Tony Stark looked at the masked terrorist lying on the ground.

After a while, he pushed his sunglasses and looked at Spider-Man standing not far away.

Although he wanted to thank the "Spider-Kid" in his eyes, he felt that he had to be reserved.

Superheroes and such were a little far from him.

But this guy saved him, maybe he could give him some compensation.

Ask him what he needs or what he wants.

If he asks, he will probably not refuse.

Of course, the premise is that he can do it.

With this idea in mind, he walked towards Peter.

But the development of things was somewhat unexpected.

Just as he walked in front of Spider-Man and was about to speak, Peter saw Tony's face appear in front of him, and without waiting for the other party to speak, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Compared with Tony Stark, he still likes Iron Man more.

"Hey, I'm Tony Stark, Spider-Man, can we chat?"

Seeing Peter leave, Tony quickly reached out to greet him.

"Okay, you go upstairs and wait for me."

Peter pointed to the roof of the airport, then bent his legs slightly, jumped forward and left the place, disappearing into the waiting hall of the airport.

Gwen glanced at Tony and hurried out.

Now the crowd was getting bigger and bigger, and the airport police had arrived.

Although I really wanted to know the identities of these terrorists, it was not suitable to stay here now.

On the highway, in the speeding car, Crandall was talking to the headquarters of SHIELD.

Sitting in the co-pilot next to him was the person he was protecting-Cindy Moon.

Through the headquarters, Crandall had already learned that all the airport terrorists were subdued by Spider-Man.

"Things are finally under effective control."

Crandall hung up the call and turned to Cindy next to him.

Cindy certainly knew the result.

Originally, this attack was not aimed at anyone.

This was just a stage she built.

Her original plan was to let Gwen perform on stage, but in the end it was Spider-Man who appeared.

As for attacking Tony Stark, she had no such plan at all.

It's just that this guy happened to appear at the airport today, so he was set as a kidnapping target.

In this way, these "terrorists" became kidnappers who tried to kidnap well-known wealthy people.

The police will target the investigation in this direction, and of course nothing will be found.

"That's really good news."

Cindy looked up and looked at the scenery flashing outside the glass, and said absent-mindedly.

Although Gwen did not go on stage, she also collected Spider-Man's data, which was the only one that was not so bad among a bunch of bad results.

She took off the headset that had been worn on her ear from her right ear.

The extremely concealed communication headset covered by her hair was a tool for her to communicate with members of the organization.

"How is the young man?"

Crandall asked Cindy.

When he drove over, the young man lying on the ground had been taken away on a stretcher, so he didn't know the other party's final outcome.

"He's dead."

Cindy replied to him calmly.

Crandall felt a little heavy when he heard the news.

Although he knew that this was the normal situation, he was still in an unusually bad mood.

For Tony Stark, today was the worst day.

In order to wait for Spider-Man, he ended up blowing cold wind on the roof for two hours in vain.

Not to mention Spider-Man, he didn't even see Spider-Man's hair.

The most important thing is that he even missed his flight.

Although the airport was attacked by terrorists and the flight was delayed, he might not continue to take the passenger plane even if he didn't blow the wind on the roof.

But he was still very unhappy.

"He's such a bastard!"

Tony, who felt that his enthusiasm was completely fooled, vowed to make this Spider-Man pay the price.

He would tear off his mask to see if his face was full of cunning.


Touching his chin beard, he suddenly felt that this scene was familiar.

Have you done something similar?

Let an admirer of yours wait for you on the roof, but you broke the appointment like Spider-Man today?

He tried to recall the name of that person.

But because such things seemed too common to him, he couldn't recall the specific details at all.

He was recalling what he had done in the past when his cell phone suddenly rang.

After pressing the call button, he said to Obaday on the other end: "Yes, I'm late again, but it's not entirely my fault."

"I know, just let the people from Valen Mining Company wait. After all, I have been in the cold wind for two hours, and they are still waiting in the office with hot air conditioning. Also, find out the origins of those terrorists as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Tony put on sunglasses and walked towards the private plane parked in the airport.

After experiencing the terrorist attack, he no longer dared to take a passenger plane.

In the cafe, Peter and Gwen sat near the window and watched the police cars outside flash quickly.

Gwen looked up at the airport in the distance and said to Peter: "I wonder if the police can interrogate the origins of these terrorists."

"It's difficult."


"Because they are all dead."

Peter picked up the coffee, which was a bit bitter to him, and said, "Don't look at me like that, Gwen. It's not me. They solved themselves, just like those vampires that can decompose. They swallowed the lethal potion themselves."

Gwen nodded. She felt that this group of terrorists were obviously going to Tony Stark.

These people in the airport were all unprovoked.

Just when she wanted to say something, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Gwen took out her cell phone and found that it was Harry calling her.

After answering the call, she heard Harry's anxious voice.

"Gwen, are you and Peter okay? I heard that something happened at the airport just after I got off the plane!"

"I'm fine, Peter is fine too. The airport had an accident after we left."

Gwen explained to Harry with an excuse she had already thought of.

After saying a few words and hanging up the phone, Gwen said to Peter in frustration: "I'm now a liar."

Peter stirred the sugar cubes with a spoon, hoping that the sugar would dissolve in the coffee.

He said to Gwen: "This is normal. Wearing a mask means you have to live with two identities. If you can't switch back and forth at any time, you will get yourself into trouble."

"But wearing a mask is really tiring."

Gwen couldn't help but confide her emotions to Peter, "I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing to Harry, although I can only do this."

Without waiting for Peter to speak, Gwen continued: "Okay, I'm just complaining. Let's get back to our purpose. Peter, how did you and Teacher Helen know each other?"

Facing Gwen's curious and scrutinizing eyes, Peter was silent.

He tried to make up a lie that was not easy to be exposed.

. . . . . .

On the other side.

When the miserable Tony rushed to the headquarters of Valen Mining, he was suddenly informed of an important news.

Valen Mining found something unusual under the newly discovered open-pit copper mine.

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