"That's a beautiful dress, Glory."

Gwen said to her band friend Glory, who was sitting next to her.

"I designed it myself, you know I love DIY."

Glory rubbed his feet and stood up, looking at the reveling students below in the audience, and said to Gwen: "Come down and take a walk, my feet are almost numb."

Gwen nodded and followed her down from the audience.

The two walked around a table stacked with crepe paper in the school's signature color, which also contained wine bottles with candles, flyers for the competition, and Gardener's nuts for students to eat.

"But I have to say, Gwen, you are also very beautiful and radiant today. Do you have any secrets?"

Glory stood at the table, picked up the nuts casually, and asked Gwen.

At this time, Gwen was wearing a high-waisted dress. Suitable clothes perfectly highlighted her figure.

"The secret is that I am Don McLean's secret lover."

(Don McLean, American New York folk singer.)

Gwen made a joke, picked up the game leaflet from the table, turned his attention to the football players who were warming up, and said to Glory: "I don't know if we can win today's game."

"Hi, Gwen."

While Gwen was chatting with Glory, a voice appeared behind her.

The two turned around and saw Frank appearing behind them.


Gwen knew this taciturn classmate, but in her impression, he never seemed to take the initiative to talk to her.

Frank squeezed out a smile and asked Gwen: "Can I talk to you?"


Gwen hesitated and nodded, "Of course."

She remembered that this classmate, like Peter, was often bullied by the school's thugs.

She always had a sympathetic attitude toward the victims of such school bullying.

Glory shrugged his shoulders at Gwen in an interesting manner, "You guys chat, I'll wait for you over there."

After Glory left, Gwen asked Frank: "What do we want to talk about, Frank, about studying? Maybe I can give you some advice, although I don't know if it will work."

"No, not about studying, me"

Frank had a smile on his lips and looked directly at Gwen, "I just want to say, you are beautiful today."

Gwen's high-waist dress complements her blonde hair, and she wears a simple necklace around her neck, looking full of mysterious charm.

It seems that Glory was not complimenting me. Maybe I really dressed a little maturely today.

Gwen thought to herself.

She quickly shook the messy thoughts out of her mind and thanked Frank, "Thank you."

"I haven't seen you coming to class recently. Is there something wrong?"

Gwen wanted to leave. She felt that the atmosphere was too awkward, but she felt that it would be rude to leave directly, so she randomly found a topic.

Frank was silent for a while, looking at the students celebrating by the bonfire, "I've been through some bad things."

Gwen thought he was talking about being bullied, and after thinking about it, she said, "I'm sorry, but maybe everything is in the past and we can leave the bad memories behind."

"I can't forget it."

Frank raised his head and stared at Gwen with burning eyes, "I want to say that I will not blame anyone, but that is a lie! I will blame everyone and will continue to blame. I don't want to lie in front of you now. "

Listening to the other party's somewhat crazy words, Gwen frowned, and an ominous premonition filled her heart.

She couldn't help but take two steps back.

"It's all over, it's all over now."

Frank's eyes became even more crazy as he spoke.

"I still remember the last such school event, the school spring dance. I also participated in that dance. I originally wanted to invite you to be my dance partner. That day I saw you wearing high heels, two inches taller than me. I I originally wanted to invite you, but..."

He paused and took a step closer to Gwen.

"Josh's guys from the football team tied me to the stage with some stupid prank and poured beer and juice on me. It was not a good feeling. I was like a monkey being watched. I will always remember Joe. What did Shi do to me?"

Gwen's breathing quickened, "Did you kill Josh?"

"That's just to let him get the punishment he deserves!"

Frank's voice was filled with resentment and his eyes were red.

But he quickly calmed down and exhaled, "Now, I have a different power. I can do whatever I want. This is the talent God gave me. I am the king who controls everything!"

He stepped closer to Gwen, "Gwen, you were the only one willing to help me when I was tied to the stage. You angrily scolded the group of people and untied me. From that moment on, I fell in love with you. Gwen, I love you, will you be my queen?"

Gwen looked at Frank in front of her with shocked eyes.

She knew that the guy who sent the confession letter to her mailbox was also the pervert in front of her.

"You crazy person!"

The moment Gwen finished saying this, she picked up the gondola with nuts on the table.

(Gondollari: a unique Venetian pointed boat. There are many such containers and utensils for holding fruits in the United States.)


Along with the nuts, the gondola hit Frank hard on the head.

The nut fell to the ground with a crash, but Frank, who was hit on the head, was unscathed.

He narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and pushed a palm towards Gwen.


Gwen's body jerked back and hit the table hard.

The wine bottle with the candle on the table fell to the ground with a bang, and the flames immediately spread out.

The competition flyers were set alight, and the entire lawn was covered with sparks and began to burn violently.

Gwen, who was hit on the back, felt her eyes go dark.

She tried hard to suppress the pain and keep herself awake.

The sudden change attracted the attention of everyone present.

The cheerleaders, football team members, and students in the audience all turned their attention to the two.

The entire playground fell silent.

"I have always believed in a saying: If your right eye causes you to stumble, dig it out and throw it away!"

Frank uttered these words and cast a vicious look at the members of the football team.


Gwen shouted to the still confused onlookers.


The crowd erupted in noise, and screams and shouts of terror filled the playground.

Everyone rushed towards the playground entrance.

What was originally a lively event suddenly turned into a hell that everyone was scrambling to escape from.

The flames spread along the lawn, fanned by the wind, and quickly spread around.

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