I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 138 You are not my type, the vampire princess's rejection

The vampire girl said, throwing the earthworms on the earth wall on the side of the tomb.

"I'm feeling cold right now, Collins."

The Vampire Queen did not directly lift the other half of the cover covering the monster's body, but a cold feeling returned to her body.

"Have you thought of something bad? Miss."

"Maybe, the experience on the spaceship was not a good one."

At this time, she felt like an astronaut who had just gotten off the spacecraft, floating in the vast dark space.

"Maybe Krikalev feels the same way I do."

(Soviet cosmonauts set a world record for the length of time they stayed in space after landing after the collapse of the Soviet Union - 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes.)

"Hopefully no one will be here at this time."

The Vampire Queen muttered and prepared to take action.

Butler Collins said to her: "No, there won't be anyone at this time."

"Why not?"

"Because this is the off-season for death."

“Does death also have off-season and peak season?”

"Of course."

The housekeeper said seriously: "There is a balance in human death. Sometimes many people will die. If not many people die in May, then there will definitely be many people dying in November, but people will die around Christmas." Not many, because people were happy at that time and wanted to live, so they did survive.”

"Hmm, it's almost Christmas."

Collins continued: "But in February there's going to be a lot more deaths because older people are getting the flu, they're getting pneumonia, people are having heart attacks, they're getting kidney failure, you know, February is the worst month. , people are tired.”

It was the first time for Vampire Queen to hear such a statement and she felt very strange. She asked the housekeeper: "What about the other months?"

"Although February is the worst, and for some reason it's the same in June and October, it's never like that in August, where very few people die unless a gas explodes or a car falls off a bridge. Other than death in an accident.”

The Vampire Queen nodded, "It's a very enlightening pattern. If it were me, I would hope to die in August, because lying in bed alone and tortured to death by illness is meaningless. I would rather be in the battle with dark creatures. , died unexpectedly but not unexpectedly.”

While speaking to Collins, the Vampire Queen took a deep breath and lifted the cover covering it.

The alien corpse that hatched into bones suddenly appeared in front of her.

She counted the bodies and found one missing.

"The worst has happened, there's one less monster in the population."

The Vampire Queen stood up, frowned and said to Collins on the other end of the headset: "Maybe it was this fish that slipped through the net and escaped and hid in the city."

"But are you sure? Miss."

Collins asked her again.

"Of course, I won't remember the number wrong. After all, my memory is not that bad."

"No, I mean maybe the monster in the state park didn't come from here. Maybe the monster in the spaceship carrier escaped."

The Vampire Queen shook her head and said: "Impossible, that mothership disappeared without a trace. Could it be that it can travel through time and space and enter another world?"

"Miss Vampire Princess?"

Tony Stark's voice interrupted the Vampire Queen's meditation.

It was early morning the next day, and the two were talking in the Vampire Princess' manor.

The Vampire Princess has little interest in this rich second generation playboy.

She prefers men who are strong and powerful.

The thin guy in front of him, who didn't seem to have much strength, was not the one he was interested in.

But Tony didn't seem to think so and straightened his tie.

He had to admit that he was attracted by the girl in front of him who exuded the charm of a mysterious mature woman.

Staring intently at the woman in front of him, Tony found that his resistance to women had become much stronger.

After all, I have seen this kind of woman before, and other women also have considerable antibodies.

Seeing the other party in a daze, he couldn't help but said to the other party: "Is Miss Vampire Ji thinking about something? Maybe I can help."

He is not shy about showing his energy to others.

"No, I was just thinking about what you asked me just now."

Just now Tony asked her about the ancient history of the vampire clan.

She is just a vampire from another planet, how can she understand the history of vampire development on Earth?

Perhaps the best choice for this guy is to ask the Blade Warriors.

Although she complained like this in her heart, she did not show it directly.

According to Collins, she now needs to maintain a persona that is friendly and kind to humans.

In her understanding, kindness means that it is best not to show the bad thoughts in your heart on your face.

“About the creature that killed werewolves in Bear Mountain”

Then Tony Stark told her about the murals he saw in the underground ruins.

I heard the other party tell about humans worshiping things like spaceships that came to the earth, and creatures escaping from the spaceships, and vampires fighting against alien creatures.

The Vampire Queen was in shock.

Could it be said that I was really right? !

That spaceship mothership slipped into a rift in time and space during its descent to the earth, and flew to the earth tens of millions of years ago?

In other words, although he arrived on Earth almost at the same time as the spaceship mothership.

But he came to New York in the 21st century.

That spaceship brought a group of aliens to the United States thousands of years ago?

What is this?

Time travel? !

At this time, she was completely in a state of sluggishness.

"Miss Vampire Princess?"

Tony looked at the other person and asked, "Have you really never heard of a similar story?"


The vampire queen recovered from the shock and said to Tony: "The vampires on earth and I did not originate from the same ethnic group. Maybe they have their own development and origin, but I can recommend someone to you."


"He is very mysterious. Few people know his whereabouts. Some call him Sunwalker, and some call him Blade."

The vampire girl smiled politely at the other party, "He has been dealing with vampires longer than me, or..."

She paused and continued to say to Tony: "Or you can find Spider-Man. He is the most mysterious guy in the city and knows a lot of secrets. Of course, that is if you can find him."

When Vampire mentioned Spider-Man, Tony's face became very unhappy.

This bastard just let himself go last time!

"I will, thank you for your help, Miss Vampire Ji."

Tony adjusted his mood and said to her: "There happens to be a dinner party tonight, can I invite you to it?"

He still couldn't hold back and wanted to get closer to this woman who gave him a special feeling.

"Sorry, I have an appointment tonight."

The vampire girl refused him without hesitation.

On the other side, Peter was worried about the Vampire and unhappy with Tony.

At this time, he was holding the lottery ticket in his hand and looking at the numbers that were about to be drawn.

If he followed Reed's algorithm, he would earn more than ten million dollars today.

He raised his head and looked at the winning numbers on the screen.

What expression should I show when I win a lottery for the first time in my life?

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