when several more aliens rushed over.

These aliens exuding a terrifying aura roared hideously and rushed towards her.

Verna, who was hesitant because of the blood of the alien, took a step back.

As a hunter in the heir family, she has rich combat experience.

Especially fighting with prey.

The next moment, she suddenly approached the alien while hiding her figure in the darkness.

As her figure approached, her hands drew sharp lines, covering the neck, head, chest and abdomen of the alien.

Compared with the attack of the alien, Verna's movements were faster, like a sudden rainstorm, coming with a surging momentum.


The sound of flesh hitting flesh rang out, and the alien was hit hard in the chest and flew out directly.

Then she grabbed the tail of another alien and punched it.

The attacked alien rolled and fell into the cabin.

At the same time, another alien had already touched Verna's back.

The alien that climbed onto the cabin beam slightly deflected its body in the air, facing Verna, and then stabbed her with its claws.

The powerful forward momentum can provide enough power for it to pounce on Verna.

Verna's vampire movements were extremely sharp, and she dodged the attack of the sneak attacking alien in an instant.

Then she picked up the metal bracket in the cabin and smashed the alien out.

After quickly dealing with several aliens, Verna walked to an alien lying on the ground and stepped on the alien's head.

Then she took out a dagger and prepared to cut off the alien's head.

However, behind her, a larger alien slowly emerged from the shadows on the wall without her noticing.

The lurking alien, whose body shape was obviously different from the previous alien, made no sound.

The alien with wider shoulder blades and a pair of vulture-like wings slowly raised its tail while Verna was harvesting the spoils.


The next second, a razor-like tail suddenly shot out from the darkness and instantly pierced Verna's heart.

She hadn't reacted yet, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and she wanted to look back.

As a result, a burst of nothingness hit her.

With a "bang", she fell heavily to the ground.

On the other side, Kahn, Zhang Parker and other Spider-Man, had already arrived at Earth 001.

With their familiarity with the Heir Castle and the device that Zhang Parker had invented before to cover up the spider's breath, the group quickly sneaked in.


Zhang Parker jumped into the hall first, followed by Kahn, Punk Spider-Man, and Ashley Barton Spider-Man.

The whole hall was silent.

Only the weaver was weaving a web in a corner of the room.

"Hey, are you the weaver?"

Punk Spider-Man came up and asked.

"Yes, I am. Life and destiny are woven by me."

The weaver did not seem surprised by the few people who sneaked in.

"I have been weaving for Solus and his successors for a long time. They forced me, enslaved me, and asked me to show them the threads of the future."

Zhang Parker looked at the weaver and took a step forward.

Kahn stared at the culprit who caused him to lose his mother and be exiled with mixed feelings.

"That kind of knowledge helped them gain dominance over all worlds."

The weaver continued, "But a small act by chance can also change the arrangement of fate."

Punk Spider-Man asked doubtfully, "So you plan to help us?"

"Yes, I know who sent you here, and I have been waiting here for a long time."

The weaver stretched out his hand, "Come on, we don't have much time."

Looking at the other party's outstretched hand, the group was all stunned.

At the same time, in the giant web behind the weaver, the silhouettes of countless worlds appeared.

Zhang Parker asked the Master of Weaving: "What are you going to do? Send us to other universes? Use these portals?"

"This is not a simple portal. The fate of all people depends on this web. The master of the entire multiverse has woven this web."

The Master of Weaving stated his purpose.

"I have been waiting for you to come. I am a slave of these tyrannical people, but a slight change in fate has occurred. I must make corrections to my fate."

He took out a scroll and handed it to Punk Spider-Man, and said to Kahn who was standing a little far away: "Kahn, this scroll contains information about others, descendants and brides. You should know that the heirs not only want to kill Spider-Man in the entire universe, they have more evil intentions."

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