I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 105 Gwen also wants to try the new uniform


Gwen put her feet in the alley and soon discovered the source of the smell of blood.

Under the dim street light, a woman was lying on the ground.

Gwen quickly rushed to the other party's side and checked the other party's condition.

The strong smell of blood filled the air.

The opponent's neck was covered with blood, as if it had been torn open by a wild beast. The blood flowed down the neck to the ground and spread quickly.

The woman seemed to be still conscious, breathing rapidly, and turned her pleading eyes to Gwen.

She wanted to speak, but because her throat was torn open, she couldn't utter any complete words at all and could only make indistinct sounds.

Gwen leaned down to help the other person.

But she was so confused that she didn't know what to do.

In a panic, she searched for something to try to stop the other person's bleeding.

But just as she was looking for tools to stop the bleeding, the woman made a dull and indistinct sound, closed her eyes and lost the breath of life.

"She's dead."

Peter didn't know when he stood next to Gwen and said to her.

He glanced down at the woman's body.

There was massive bleeding in the neck area, the throat was directly torn, blood spurted out, and he died of shock.

Vampire? !

He speculates on the identity of the murderer.

On the other side, Gwen stood up blankly and looked at Peter.

It all happened so fast that she hadn't reacted yet.


A shadow suddenly flashed not far away from the two of them.

Gwen, who thought the other party was the murderer, immediately ran after him.

During the pursuit, she did not forget to put on her mask.


Gritting his teeth and shooting out the spider silk, Gwen chased the opponent as fast as possible.

Spider silk shot out from her wrist and swayed between tall buildings.

With a "bang" sound, the spider silk from Gwen's wrist shot towards the opponent's back.

The black shadow seemed to have eyes behind it, and it rolled over on the rooftop of the high-rise building to avoid it.


Gwen's feet hit the ground heavily, and when she was about to continue taking action, Peter suddenly appeared in front of the escaping black figure.

The powerful and heavy fist suddenly hit the opponent's face.

Suddenly suffering such a heavy blow, the black shadow was directly hit to the ground.

Blood sprayed into the air, and the smell of blood that smelled extremely fishy to Peter quickly spread.

With a "boom", Peter stepped on the other person's chest, stomping on the other person's chest so that he could not move.

Gwen quickly rushed to Peter's side, casting an angry look at the guy on the ground.

The other person was wearing a black hood, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He had a hideous appearance, his face was distorted, and his exposed bald head was covered with strong pimples.

"Who are you?!"

Gwen asked the other party sternly: "Did you kill that woman?"

The bald man didn't answer Gwen's question. Peter stepped on his chest, and he showed a painful expression.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Peter continued to increase his strength and kicked him to the mouth at the same time.

After being hit hard, he couldn't help but open his mouth, revealing the two fangs inside.


Looking at the teeth in the other person's mouth, Peter frowned.

Gwen was slightly startled when she heard Peter say that the other party was a vampire.

This was her first time seeing a vampire.

Casting suspicious eyes on the guy lying on the ground, Gwen was a little confused.

Are vampires so weak?

Or is Peter just too strong?

He was knocked down by Peter in just a few seconds!

"Why did you kill that woman?"

Peter's question interrupted Gwen's thinking.

"We will kill you and the whole world! Soon the whole world will be occupied by us!"

He gritted his teeth and forced the words out of his mouth with all his strength.

Peter looked down at him and moved closer to him, his eyes flashing with no emotion, "Then how are you going to do it? I'm curious."


As soon as Peter finished speaking, the other party gritted his teeth and made a painful expression.

He gritted his teeth and pressed his head tightly against the ground, as if enduring great pain.

Gwen noticed something was wrong with the other party and took a step back, "What's wrong with him?"

"have no idea."

Peter shook his head, now taking his feet off the other man's chest.

"Uh-huh. Ahhh!"

Screaming, blood continued to flow from the corners of the mouth of the man lying on the ground, and his body was melting.

As if being illuminated by sunlight, a viscous liquid was born from his body and then corroded his body.

Boiling bubbles were born and then burst on his body. As he screamed, the air was immediately filled with a fishy smell.

Startled, Gwen took another step back.

She had never seen such a strange phenomenon before.

Within a few minutes, the other party was completely decomposed.

After the other party was completely turned into ashes, Peter squatted down, stretched out his hand and touched the sticky substance on the ground.

"why is that?"

Gwen swallowed nervously and asked Peter, "Why is his body melting?"

"It seemed like there was something in his body that caused him to decompose himself."

Peter frowned and looked at the distant night sky.

He was even more concerned about what the other party had just said.

Take over the world?

Even though he has an alien embryo in his body, he doesn't talk about taking over the world.

Why does this vampire dare to say this?

"This is really unbelievable. He was not exposed to the sun at all, nor was he sprayed with holy water or anything like that, yet he was actually decomposed!"

Gwen had a shocked expression on her face.

"Do you think all vampires are as written in the books?"

The black exoskeleton on Peter's arm quickly twisted to remove the contaminated substances.

Then he came over to Gwen and patted her on the head.

"Let's go, the smell here is not pleasant."


The black and white figure landed on the rooftop. Gwen, dressed as Spider Woman, did not take the subway home, but chose to swing back with spider silk.

Though dinner is interrupted by a decomposing vampire.

But the two still had a nice dinner.

I like spaghetti or soba noodles, although the buckwheat in this restaurant is not very good to my taste.


Standing on the rooftop, Gwen was still thinking about today's events.

From the morning when Peter told the sexy woman that she was a vampire to the night when he saw the vampire being decomposed, it was really an extraordinary day.

Leaning against the edge of the rooftop, Gwen took out her phone and wanted to take another look at the popular photo of the vampire girl.

The moment she took out her phone, she heard footsteps.

Gwen quickly put her phone into her pocket.

"Are you Spider-Woman?!"

A short and fat woman saw Gwen on the top of the building, and her eyes immediately lit up.


"Can you do me a favor? I lost my bag and I can't get into the room without the key."

The woman made a request to Gwen, "I'm glad to meet you here. I heard that you have been around this area a lot lately."

Gwen was a little overwhelmed by the woman's enthusiasm. She tentatively said to the woman:

"Maybe you can try asking the police. After all, this is the job of the police, not a superhero."

"We are subletting illegally and the police will evict us."

"Uh okay."

Gwen finally agreed to the other party's request.

"I bet that never happens to Peter."

She couldn't help complaining in her mind: Why did she always encounter this kind of thing, while Peter always encountered "vampires" and the like?

It seemed like he should stay with Peter more often.

What Peter encountered was always better than himself.

Half an hour later.

Gwen jumped from the roof of the building to the rooftop of her house.

She took off her mask, put on regular clothes, opened the door outside and entered.

At this time, George Stacey was still at the police station and had not returned, so Gwen did not have to worry about being discovered.

Turning on the living room light, Gwen threw herself into the sofa.

She rubbed her brows to let her mind relax for a few minutes, and then she stood up.

Taking out the spider uniform from her schoolbag, she was going to put it in the washing machine to wash it.

"Maybe I could ask Peter to make me a new one."

By some strange coincidence, Gwen thought of the picture of the Vampire Princess again in her mind.

Maybe Peter likes that?

But what would Peter do if he really changed his spider uniform to that?

She didn't have the courage to go out on the street wearing such clothes.


The washing machine started spinning, and Gwen couldn't help but think wildly.

So much so that when I go to bed, the vampire girl and the decomposed vampire are still in my mind.

The next day.

A suburban estate in New York.

The sound of "bang bang" fists and sandbags hitting each other was heard.

Vanessa wore boxing gloves and kept beating the sandbag.

Although his figure didn't look like he had explosive muscles, every punch made a dull explosion from the sandbag.

Possessing a powerful body, she is not only unmatched in terms of speed, but also has extraordinary strength.

After punching the sandbag, she went aside to rest.

Although this didn't fully satisfy her, it was one of the few ways she could vent her energy.

Taking out her tablet, she turned to the news that had made her a popular figure on the Internet.

She is basically a novice on the Internet, and it was Collins who only recently taught her how to surf the Internet.

Looking at the more popular news, she fell into doubts.

Why can’t I understand the many comments on the news? !

Is it true, as Collins said, that the Internet is a completely different world from reality?

More complex and dangerous than the real world?

But even so, as the daughter of darkness, she is not afraid at all.

After all, he had fought Count Dracula and encountered swamp monsters from hell.

I survived every time.

Wiping the sweat from her face, she hadn't put down the towel yet.

The cell phone rang, and the housekeeper Collins called her again.

"Miss, good news and bad news."

"What's the good news?"

"You have occupied the blog yesterday and become the most popular person."

"Okay, what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that some of our acquaintances already know it's you, and I've received a lot of emails today asking if you're ready to appear."

Vambina frowned, "What's the point of appearing on stage? Going on stage to tell the world that I am the Vampire Princess, the daughter of an evil monster?"

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