I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 140 Beautiful Teacher: What have I become to Peter?

An hour later.

The two and the alien stood in a swamp.

"This is the Ghost Swamp, which is said to have been cursed."

Helen explained to Peter calmly: "A voodoo queen once cursed here. Anyone who enters this swamp will lose himself, unless he sacrifices his soul. She will let you walk out of the swamp and let you see what you want to see in the swamp."

Peter frowned and looked at Helen, "Are you saying that we are all cursed now?"

"No, it's just a legend. Every year, people enter, but not many get lost. What I want you to see is not a legend."

Peter listened to her and looked at the swamp. He could feel that it was unusual here.

The sound of the wind whistling here was like someone laughing loudly, and then it turned into sobbing. After a moment of silence, the laughter sounded again, and then it turned into a crazy cry.

The surrounding fog surrounded the two people like a dream.

The laughter disappeared, leaving only the whistling of the wind, which could be heard but not felt.

Peter looked around and said to Helen, "It sounds like a human voice, but it should be the call of the ibises migrating south."

But soon the voice sounded again, this time on the left, and then behind him again after a while

It seemed to be right behind him, as if he would see a bloody, grinning, glowing thing if he turned around the next second.

Suddenly, the fog in the swamp lost its white light, and Peter immediately noticed that there was a face not far ahead that was looking at him with ill intentions and mumbling something.

The eyes on the face of that thing were deep-set, flashing a gray-blue light, and the mouth was grinning downwards, with the lower lip turned outward, revealing dark brown teeth that were almost rotten to the gums.

What surprised Peter was its ears, which were not ears at all, but curved horns... not like devil's horns, but ram's horns.

This scary floating face seemed to be talking, or laughing.

Its mouth was moving. Although its lower lip never returned to its normal position, the blood vessels there were beating, and the hairs in its nostrils were flapping, as if it was breathing and exhaling white air.

Peter calmed the restless "Queen" and asked Helen, "What is that?"

It looked like a zombie, but also like a demon from hell.

Although it was a bit scary to see this scene on such a terrifying night, Peter had experienced all the most horrible things, so this kind of thing would not make him feel any fear.

"Don't you want to know my past story?"

Helen stared at the monster in the distance and said to Peter, "After being adopted by the Japanese, I became their tool to revive the Hand. They hoped to gain power from the 'beast' in my body, but this existence from hell, another dimension, has more power than they expected."

"Their souls were devoured and became a kind of monster!"

As she spoke, Peter also saw the specific appearance of the monster.

The tongue on the other side's floating head stretched out, gray-yellow, long, pointed, and covered with a layer of scales.

Peter could see a scale rolled up, oozing a white worm; the tip of the tongue lazily licked the air... This thing was laughing loudly.

Helen continued: "It doesn't matter, just ignore it, as long as you don't attack it."

Peter stared at the monster, "St. Elmo's Fire?"

He had heard of such a monster, and the sailors called it Fu Guang.

This thing can make all kinds of strange shapes, but it is not scary. If you see these strange things and feel upset, just look away.

Just a few seconds after Peter was thinking, the face disappeared in the floating mist.

Helen shook her head and said to Peter: "This is not St. Elmo's Fire."

Something else came over.

Peter listened to the sound... a ruthless and approaching sound.

He rarely heard this kind of sound. It was the sound of a living thing, a huge sound, nearby, getting closer and closer.

Peter heard the sound of branches being bitten off, followed by the sound of huge feet stepping on the bushes.

The soil under his feet also trembled, and the humid air was filled with a strange, disgusting smell like stinky pork.

Whatever this thing was, it was a huge thing.

Peter raised his puzzled face and looked in the direction of the sound.

The thing walked with heavy steps, and Peter could hear the sound of trees - not branches, but whole trees being broken - falling nearby.

The "Queen" faced the darkness and prepared to pounce.

Peter controlled the other party in the sea of ​​​​mind and made it quiet.

The white mist was turned into stone gray by the body of this thing, only for a moment.

Peter saw the other party's appearance clearly. This thing was more than 60 feet tall and was an invisible ghost.

He could feel the airflow caused by the other party passing by, and could hear its heavy footsteps on the ground, and the sound of mud and water closing after the thing walked through the swamp.

For a moment, Peter saw two orange flames, flickering high above his head, like eyes.

Then the sound began to fade, and as it left, other life in the swamp began to make sounds.

The thing walked toward the north, its sound getting quieter and quieter, until it was completely inaudible.

After the ghost disappeared, Peter stroked the queen's head and said to Helen:

"Is it the Wendago ghost? A monster that wanders around the northern countryside. Legend has it that whoever it touches will turn into a man-eating monster."

He didn't expect that he would see a ghost here!

And it’s the legendary Wendigo!

Although it’s a bit unbelievable, when you think about this being the Marvel world, all the impossible become possible.

Helen looked at Peter in surprise, "Yes, you don't seem shocked or afraid."

"What should I say?"

Peter felt the white mist around him and said to Helen:

"That those things were abbeys, St. Elmo's fire, Yankee pen cattle in upstate New York, whatever jumping, crawling, gliding or waddling creatures there are in the world?

There is God in this world, there is Sunday morning, and there are Anglican priests in white robes, so it is not impossible that there are these dark and terrifying things appearing at night in the universe. "

"You are really different, Peter."

Helen looked at her surroundings.

There are many trees around that are broken or bitten off. The fractures are new, and there is yellowish-white sap flowing out of them.

She said to Peter: "Some people from the Hand tried to gain the power from my body. As a result, their souls were extracted. After their bodies were possessed by evil spirits, they would become ghosts like Wendigo. The Wendy wandering here Ge is a person possessed by evil spirits.”

There was a trace of pain in her eyes, "So they imprisoned me until I could control my power. In a few years, or decades, it would be enough to turn someone into a walking zombie."

Peter was silent for a moment and said to her, "But you didn't become a monster."

"Yes, I was later released and became a senior member of the Hand. Even though I had status, I was just a tool in their eyes."

Helen glanced at the Queen Alien, "What I hope for is not a long life, but a short meaning of life, the meaning of existing for myself."

"This is the story of the past."

Helen turned and walked out of the swamp, and reminded Peter: "I have seen many monsters and ghosts like Wendigo in the past. Remember this place in the future, and be careful not to be eaten by them."

Peter shook his head and led the queen out of the swamp.

"As for the existence of magic, I always believe that since magic and witches exist, ghosts are not impossible."

After all, the first Marvel superhero he knew in this world was the magician Doctor Strange.

It seems that this guy once summoned a creature of the Ke type.

Compared to those Cthulhu creatures that make people lose their SAN value, the Wendigo ghost in front of them does not seem to be a scary creature.

A smile appeared on Helen's lips and she looked at Peter.

But her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the reflection in the swamp.

It didn't seem to be him or Peter.

Helen looked at the reflection in confusion.

I found that it seemed to be a moving picture.

In the picture, he and Peter were standing in a ruined city.

The two of them stood on a high platform, with burning fire rising into the sky in the distance, and the burning Statue of Liberty falling to the ground.

Countless black queen-like aliens gathered together and converged towards the two people's location like a violent current.

And he and Peter, like queens and kings accepting worship, were surrounded by aliens.

It was as if the whole city and the whole world were crawling at the feet of the two of them.

"How are you?"

She was suddenly interrupted by Peter, and the scene in the swamp disappeared instantly.

Shocked, Helen raised her head and looked at Peter.

"Did you see that? It's right there!"


Peter looked in the direction she pointed and shook his head, "No."

Helen's heart was filled with turmoil.

What is that?

Himself and Peter. Are those two people in the future?

She suddenly remembered the legend in this swamp,

Legend has it that anyone who enters this swamp will lose himself unless he sacrifices his soul. She will let you out of the swamp and let you see what you want to see in the swamp.

I saw what I wanted to see without getting lost or giving up my soul? !

Is that really your future self?

What have become of myself and Peter? !

“I’m now a ruthless drum beater!”

Gwen had been practicing all afternoon and her hands were extremely sore.

In order to participate in Black Cat's performance, I practiced with the band members.

There wasn't even time for a date with Peter.

If he talks like this, will it make the relationship between the two of them weaker?

If a woman like Black Cat were to take advantage of her, she would never be able to accept it.

She suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

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