Frank looked at Peter Parker who blocked his attack in shock.

On the other side, Gwen, who was pushed to the ground, wanted to stand up.

With mud on her face, she was shocked.

When did Peter become so strong?

No, he had such great strength since he pushed Josh onto the locker.

But how did he do it?

Gwen staggered to her feet and wanted to see the situation clearly.

As a result, the next second, there was a burst of air in her ears!

Frank, who had just rushed over, was instantly knocked out and then fell heavily on the burning stage.

With a "bang", a big hole was smashed in the temporary stage, and burning sparks splashed everywhere.

Before Gwen had time to breathe, a "boom" explosion resounded in the playground.

The burning electronic equipment near the stage made a deafening sound, and countless burning objects fell from the sky like meteors, igniting more lawns.

The sudden explosion shock wave rushed in all directions.

Gwen, who didn't react, felt like she was flying the next second.

She screamed and subconsciously closed her eyes.

But soon she realized something was wrong.

When she opened her eyes, Gwen found that she was not blown away by the explosion, but Peter held her and jumped to the side.

Feeling the warmth from Peter's body, Gwen was a little dazed.

At the moment she was stunned, Peter held her and moved to the wire gate of the playground.

The wire gate was tightly closed at this time, and almost all the students had fled from here, only Glory was anxiously waiting outside.

"Thank God, Gwen, you're okay."

Seeing Gwen appear at the door, Glory couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Peter, who carried Gwen here, didn't care whether Gwen agreed or not, and lifted her up to the wire gate by her buttocks.

"Get up!"

Peter, who was talking to her, patted her buttocks.

Then Gwen turned over from the inside of the door with the help of Glory.

Gwen, with a slightly red face, touched her buttocks and was about to reach out to take Peter over the door.

However, when she raised her eyes, she found that Peter had disappeared.


Gwen, who had always been a good girl, finally couldn't help swearing.

Without waiting for Gloria next to her to react, she was about to jump over the door.

But her action was soon stopped by Gloria.

"Gwen, calm down, you can't go in again!"

"Peter is still in there!"

Gloria held her hand tightly and shook her head sadly, "You and I, with our strength, we can't change anything."

"No, I don't believe it, I believe that as long as you give up something, you can change it."

Gwen gritted her teeth and said to Gloria with red eyes:

"All I can do is give up my own safety first, so that I can help Peter."

Looking at Gwen's state at this time, Gloria felt a little reluctant, but she still shook her head, "I don't want to lose my best friend, you won't have good luck every time."

"I know, but now, I can't lose him, sorry, Gloria."

Gwen broke away from Gloria's hand, grabbed the barbed wire, and prepared to climb.

But when she caught sight of a Mercedes-Benz placed in the laboratory building, she quickly came up with an idea.

Jumping down from the wire gate, Gwen ran towards the Mercedes-Benz at the fastest speed.

"Leave here, Gloria, it's not safe here."

Her voice came from far away in the night wind, leaving Gloria looking at her back with a worried look on his face.

On the other side, in the playground.

Peter stood opposite Frank.

There were only two people in the entire playground, except for the "beeping and popping" burning flames and the students lying on the ground whose lives and deaths were unknown.

Frank wiped the dust from his eyes on his forehead, and a strange red light flashed in several scarlet eyes.

"Peter Parker, I know you."

Frank, whose voice became hoarse and harsh, said to Peter: "You are the same as me, we are the same kind of people, both bullied weaklings."

"Weak? That's just you."

Peter shook his head expressionlessly, indicating that he disagreed with what the other party said.

"What are you doing now? Are you avenging them?"

Frank pointed to the corpse on the ground not far away, "I am no longer a weakling, they are weaklings, it is normal for me to kill them, just like they bullied us in the past."

"So why did you stop me, Peter?"

Facing Frank who had turned into a spider monster in front of him, Peter was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

He stomped his feet on the ground, jumped to the opposite side with a "bang", and his fists were like the claws of a beast, directly blasting the opponent out again.

"You think too much, I just want to kill you, there is no reason."

Peter has been suppressing the hunter's killing instinct generated by the alien in his body. Now seeing this high-level prey in front of him, the desire of being a high-level predator can no longer be suppressed.

As for revenge for the dead?

This idea did not even occur to him.

The genes of the alien not only affected his external physical qualities such as strength and speed, but also deeply affected his spirit.


The next second, Peter stepped on Frank's chest with both feet.

Frank suddenly burst out with strength, roared, and grabbed Peter's right foot with both hands.

The sudden force made Frank push Peter away.

He stood up at lightning speed and pounced on Peter.


The ground shook, and the burning flames were blown away.

Frank, who had great strength, knocked Peter down, opened his bloody mouth, and stabbed Peter with his fangs.

Peter, who was pinned down, stretched out his right hand to block the opponent's attack.

And his right arm was instantly covered with tough black exoskeleton-like armor.

After resisting the opponent's bite, Peter bent his knees and raised his head.

The abundant force instantly hit Frank's lower abdomen, and directly knocked the opponent backwards.


Frank's body hit the school's fire hydrant heavily.

The two nuts of the damaged fire hydrant were ejected with a "bang", and a huge stream of water gushed out of the nozzle.

The high-pressure water flow turned into a strong impact force, bombarding in all directions.

The flashing electric sparks hit the current, making a loud "bang" sound.

Peter, whose arm exoskeleton disappeared, stood there and looked at Frank who stood up slowly, frowning.

The opponent's movements were as agile and fast as a spider, and his strength was comparable to his own.

If it weren't for his rich combat experience, he would have been in a difficult battle against this mutant version of "Spider-Man".


Peter's eyes flashed coldly, and it was this high-level prey that made him start to take it seriously.

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